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Liston: Summary

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People were speculating that either Clay was out of his mind or that he was frightened, even Liston was beginning to believe Clay was a little crazy. But later on this was found out to be all an act, Clay’s blood pressure and pulse were normal and he wasn’t crazy at all. He was doing everything he could think of to get in to Liston’s head and it was working. Clay knew that the one act to rattle Liston was acting like he was a crazy man.15 The first fight between Cassius Clay and Sonny Liston lasted six round and before the seventh round Liston succeeded to his opponent.16 Clay was taunting Liston throughout the fight and making him use all his energy by chasing Clay around the rink.17 Clay was using his youth to his advantage and his strategy was working. In the video of the fight, it’s apparent that Liston starts becoming more and more tired as the fight goes on. The fight was a very even match in the first couple rounds but by the end, Liston looks more and more defeated.18 Liston was suffering from his shoulder pain and cuts and bruises on his …show more content…
Liston was promised $1.2 million if he won the match but only ended up receiving a check for $13,000.25 That's a big enough loss to make someone question if what they are doing is worth the reward. The mob had been taking full advantage over Liston and ran up a tab on Liston's behalf and they called it "mob tax".26 These funds didn't even have to involve Liston or his training, or fighting at all. The mob was taking all of Liston's money, and he wasn't the only one they had control over. Liston also had to pay state and federal taxes, which is understandable. He also had expenses from training camp and advertisement but none of these expenses came close to the amount the mob had been taking from him. There was nothing Liston could do either, if he were to come out to the public with this information he would have been

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