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Life Changing Decesion


Submitted By bigfoot936
Words 376
Pages 2

Life Changing Decision
In August of 2001 I made s decision that would change my life forever. Because of some of the choices I had made in the past and the future not looking as good, I decided to leave my home town of Nacogdoches and move to Houston. I based my decision clearly on the facts of doing better in life and becoming another statistic. Being from a small town trouble became very easy to get into so, I decided to remove myself from all elements of the situation and move to Houston to begin a fresh new life.
My move was actually rushed and not planned. I had a brother that lived here and suggested I move here for all the work opportunities. I did not have any money saved nor did I have a solid plan of what I was going to do once I got to Houston. I was only driven by the fact I was getting out of Nacogdoches and was starting over fresh. Once here I encountered many difficult obstacles that I had no idea how to manage for less fix. Even though I had my brother here; I was pretty much on my own and left to find my own path to success. My brother had offered me a foundation but it was left up to me build my home.
It only took me one day and I found a job and was on my way to great accomplishments. Once I begin to work and get that true since of independence, I begin to reach for more. I enrolled in school and begin educating myself to a whole different side of life. I started thinking more outside the box instead of living within it. My move has been the best choice I could had ever made in my life and if I had to do anything different I would only make sure I was more prepared. I would have done more research on location and the job market because I was limited on the jobs I could do when I got here. All in all, this has been a great ride with the occasional dips but I would not change one single

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