Free Essay

Lots of Obese Chilidren


Submitted By msh00926
Words 274
Pages 2
Matthew Hall
English 11
Mrs. Wyman
Schools and Obesity There are a lot of parents and school officials who want to ban all junk food from schools due to concern of childhood obesity. This would include vending machines, things like candy or bake sales, and cafeteria food. In reality, are schools causing childhood obesity? Getting rid of all the junk food from schools would not make much of a difference if any at all to the amount of avoirdupois children. A lot of parents and school officials want to help change the percentage of pudgy/obese children. The biggest way that they are looking at doing is by taking away junk food and soda from schools. They believe that taking away the unhealthy food and drinks will solve the problem. The question is will it really make that big of a difference? I believe that child stoutness is a problem but that taking away unhealthy food and drinks in school will not do anything. If kids are going to be obese and they cannot help it due to a metabolism problem or if they really like food then they will bring their own food from home. So what does taking away a nice snack really going to accomplish? Getting rid of the junk food will just be a major inconvenience for a lot of kids as they will just start bringing it from home. Child plumpness is not caused by stuff that they eat at school, it takes a lot more than that. Schools are not the source of the problem and they’re not going to be the solution either.

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