...LET1 Task 3 The five bases of power are defined as the following. Legitimate power is the ability to influence the behavior of another person based on the title or position held in an organization or hierarchy. Reward power is the ability to influence the behavior of another person based on giving rewards or benefits that others view as desirable or valuable. Coercive power is the ability to influence the behavior of another person based on being able to harm or punish the person. Expert power is the ability to influence the behavior of another person based on knowledge or qualifications held that another person does not have. Referent power is the ability to influence the behavior of another person based on having a desirable character or other personal traits. In the given scenario the Legitimate Power is described in the relationship between the Marketing Manager and Employee 1. The Marketing Manager is the boss of the department that Employee 1 is a part of. The Market Manager also has Reward and Coercive Power over Employee 1. Employee 1 performs his job and stays for longer than 40 hours per week in order to receive a high performance rating from the Marketing Manager. The high performance rating allows Employee 1 to receive a bonus. The Marketing Manager also has Coercive Power in the relationship with Employee 1. If Employee 1 does not receive the bonus, Employee 1 will not be able to afford the vacation that Employee 1 wishes to take. In the given scenario Employee...
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...LET1 Task 3 (317.1.5.10) Organizational Behavior& Leadership Power and Politics Some would say that power and greed are two sides of the same coin. In this essay we will review the use and type of power in the scenario provided. We will also define the basic types of power. Five bases of power demonstrated Legitimate power (Formal): Is derived from a person’s position in an organization. A person’s level of legitimate power is directly linked to their ability to coerce or reward others. Legitimate power is demonstrated in two areas within this scenario. First, within the CEO corporate mission statement, we see it again in the CEO’s overall hiring practices. Legitimate power was also used in conjunction with reward power by the marketing manager. The marketing manager;s position gives them the legitimate power to influence their employees’ rewards. Coercive power: A person’s ability to impact negative results from failing to comply. Within the scenario, coercive power was demonstrated by the certified public accountant CPA, (employee number two). As the only employee with the skill to do the job and the task having linked to company regularity requirements, employee number two used coercive power to move to a four day work week. Reward power (opposite of coercive power): positive benefits; person’s ability to distribute rewards that others people or groups may view as valuable. This can be financial or nonfinancial. Reward power is demonstrated within the scenario...
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...Organizational Behavior & Leadership Five Bases of Power – Task 3 Within an organization leaders and managers use their power in order for their employees toreach the organization’s goals. There are five bases of power which can be broken down intotwo groups: formal power and personal power. Along with the five bases of power there is alsothe power of dependency which states that Employee B depends on Employee A if Employee Bhas goals and needs that Employee A can fulfill. Dependency can be increased when theresources that are being controlled are important, scarce and non-substitutable. Formal Power A formal power is based on an employee’s position within the organization. Coercive Power – A coercive power requires forcing an employee to do something thatthey do no want to do. This power can cause an unhealthy behavior and employeedissatisfaction in the workplace. The most common threat is the threat of being demotedor fired. Although the most common threats are being demoted or fired the marketingmanager also uses a coercive power when they tell the employees that their yearlyevaluation and bonus can be effected if they do not work over the required 40-hour work week. Employee 1 needs to work the extra hours so that they can achieve the yearly bonus and take a vacation that would not be affordable without the end of the year bonus. Reward Power – A reward power is when the leader uses their ability to administer or remove something that an employee desires. This...
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...component of the theory, expectancy behavior, is built by process that an individual undergoes to make choices. This theory is used by leadership and managers to understand how individuals are motivated and how they will respond to rewards closely tied to the task given. This is proposal is understood to be an individual’s understanding of how their efforts lead to a given performance level. Identified in the theory is the belief that more effort put into a task or objective leads to better performance. Therefore, effort leads to performance or (EP). This is closely tied to the individual’s belief that they can perform a given task (self-efficacy), whether they believe the task is obtainable, and the individual can control the goal or performance. The theory highlights the need for the organization to relate rewards directly to performance and ensure the rewards provided are deserved and wanted by the individuals. If the result of a strong effort is a good or exceptional performance the result of a good performance should be the given outcome, (P O). The outcome should be a reward tied closely to the task and performance. A reward that is tied significantly to the performance will motivate the effort to accomplish that task and individuals efforts. Another key component of the theory is valence. This refers to how much value the individual places on the reward. V [R]. The reward should be tied to the outcome, with a perceived value by the individuals, or performance will not put...
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...Corporation A was created in 1989 and like most corporations is comprised of individuals from different backgrounds and values which allows for different characters to emerge. This also allows for different bases of power to be exhibited. According to French and Raven’s five bases of power, leadership and power are closely linked but this power comes in different forms. These bases of power show the relationship between those who lead and the power they have on the ones dependent on the power they hold. These 5 bases of power established by French and Ravens are the bases of leadership used by most individuals. These bases are: Legitimate, Reward, Expert, Referent, Coercive. · The Legitimate base of power in leadership refers to the notion that one’s power is a result of their right to demand and expect a given result from those they lead. This power is often the result of a monarchy or a held position on a job, which can either survive a change of position or die with it. The difference between this base of power and the others is that, in most cases people are influenced by the title and not by the actual leader. Respect of the title ensures this leadership type not the actual leading skills of an individual. For instance, the Queen’s leadership weighs heavily on her title, if she was stripped of said title her demands and the expectations she sets for others may no longer encourage a reaction. In a business this power is represented by the use of formal authority...
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...Organizational Behavior & LeadershipFive Bases of Power – Task 3Tammy LydeenWestern Governors UniversityDecember 17, 2011 Within an organization leaders and managers use their power in order for their employees toreach the organization’s goals. There are five bases of power which can be broken down intotwo groups: formal power and personal power. Along with the five bases of power there is alsothe power of dependency which states that Employee B depends on Employee A if Employee Bhas goals and needs that Employee A can fulfill. Dependency can be increased when theresources that are being controlled are important, scarce and non-substitutable. Formal Power A formal power is based on an employee’s position within the organization. Coercive Power – A coercive power requires forcing an employee to do something thatthey do no want to do. This power can cause an unhealthy behavior and employeedissatisfaction in the workplace. The most common threat is the threat of being demotedor fired. Although the most common threats are being demoted or fired the marketingmanager also uses a coercive power when they tell the employees that their yearlyevaluation and bonus can be effected if they do not work over the required 40-hour work week. Employee 1 needs to work the extra hours so that they can achieve the yearly bonus and take a vacation that would not be affordable without the end of the year bonus. Reward Power – A reward power is when the leader uses their ability to administer...
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...employees that need it can be a form of coercive power. The supervisor of employee 1 is using coercive power to get his employees to work extra hours by reminding them that a good evaluation depends on it. 2. Reward power- Reward power keeps employees in check based on the ability to give rewards that employees see as valuable. These rewards can be of the financial variety-controlling salary, giving bonuses, etc- or the nonfinancial kind-giving recognition, interesting work projects, promotions, better work shifts, etc. In the given scenario, the marketing manager of employee 1 uses reward power. He encourages his employees to work more than 40 hours a week by reminding them that they need a favorable evaluation to get the yearly bonus. 3. Legitimate power- Legitimate power refers to the power one receives because of their position in the formal hierarchy of the organization. Employees listen to a person with legitimate power because of their title...
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...Expectancy theory LET1 Task 1! ! ! ! ! ! ! Expectancy theory LET1 Task 1! Hector A. Febo Negron Western Governors University WGU Student ID # 000204248 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 1 Expectancy theory LET1 Task 1! ! ! Expectancy theory explanation and overview! ! The first part of the expectancy theory is the employees belief of weather their effort can amount to rewards or benefits. Employees will usually measure their effort in comparison to what they can get for it. One factor that tends to un motivate employees is their believe that personal preferences and non work related factors can cause a person to get better performance appraisal than persons who have a non relationship with managers, supervisors or evaluators. This is an important factory in determining from the beginning if an employee will start off working with a strong expectation regarding is current job.! ! In my personal experience working for Puerto Rico’s biggest bank and private company, It was a very firm belief that while many got promotions based on merit and years of service and some on effort, there was a clear connection between the most liked employees by managers and better performance appraisal. In my personal conversation with employees in other sectors I believe it is very common and only if the upper management makes a clear and solid communication and example that this will not happen and that all hires will be strictly related to performance or seniority...
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...LET1 TASK 317.1.1-06 LET1 Task 317.1.1-06 1. To understand the Expectancy Theory of motivation, you must first understand the three key components of this theory. The three key components are Expectancy probability, 1 Instrumentality probability, and Valence. To determine your motivational force, you must assign a value or level of importance to each of the three components. The first key component of the Expectancy Theory of motivation is Expectancy probability. In this component, you see the effort to performance relationship. You determine how hard you want to work on a project based on the level of performance or outcome desired. If you desire to meet the goals of a task (performance), you have to consider how much work (effort) is required. When more effort is invested into a project, better results are typically expected. However, in a situation where more effort invested does not yield better results, you could expect to see the employee put less value on this component. This is because they may not see the benefit in the extra effort. The second key component of the Expectancy Theory of motivation is Instrumentality probability. This involves the relationship between performance and reward. With this component, you associate how much effort you are willing to put into a project based on the expected benefit of accomplishing the goal. When an employee feels that he or she will get more benefit than other employees when they work harder, they feel they have an incentive...
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...LET1: Leadership Concepts and Applications SUBDOMAIN 317.1 - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR & LEADERSHIP Competency 317.1.5: Leadership - The graduate can analyze leadership theories, methods, and tools in given situations and select the appropriate behavior of the leader. Objective 317.1.5-10: Identify the five bases or sources of power within a given organization. Objective 317.1.5-11: Define the relationship between power and dependency in an organizational setting. [pic] Introduction: Corporation A was founded in 1989 and focuses on creating marketing programs for the real estate industry. The corporate mission of Corporation A is to help clients improve their real estate sales. The Corporation A team is comprised of professionals with varied backgrounds and experience levels. The company prides itself on fostering a team environment throughout the organization. Given: Employee 1 has worked in the marketing department at Corporation A for 12 years. In the marketing department, employees who earn a superior rating on their yearly performance evaluation receive a large bonus at the end of the year. Employee 1 often comes into the office on weekends or stays late to ensure the work is complete and accurate. The marketing manager encourages employees to work beyond the requisite 40 hours a week by reminding them of the yearly bonus for receiving a superior rating on their next evaluation. Employee 1 is planning to use the bonus for a well-deserved vacation that would be...
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...LET1 Task 317.1.5-10, 11 Craig Bailey ( 000217808 ) Western Governors University Section A of this task asks to describe each of the 5 bases of power from the given scenario supported by examples. It should be noted that the 5 bases are split into to 2 primary power base types. Legitimacy, Reward and Coercive all belong in the Formal power type. The second power type is Personal power. The Expert and Referent bases fall into this category. Each power base is described below. 1. Reward is where a person expects a positive response to an action performed. The response can be praise, time off, monetary, or anything else the person values as a reward. In our scenario the manager is offering the prospect of a yearly bonus through a superior rating for those who work more than 40 hours per week. Employee 1 values that reward and puts forth the effort in hopes that his or her performance will meet the goal of a superior rating. 2. The second base of power to discuss is Legitimacy. Employee 1's manager has reminded the subordinates of the yearly bonus and Employee 1 acknowledges that if he or she wants to get the bonus and go on a vacation, he or she must follow the recommendation by the manager to work additional hours in the hope that he or she will obtain a superior rating from the manager. Additionally, Employee 3 received legitimacy from being selected to lead the sales team on his or her project to increase sales. 3. The third base of power is Coercive. Employee 2 has...
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...WGU LET1 Task 317.1.1‐06 Behavioral Influences Darryl Shivers 7‐19‐12 What is the Expectancy Theory of Motivation? The expectancy theory of motivation was created by Victor H. Vroom from his study on the motivation behind decision‐making. It states simply why an individual chooses to act out a certain behavior as opposed to another one. It consists of 3 parts: The 1st term we will discuss is Valence. This refers to an individual’s perception of the reward they will receive for doing the work or for the effort they will put out. If they fill the reward is something of use to them they will put forth the effort to achieve the goal necessary to get the reward. However if they detect no benefit for themselves, then they will put out less of an effort to meet the goals. In the scenario we can see this illustrated perfectly. “Some who do not have difficulty with the process feel that it is not worth putting in extra effort to reach the production goals. There is usually no difference in salary increases among those who meet department goals and those who fall short of the goals.” The employees that can accomplish the new production standards and company goals see no reward in accomplishing the tasks. So my suggestion would be for the company to rethink the goals and bonuses for achieving the goals a little differently. They need to set realistic goals that the employees can accomplish and instead of a monetary reward may be offer paid time off for example if you reach your goal you ...
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...| LET1 Task 1 (317.1.1-06) Behavioral Influences | | First Name Last Name Student ID# 00000000 My Mentor: First Name Last Name Program and Start Date: Bus.Mgmt.- IT 01/01/01 | | 12/30/2011 | Apply the concepts of the expectancy theory of motivation as an approach to improving performance in a given workplace situation. | In today’s workforce there are many reasons why individuals get up every day and go to work. For most it is because they have bills to pay and thus their motivation to work is for the outcome of a paycheck. That is true for most, but how does motivation apply to an individual once they are at work and must perform their daily duties? Whether that is bolting doors on cars in an assembly line or web developers working on the next big internet company, these individuals’ performances are based on their expectations of something in return. Some may work harder or more efficiently than others for many reasons. How does a manager, supervisor or foreman improve this behavior in order to achieve optimal production? The Expectancy Theory of Motivation was first conceived by Victor Vroom at Yale University in 1964. This theory explains the behavioral process of why individuals choose one behavioral option over another. It also explains how they make decisions to achieve the end they value. Vroom introduces three variables within the expectancy theory which are valence (V), expectancy (E) and instrumentality (I). The three elements are important...
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...LaTonya Walker LET1 Task 2 Organizational Leadership Styles In the Scenario described concerning the printing corporation that is expanding. There are 3 different executives described and each of their leadership styles are detailed and discussed. It appears that the background of the corporation is that it values its customers while creating a quality product that is needed. According to the description the company has done this by using team work and creativity, which are both great methods for an organization to excel in the corporate world. In addition to having a great creative business model, the company also has executives that are tasked with leading the employees to increase the market share of the company. In doing this there are three executives and three distinct leadership styles that are used by each executive. The first executive, Executive A, has been credited with much of the companies success over the years. He has been credited as taking the company to the “next” level so to speak, due to the fact that the market share has risen by 128% under his authority, and other successes have been accredited to him as well. It appears as though Executive A is a “Level 5 leader“ , these leaders are regularly demonstrate humility while still having determination and intense professional will. In addition to being humble and determined , level 5 leaders self confident and do not mind setting up successors’ for their own success. They have “unwavering resolve”...
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...LET1 Task 3 - When discussing leadership it’s important to know that there are 5 bases of power. Those 5 bases of power are coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert. Coercive can be described as someone with power using that power to make someone do something they do not want to do. Reward is just that, offering a reward. A manager might offer a reward to the employee who has the highest production rate. This, in theory, drives all employees to work harder in hopes of a reward. Legitimate power is when someone does something they are asked because of the job title or role of the person asking them. Referent power is when someone does something they are asked to do because they like or admire the person asking them to do it. Expert power involves someone’s expertise to get something done. A doctor is a good example. If a doctor tells a patient he or she needs to drink more milk, that person will more than likely comply, simply because of the doctor’s inferred expertise. Within the given scenarios, the five bases of power are displayed. The paragraph that discusses employee 1 and the marketing manager describes a situation in which the coercive and reward powers are being used. The yearly bonus is the reward for employees who receive a superior rating on performance evaluations. The manager uses coercion to get the employees to work late and on their off days. The paragraph that discusses the accounting department and employee 2, who is a CPA, the expert...
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