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Ledford Marching Band Analysis

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I began high school band in 8th grade. I had played flute for about four years, but it was quite a change for a musician who could barely read rhythms at a 6th grade level. While at first I had thought they would put me with the other flute players because that is what I had known for the last three years, but they did the complete opposite! For the 2014-2015 marching season, I was in Ledford Marching band’s front ensemble. The front ensemble was filled with the most ridiculously talented people. There were people who had played percussion for over eight years, there were people would later go to audition for all-state, and people who marched for national drum corps! I learned many rules my 8th grade year being in the front ensemble. The first thing that I learned was: you’re never alone. Dalton Craven taught me this rule when I was supposed to bring in seven percussion items outside by myself. While you’re …show more content…
I have taken many roles in the Ledford’s band. I am the principal player of the flute section, librarian, section leader, and woodwind captain. These roles vary from helping Mr. Gibson organize over 130 copies of music to leading the flute section as sitting as the first chair in the Wind Ensemble. From taking these leadership positions on, I learned responsibility. Over the four years in Ledford’s band program, my ideas of responsibility changed drastically. Many people look at leadership positions as a task, I now look at them as an opportunity. In the fall of my senior year, I was librarian, section leader of the flute section, and woodwind captain. In the spring of senior year, I was principal player of the flute section, first chair flautist of Davidson County, and first chair of the north western district out of 150 other flautists. From these leadership positions, I learned time management, how to be a leader, and most importantly, how to be a

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