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Leagl Aspects of Performance Management


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CFR › Title 5 › Chapter I › Subchapter B › Part 430 › Subpart A › Section 430.102
5 CFR 430.102 - Performance management.

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§ 430.102 Performance management.
(a) Performance management is the systematic process by which an agency involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals.
(b) Performance management integrates the processes an agency uses to—
(1) Communicate and clarify organizational goals to employees;
(2) Identify individual and, where applicable, team accountability for accomplishing organizational goals;
(3) Identify and address developmental needs for individuals and, where applicable, teams;
(4) Assess and improve individual, team, and organizational performance;
(5) Use appropriate measures of performance as the basis for recognizing and rewarding accomplishments; and
(6) Use the results of performance appraisal as a basis for appropriate personnel actions.
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(d) The owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, or master of a vessel seeking clearance from a port of the United States shall present the agreement required by section 10302 of this title at the office of clearance.








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