...Rhetorical analysis: Thank you for Smoking Watching anti-smoking or tobacco commercials is common in America. Which is to make people aware of the harmful side of smoking cigarettes, how it affects our heath by causing lung cancer and heart disease. This will be difficult for tobacco companies to sustain in the market, who get profit from cigarette smokers’ addictions. This companies hire smart lobbyists Nick Naylor to publicly protect their industry. He was the vice president of the academy of tobacco studies and also he gives legitimate argument to support his big tobacco company and he was confident with every thing he does. There is a good example where Naylor uses rhetorical appeals...
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...Elliott attends Kings hockey games and as a reporter she is able to speak with the players or coaches. From this relationship she is able to provide numerous quote. She also provides many statistics from the game. Finally she adds in her own expert opinion in addition to the quotes and statistics. In a way her thesis can be explained through her own articles just by the title alone. In the article “Kings Get Active, It’s Intense and Good for a 2-1 Overtime Win” she breaks down the recent game the Kings played against the Minnesota Wild and claims the key to their success was an aggressive offense. She provides the facts of the game including numbers of shots within the first 60 minutes for example, her own expert opinion as well as quotes from...
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...PHIL 447 All weeks Quizzes Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/phil-447-weeks-quizzes/ WEEK 1: 2016 Points 100/100 Multiple Choice 5 1 Grade Details - All Questions Question 1. Question : (TCOs 2 and 3) In Chapter 1, we learned how to recognize the main issue in a passage. Consider the following example: “The point is that you have to believe what we experience through our senses because our senses are the only tools we have for interacting with the world.” The main issue is whether or not Question 2. Question : (TCOs 2 and 3) In Chapter 1, we learned how to recognize the main issue in a passage. Consider the following example: “If you're going to buy a computer, you might as well sign up for some lessons on how to use the thing too. After all, no computer ever did any work for its owner until the owner found out how to make it work.” The main issue is whether or not Question 3. Question : (TCOs 1 and 2) In Chapter 1, we learned how to recognize the main issue in a passage. Consider the following example: “Most people you find on university faculties are people who are interested in ideas. And the most interesting ideas are usually new ideas. So, most people you find on university faculties are interested in new ideas. Therefore, you are not going to find many conservatives on university faculties, because conservatives are not usually interested in new ideas.” The main issue is whether or not Question...
Words: 1926 - Pages: 8
...Political Correctness in authoritarian countries and in democratic regimes and wrote a critic for both of them. I also conducted a PC test among BNDS students and offered a solution to the present problem. When writing this research paper, I come to realize the mutual influences of language, ideologies, power, and action, which echoes with Orwell’s essay that we read in AP English Language class and most importantly reminds me the importance of clear and concise language. Currently, I am writing a research paper on the tactics of the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn for my CNCC writing class. Part of the essay is concerned with the rhetoric of Jeremy, in which the rhetorical analysis skills that I learnt in AP English Language class helped me greatly. With the skills I learnt in AP English Language class, I analyzed the rhetorical devices, diction, ethos, logos, and pathos used by Jeremy Corbyn and his...
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... dissensus - difference of opinion publicness - Of, concerning, or affecting the community or the people the polis - the active assembly of citizens empowered to discuss and make public policy civic virtue model vs. civil society model public sphere, society vs. community habitus transmission model of communication public sphere model of communication theory & practice Textbook Chapter 1: "Public Speaking & Public Sphere" transmission model, public sphere model, circulation Lecture 2: From Claim to Speech inherency - is a stock issue in policy debate that refers to a barrier that keeps a harm from being solved in the status quo. constraints (lecture 2 & textbook ch. 5) rightness of fit topic vs. claim a rhetorical claim vs. a philosophical claim components of a good claim Lecture 3: Audience Adaptation discursive identity - A state of identity defined by the descriptors used to define an individual social constitution vicious relativism speech event conditioning composite audience scopus - the object of a directed gaze, a 'target stasis theory - is a four-question, pre-writing (invention) process. stasis theory asks writers to investigate and try to determine: The facts (conjecture) The meaning or nature of the issue (definition) The seriousness of the issue (quality) The plan of action (policy). constitutive rhetoric - the capacity of language or symbols to create a collective identity for an audience, especially by means of condensation...
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...enforcement will inevitably fail. This is shown through the society the boys on the island create, initially they have their innocence and live in harmony but without rules their society soon falls and the children's innocence turns to evil. Another book with an underlying argument is “Animal Farm”. This book is giving a warning about the fallacy of the idea of communism and that an uninformed working class will always easily fall into manipulation. Lastly another example is a children's text and now movie “The Lorax”. This text shows that without regard for our environment and without taking care of it, we will end up living in a dump. This is shown through the Lorax’s warning to The Onceler to not cut down the trees, and once he does the environment around them is...
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...use(s). Vagueness is a matter of degree. Examples: (1) Jim is not feeling well. (2) Jim has flu-like symptoms. (3) Jim has an upset stomach and a fever. (4) Jim is nauseated and has a fever of more than 103. In order to think critically, one must think clearly. Some definitions can enable clearer thinking. There are major three kinds of definitions: (1) definition by synonym, example: “‘Decaffeinated’ means without caffeine.” (2) definition by example, example: “The Cheyenne perfectly illustrate the sort of Native Americans that are plains Indians.” (3) analytical, example: “A nurse is a trained health-care professional [put into a class] who take care of patients/clients [differentiate from other members of the class].” Rhetorical definitions are not...
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...During the first two centuries of American history, slaveholding spread throughout the American landscape and resulted in the maltreatment of slaves and abusive practices that came to characterize American slavery prior to the Civil War. By evidencing his own emotional hardships and trials and accentuating the illogical procedures employed by the slaveholders, Douglass persuades the readers of the inconceivable cruelty present in the ideology of slavery and urges the American people to take action against this atrocious institution. Overall, Frederick Douglass employs many rhetorical devices in order to convince the audience that the practice of slavery should be abolished in order for America to reach its pinnacle of success. Through the...
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...Devry Phil 447 Final Exam IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-Phil-447-Final-Exam-0404044480.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM Question Page 1 Question 1.1. (TCO 1) "Thinking about thinking" is the definition of what? (Points : 4) Development of arguments Measure of good sense Development of critical skills Writing for clarity Critical thinking Question 2.2. (TCO 1, 2, 4) What is the principle concern when handling an issue? (Points : 4) Whether a given claim is true or not Whether the claim at issue attaches to the conclusion or not Whether the claim at issue is clearly understood Whether the claim is not ambiguous Whether the claim at issue is open for discussion and resolution Question 3.3. (TCO 1, 2, 3) What are the two conditions needed for a premise to offer support for a conclusion? (Points : 4) It is ethical and justifies an action It provides knowledge and defines terms It provides reasons and analyzes data It specifies what caused something and how it works It is true and relevant to the conclusion Question 4.4. (TCOs 2, 3) For inductive arguments, how do we measure their quality as stronger or weaker? (Points : 4) Based on how much support their premises provide for the conclusion Based on requiring little translation into syllogistic form Based on their appearing in a standard form Based on the clear...
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...The contrabass often falls victim to conductors’ misconceptions, namely their insufficient knowledge of bowing techniques. The most common fallacy perpetrated is the idea bass strings require a quick bow using the entire length rather than a more precise and slower speed virtuosic players recommend using, This opinion piece expounds how conductors erroneously instruct bass players to use a swift-moving bow when it should travel slower to achieve a clear sound, according to proper technique. Highlighting this point, Karr makes it clear conductors are compromising the tone quality of the bass section, and ultimately the orchestra. Karr then demonstrates the extreme fixation conductors have towards the idealized usage of the bow by citing an experiment conducted by European musicians that he later reproduced himself. Karr stated if the bow was moving from frog to tip slightly over the string (i.e. ‘air-bowing’) the conductor would be fully satisfied even though no sound was being produced...
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...A Modest Proposal is a satirical pamphlet that explores the attitude that the rich have towards the poor and starving children that dwell in their society. The author Johnathan Swift effectively uses rhetorical devices such as ethos, pathos, and logos, as well as humor and sarcasm to shed light and highlight these attitudes. Johnathan starts off by blaming the mothers of these starving and poor children that they should find themselves work so that they can earn an honest living instead of begging and groveling on the streets in hopes to be able to feed their young ones and themselves. He also says that the children will then become thieves just to make ends meet when they are older and this is simply because their parents did not teach their children how to live a modest and honest life. Swift uses logical fallacies to make his argument in "A Modest Proposal". This is evident when he explains how a well nursed child at...
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...matters associated with this course are subject to change at the instructor's discretion. Any and all changes will be communicated to students in writing. Course Description RHET 1302 will prepare you for college-level writing while helping you develop your critical thinking skills. Rhetoric is the study and practice of how people communicate messages, not only in writing and speech, but also through visual and digital mediums. In this class, you will develop skills to analyze the way rhetoric, in its various forms, addresses audiences. By paying attention to the strategies that good writers and speakers use to persuade their particular audiences, you will learn to reason better and to persuade others in your own writing, both through rhetorical appeals and through analysis of audience, purpose, and exigency that is at the heart of the study of rhetoric. For RHET 1302, you will read and reread texts and write multi-draft essays. Practically speaking, you will learn skills that you can use in your future course work regardless of your major. Student Learning Objectives • Students will be able to write in different ways for different audiences. • Students will be able to write effectively using appropriate organization, mechanics, and style. • Students will be able to construct effective written arguments. • Students will be able to gather, incorporate, and interpret source material in their writing. Required Texts Rosenwasser, David and Stephen, Jill...
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...A Preface of Quotations Whoever desires for his writings or himself, what none can reasonably condemn,the favor of mankind, must add grace to strength, and make his thoughts agreeable as well as useful. Many complain of neglect who never tried to attract regard. It cannot be expected that the patrons of science or virtue should be solicitous to discover excellencies which they who possess them shade and disguise. Few have abilities so much needed by the rest of the world as to be caressed on their own terms; and he that will not condescend to recommend himself by external embellishments must submit to the fate of just sentiments meanly expressed, and be ridiculed and forgotten before he is understood. --Samuel Johnson Men must be taught as if you taught them not; And things unknown propos'd as things forgot. --Alexander Pope Style in painting is the same as in writing, a power over materials, whether words or colors, by which conceptions or sentiments are conveyed. --Sir Joshua Reynolds Whereas, if after some preparatory grounds of speech by their certain forms got into memory, they were led to the praxis thereof in some chosen short book lessoned thoroughly to them, they might then forthwith proceed to learn the substance of good things, and arts in due order, which would bring the whole language quickly into their power. --John Milton Introduction Good writing depends upon more than making a collection of statements worthy of belief, because writing is intended to...
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...Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Advanced Placement English III First Six Weeks – Introductory Activities: ▪ Class rules, expectations, procedures ▪ Students review patterns of writing, which they will imitate throughout the course: reflection, narration and description, critical analysis, comparison and contrast, problem and solution, and persuasion and argument. ▪ Students review annotation acronyms, how to do a close reading, literary elements and rhetorical devices. Students also review the SOAPSTONE (subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker, tone, organization, narrative style and evidence) strategy for use in analyzing prose and visual texts along with three of the five cannons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement and style. ▪ Students learn the format of the AP test, essay rubric and essay structure. ▪ Students take a full-length AP test for comparison purposes in the spring. Reading: The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne Writing: Answer the following question in one paragraph. Use quotes from the novel as evidence. Some readers believe that the elaborate decoration that Hester embroiders on the scarlet letter indicates her rejection of the community’s view of her act. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position using evidence from the text. (test grade) Writing: Write a well-developed essay addressing the following prompt. Document all sources using MLA citation. Compare Hester to a modern...
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...1. Communication Age- An age in which communication, technology, and media converge and deeply permeate daily life. (Convergence- the ways in which the many forms of technologically mediated and face-to-face communication overlap and intersect in our daily lives.) 2. Digital Natives- People for whom digital technologies already existed before they were born. 3. Digital Immigrants- People who have adopted and learned digital technologies later in life. 4. Communication- The collaborative process of using messages to create and participate in social reality. (Individual identities, relationships, organizations, communities, cultures, and ideas.) a) Process a) Collaborative b) Involves Messages c) Creative d) Participatory 5. Contexts of Communication- Each context or situation has unique characteristics or features that influences how messages are used and how meanings are constructed. 6. Face-to-Face Communication- Refers to situations in which the participants who are physically or bodily present speak to one another during the interaction. 7. Mediated Communication- Refers to communication or messages that are transmitted through some type of medium. 8. Interpersonal Communication- Refers to communication with or between persons. 9. Small Group Communication- Refers to the communication among the members of a small group of people working together to achieve a common goal or purpose. 10. Public Communication- Refers...
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