“The Midnight Zone" by Lauren Groff is a short story told by a mother in the first person. It’s about her and her two kids and is set on abandoned hunting grounds. They live peacefully in a cabin until a storm comes around and she has a near death out-of-body experience, and the story ends when her husband comes to the camp and saves her. To understand what being human is like, the alien needs to read “The Midnight Zone” by Lauren Groff because it shows that humans have an innate sense of responsibility, that they feel intense emotions that trigger them to perform certain actions and that human life is often unpredictable and sometimes unbelievable. It also shows what motherhood feels like.
Firstly, this short story shows us in many ways…show more content… Just in the beginning, the reader could identify two responsible things: one, the family brings a synthesized sample of a super predator’s urine and spreads it around the camp to scare off the panther and two, the dad departs to take care of the property(ies) he owns. The second might seem like an irresponsible action because he is leaving the mother alone with the kids, but he knows that he cannot leave the building to perish on its own, just like how one knows that one should always attend class: it is pressed into our brains that that is the right thing to do. Owning property isn’t easy to come by, meaning he had to have worked hard for it. The responsible thing to do would be to make sure all of it doesn’t go down for a silly problem, which is a no-brainer for him. He immediately tells his wife he has to go, but promises he will be back. Responsibility after responsibility. After this event, in the story, the mom plays with her kids and takes care of them. She tells the reader how much she loves them and cares for them (148). She plays soccer with them among other various outdoor activities, then she ends up making dinner for them and they go to bed. This shows at what extent mothers go to make their kids