...Economics Department In Partial Fulfillment To The Requirements for ECONMET C31 Submitted to: Dr. Cesar Rufino Submitted by: Aaron John Dee 10933557 April 8, 2011 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 4 A. Background of the Study 4 B. Statement of the Problem 5 C. Objective 5 II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND RELATED LITERATURE 6 A. GDP 6 B. Average Years in School 6 C. Population 7 D. Literacy Rate 7 III. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 9 A. Model Specification 9 B. List and Description of Variables 9 C. A-priori Expectations 10 IV. METHODOLOGY 12 V. EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS 13 A. Regression of the Original Model 13 2 B. Summary Statistics 15 C. Testing for Misspecification in the Model 16 D. Testing for Multicollinearity 17 E. Testing for Heteroscedasticity 18 VI. CONCLUSION 21 VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY 22 3 I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study When we were still kids, we dream of what we want to be in the future. Older people will usually ask us if what we want to be in the future. Most of us will say, they want to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer to name some. We think and think about our career, but once we are already in the college level, we now dream to become successful in life and have a stable job. But with the rate of unemployment here in country continue to increase, there are no guarantee that once we graduated...
Words: 4362 - Pages: 18
...Mobile Telecommunications and Health Review of the current scientific research in view of precautionary health protection April 2000 ECOLOG-Institut Translated by Andrea Klein Mobile Telecommunications and Health Review of the Current Scientific Research in view of Precautionary Health Protection Commissioned by T‐Mobil DeTeMobil Deutsche Telekom MobilNet GmbH Authors Dr Kerstin Hennies Dr H.‐Peter Neitzke Dr Hartmut Voigt With the support of Dr Gisa‐Kahle Anders ECOLOG‐Institut für sozial‐ökologische Forschung und Bildung gGmbH Nieschlagstrasse 26 30449 Hannover Tel. 0511‐92456‐46 Fax 0511‐92456‐48 Email mailbox@ecolog‐institut.de Hannover, April 2000 Contents 1 1 1.1 1.2 2 Introduction 1 3 New Technologies and Precautionary Health Protection Terms of Reference and Structure of the Review 5 2.1 2.2 3 Collating and Interpreting the Scientific Data (Methodology) 5 5 Primary Reciprocal Effects between High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Systems (Biophysical and Biochemical Processes) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 Thermal Effects 3.1.1 Effects of Homogenous Warming 3.1.2 Microthermal Effects Direct Field Effects 3.2.1 Effects from the Electrical Component of the Electromagnetic Field 3.2.2 Effects from the Magnetic Component of the Electromagnetic Field ...
Words: 23756 - Pages: 96
...© département des relations industrielles, université laval - issn 0034-379X – ri/ir, 64-4, 2009, 555 – 574 555 Flexibility: Whose Choice Is It Anyway? Isik U. Zeytinoglu, Gordon B. Cooke and Sara L. Mann This paper examines whether flexible work schedules in Canada are created by employers for business reasons or to assist their workers achieve work-life balance. We focus on long workweek, flextime, compressed workweek, variable workweek length and/or variable workweek schedule. Statistics Canada’s 2003 Workplace and Employee Survey data linking employee microdata to workplace (i.e., employer) microdata are used in the analysis. Results show that more than half of the workers covered in this data have at least one of the five specified types of flexible work schedules. Employment status, unionized work, occupation, and sector are factors consistently associated with flexible work schedules. Personal characteristics such as marital status, dependent children, and childcare use are not significantly associated with flexible work schedules, and females are less likely to have a flexible work schedule than are males. Overall, results suggest that flexible work schedules are created for business reasons rather than individual worker interests. KEyWORDS: work schedules, non-standard work, work-life balance This paper examines whether flexible work schedules in Canada are created by employers for business reasons or to assist their workers achieve work-life...
Words: 9400 - Pages: 38
...Abstract This paper studies the effect of managerial ownership on performance and the determinants of managerial ownership for small and medium-sized private companies. We use a panel of around 1300 firms in the German business-related service sector for the years 1997-2000. Managerial ownership up to around 80 per cent has a positive impact on firm performance (incentive effect); for higher shares the effect becomes negative (entrenchment effect). Moreover, risk-aversion of managers and signalling of f rm quality leads to a non- linear i relationship between managerial ownership and the risk exposure of a firm. The determinants of performance and ownership are estimated simultaneously. JEL Classification: G32; C23 Keywords: corporate governance, managerial ownership, firm performance, small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper was produced as part of the Centre’s Labour Markets Programme Acknowledgements We thank Bernd Fitzenberger, Steve Nickell and Marcia Schafgans for helpful discussions and Irene Bertschek, Dirk Czarnitzki, Ulrich Kaiser and Joachim Winter for useful comments. All remaining errors are our own. Elisabeth Mueller is a member of the Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. Contact: E.Mueller@lse.ac.uk. Alexandra Spitz is a member of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Research Group Information and Communication Technologies, PO Box 103443, 68034 Mannheim, Germany. Contact: spitz@zew.de Published by Centre for Economic...
Words: 11942 - Pages: 48
...Economy and Society Volume 37 Number 2 May 2008: 193Á223 Regional trade agreements and the pursuit of state interests: institutional perspectives from NAFTA and Mercosur Francesco Duina and Jason Buxbaum Abstract Are regional trade agreements (RTAs) carefully crafted projects that systematically advance their member states’ interests or do they instead generate outcomes that frustrate those interests? Works on the most prominent RTA Á the European Union Á have traditionally been split over this question. New research on international organizations parallels that literature. Combining rational choice and historical institutionalism, this article makes a middle-ground case: the limited rationality of national representatives and the complexity of RTAs ensure both the advancement and frustration of national interests. The focus is on shifting national preferences, the unpredictable implications of decisions over time and the pursuit of short-term gains to the benefit of some constituents but not others. Evidence from NAFTA and Mercosur supports these claims while highlighting, in line with recent scholarship, the need to include politics in institutionalist accounts of integration. The conclusion reflects on the findings and explores whether alternative, more flexible designs for RTAs might satisfy more fully the interests of the member states. Keywords: regional trade agreements; rational choice institutionalism; historical institutionalism; NAFTA; Mercosur; international...
Words: 14563 - Pages: 59
...coincides with lower quality ratings from the incumbents: rating levels went up, the correlation between ratings and market-implied yields fell, and the ability of ratings to predict default deteriorated. We offer several possible explanations for these findings that are linked to existing theories. Key words: Credit ratings; competition and reputation; information quality * Harvard Business School (Becker) and Washington University in St Louis (Milbourn). Contact author’s e-mail address: bbecker@hbs.edu. We wish to thank Pierluigi Balduzzi, Robert Battalio, Doug Diamond, Serdar Dinc, Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Robin Greenwood, Burton Hollifield, Edith Hotchkiss, Dave Ikenberry, Darren Kisgen, Christian Leutz, Joe Mason, Atif Mian, Michael Meltz, Neil Pearson, Mitch Petersen, Joshua Pollet, Raghuram Rajan, Matthew Rhodes-Kopf, Sébastien Michenaud, Antoinette Schoar, and Gary Witt, as well as seminar participants at Helsinki,...
Words: 19527 - Pages: 79