Kongruens: Omskriv til nutid (præsens)
Dette er indledningen til en af novellerne i modul 2. Den er skrevet i datid (præteritum).
1. Find alle udsagnsled (verballed). Markér dem med en farve!
2. Lav alle udsagnsled om til nutid. Husk, at endelserne skal passe til grundleddet (subjektet). Denne overensstemmelse er det, der kaldes kongruens. (Ex: He lives in N.Y. – they live in N.Y.)
3. Du skal også markere alle grundled ( med en anden farve end udsagnsleddene).
OBS Du skal gemme teksten på din egen computer, gøre ovenstående, gemme – og aflevere i Fronter.
He lives [Ændres til: He lives...] in New York and in London and on the isle of Rhodes, and in Paris there is always a room for him at Peter Stein’s place with a view of grey slate roofs and the Seine, and in Prague Bob Turner, who teach English at the University, likes to have him but he sometimes choose a hotel (Bob’s children are nice, but he doesn’t like having to tiptoe around when they are asleep), and in Beirut and in Istanbul and in West Berlin and in Rome he always stays in hotels, though he has friends, good friends, in all these places, and he has friends in Athens too but he prefers the Grand Bretagne, and now, as the plane he is in touched down on Rhodes, he close the book he is reading (poems; For the Union Dead) and sits back and wait for the plane to stop. He close his eyes. And when he feel no movement he opens them and unlocks his seat belt and reach up for his hat and then make his way along the aisle and down the steps and smiles at the hostess and then looks up and for a second he is completely lost. It where not a place Max Gottlieb had ever been to in his life before. And then it is Rhodes.
(from: Home Is by Morrison Lurie – text in module 2)