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Loan Approval Letter


Submitted By scottyboy73
Words 263
Pages 2
To whom it may concern: I, David Smith, had lost my job due to the economy and my wife was in school to become a beautician so our income took a severe reduction. I have always been a hard worker and value my word and my credit. During this time I contacted my mortgage lender and told them what was going on and they told me that we could go into arrears and they would see what they could do for us. I did not want to do this as I knew it would possibly hurt our credit but I took my lender at their word and did as they instructed me to do. Once we were behind they contacted me to begin the process for the modification. We then had our loan modification accepted and once the modification went through we were able to catch up the mortgage they instructed me to fall behind on and now we have been current for over 18 months with no late fees. In fact, there have been several months where we were able to send a little extra. It has been a terrible mess and learning experience but I have completely gotten this resolved and have maintained our perfect credit and payment schedule I always had before this event occurred.
My employment is stable and my wife is now finished with her school and she is bringing in income as well. Thank you for taking time to read this and for giving us a chance to continue building our excellent credit history. Sincerely,

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