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Learning Style


Submitted By StephaJ
Words 775
Pages 4
My Learning Style Learning styles are part of a mental map that when dissected and analyzed, will help people to understand their learning anatomy, and hopefully will guide their future learning experiences to make the best use of their big and strong learning musculature. To start, the learning analysis and this writer learning styles and strategies will be introduced. Second, a comparison of my own and Vark’s analysis of strategies will be presented, and finally, an assessment of changes on study habits for this writer will be offered.

First, our focus here will be the Styles included on the VARK analysis which questions are focus on the way we take-in and give-out information. These Learning styles are Visual, Aural, Red/Write, and Kinesthetic.
My learning style is Multimodal (three model) with strongest points on the visual mode which was 12, kinesthetic 10, read/write 10, and Aural 4. As seen by the numbers, none of the three styles stands out. Translating this, it might take longer for this writer to feel confident about the understanding and retaining of the information because involves not only seen something, but , getting examples, pictures about it, writing about it and also having some practice or hands-on, that help to get the best of the learning endeavor. However this allows for flexibility of choosing the best styles for the specific learning experience. Definitely Aural learning style is not a great part of this student learning anatomy because she gets easily distracted, her attention span when people is talking is very short and unproductive, since distraction possess this writer. My Preferred learning strategy is to identify similarities and differences by classifying and making analogies, another strategy might be the use of Non-linguistic representations, as for example; graphic organizers, pictographic representations, mental images,

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