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Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation
Tina Posey University of Phoenix
June 21, 2012
David L. Wilson

Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation People break laws, people do not agree, civil suits filed, and litigation begins. Litigation is closely identified with civil law or tort law and the bringing of lawsuits. Lawsuits are legally authorized controversies judged by a court of law, and when one individual sues another individual, they are engaging in litigation law. The purpose of a lawsuit is to remedy an injustice or to enforce a right (HG, 1995-2012). Litigation is a contest authorized by law, for the purpose of enforcing a right. Litigation is the process of bringing, maintaining, and defending a lawsuit (Cheeseman, 2010). Litigation usually involves representation by a lawyer, but a lawyer is not requried. The litigation begins by one person filing a lawsuit with the court. The process for litigation has steps the plaintiff and defendant must follow. The party who is suing begins by filing a complaint with the proper court. This party is known as the plaintiff. The plaintiff initiates the court proceedings, and the court issues a summons. A third party serves the summons and the complaint on the defendant to initiate the lawsuit. The defendant writes a written response to the complaint called an answer. The defendant files the answer with the court and served by a third party on the plaintiff (Cheeseman, 2010). In the defendants answer he or she admits or denies the allegations contained in the complaint. If the defendant admits the allegations the court enters a judgment against the defendant. The plaintiff has won the lawsuit. If the defendant denies any part of the complaint a trial date is set and both parties defend his or her case (Cheeseman, 2010). A judge or a jury will determine the outcome of the case.

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