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Submitted By aphillips1330
Words 969
Pages 4
RLCT- Task 1

John McKay published an article in The Seattle Times titled: “Marijuana’s true potency and why the law should change.” In the first few paragraphs of the article you can clearly understand the author’s standpoint regarding the aspects of the consequences of allowing an illegal narcotic in to the mainstream public. As McKay blatantly stated in his article, “I DON’T smoke pot. And I pretty much think people who do are idiots“, there is no question as to what the intent of this article is, and the audience and demographic he is targeting, (McKay, 2010).
While evaluating this article, I can see McKay’s individual subjectivity. Specifically in the paragraph: “Congress had failed to recognize what many already know about our policy of criminal prohibition of marijuana – it has utterly failed,” (McKay, 2010). Has congress really failed? Depending on whom you are and what your background is, an individual may robustly resist McKay’s view point. Furthermore, in the same paragraph he maps out the ramifications and chain reactions from allowing what some may deem a minor drug but, should be considered more of gateway allowing ease of access to other, more hazardous narcotics. In essence, allowing the government’s involvement of illegal drug operations. From the view of a person that may be in employment with the F.B.I. or Police Department, a federal agent may see copious victories with each drug trafficker that is brought to justice; each case could be considered an accomplishment, not a failure. However, because a law has been beneficial for certain situations in the past, does not ascertain that it will work for our society in present day.
McKay, a former prosecutor for a large distributor of marijuana and former federal law enforcement officer, he has been able to witness what the penalties are in this area of law enforcement; but are we certain that this is how all local law enforcement views this issue? Do city and state law departments indeed share the same viewpoint? McKay demands that change is necessary. Throughout the entire article he speaks of change… but what precisely needs to be amended? Who needs is it that needs to change? McKay fails to provide any alternatives or insight on what or how this issue can change for the better of the community.
However, McKay does offer firsthand experience, with the prosecution in opposition to the use of marijuana. His specific points can be viewed as valid and changes probably need to occur, but he needs to present key points that aid in finding a solution, not just criticism and condemnation.

The impact my personal subjectivity may vary from subject to subject in a classroom setting. For example, in literature it would be simple to put in point of view and opinion. In literature, there can be different interpretations for dissimilar types of texts. It would be easier said than done to put in personal subjectivity in mathematics because it is stringently fact based and generally unbiased.
If I have personal subjectivity among the students in my classroom, I can choose to have a positive or negative impact on the students. Unmistakably, from my point of view, it will always appear positive, but that doesn’t inevitably mean the student’s or their parents will share the same viewpoints. Rather, an issue that is more likely to happen is my personal subjectivity regarding the use of drugs or alcohol. My personal opinion is that recreational drugs should remain illegal and alcohol should never be consumed in excess. The key word of that statement I use is never. Some parents may believe that once their children reach the legal drinking age to consume alcohol that moderate alcohol consumption is permissible. Most would argue that it is a rite of passage and sociably acceptable. Would a parent become offended if I tell their children that it’s constantly unacceptable and in poor behavior, even when a parent feels at a certain age it is satisfactory? Personal subjectivity could even affect how and even which students learn better in the classroom. At all times the main goal should be to strive to be fair in grading. It presents the option that I may be more lenient with grading or accepting late work if I find that a particular student is more pleasant to work with than another? As a teacher I will need to be self-conscious and consistent about equality amongst all students; one should not have favorites. It will be difficult to keep an equal playing field for all of my students, but I’m confident I will prevail. Personal subjectivity cannot be entirely removed from teaching, and some bias is good, a teacher needs to have standard for quality, equality and have a firm belief in what is being taught to the students in the classroom. An ideal way of mediating my own bias while teaching in the classroom would be to adhere to the designated and approved curriculum provided by the districts and boards of education. A curriculum is set by the state government in regards to what can be taught to the students and is a guideline to what standpoint an educator should take regarding the lesson plan. But, what if there comes a time where I disagree with the set curriculum? The first, thing I would do is talk to another teacher/coworker to see what their opinion is on teaching that part of the curriculum. After talking to other coworkers and administrators and I’m still concerned or conflicted about teaching that subject, I may just have to teach the lesson to the best of my abilities and move on. Resources

McKay, J. (2010, September 03). Marijuana’s true potency and why the law should change.
The Seattle Times. Retrieved from

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