Premium Essay

Local Envoriment Issues


Submitted By databoo33
Words 259
Pages 2
One of the environmental problems that I feel is significant in our town of Booneville, MS to me is we don’t have anywhere that we really recycle at. We have a local garbage dump that people take their trash to, but there is no place where you can take your aluminum, paper, or glass when you are done with it. I see place that have places you can go and take these kinds of things and some places even provide a place where you can leave it outdoor and they will even go as far and take care of this for you. The reasons I see it this as an environmental problem is that if these things are not taking care of the right way it is going back into the environment and doing it more harm than good. We are cutting down more trees for paper products when all we have to do is recycle the things that can be recycled and use them. Every town or city should provide somewhere that you can recycle. I think some of the causes for this is they do not want to spend the necessary funds to see that the recycling is handled the correct way. Another reason is I just don’t think they see it as a problem like some of us do. I don’t think that any of the causes are related to human values are environmental ethics. I just think it is an oversight and that someone needs to bring it to a person in charge

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