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Macro Economics


Submitted By quan240594
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Macro Econoshit
Chap 4 Terms | Definitions | Prosperity | The capacity/ availability to satisfy needs by means of products or services | Production | The values added to the process of goods from natural resources. | Production factors | Resources used for production 1. Labor 2. Natural resources 3. Capital | Gross Domestic Products (GDP) | Total production of goods and services within the borders of a country | Comparison of GDP per capita3 steps | 1. Calculate the GDP per capita ( GDP/population) 2. Convert to a common currency 3. Adjust for the differences in the purchasing power of the currency per country | Economic growth | Growth in production | Welfare/well-being | The sense of contentment or satisfaction people in a society have | Human Development Index (HDI) | A metric to determine the welfare of a population | 3 ways to measure production | 1. Production approach: Adding up the total added value of the goods and services of a country 2. Income approach: Adding up all the remuneration for the resource owners in that country 3. Expenditure approach: Adding up all the expenditure of the country | Gross National Income (GNI) | Total production + Total Income | Production factors of capital | 1. Durable capital goods (>1 year) 2. Floating capital goods (<1 year) 3. Consumables (Added during the processes) | Production factors of labor | 1. The size of population 2. Participation rate | Causes of rises in wage costs | 1. Scarcity of labor market 2. Increased labor productivity 3. Increased consumer price index 4. Increase in social security and contribution policy 5. Increase in average age structure of the labor market | 6 sectors in an economy’s structure | 1. Agriculture 2. Manufacturing 3. Construction 4. Trade, transport and communication 5. Financial services, business activities 6. Public services | 3 levels of development | 1. Factor based 2. Investment based 3. Innovation based | Ways of innovations | 1. Technology push 2. Demand pull | Sectors of knowledge intensive industry | 1. Hi-tech: goods that are constantly improved 2. Med-tech: including luxurious, hi-quality consumer goods and the intermediate goods for the high level sectors 3. Low-tech: Traditional goods (bread, tooth paste…) | Elements for growth potentials of a country | 1. Human capital 2. Entrepreneurship 3. Market structure 4. Innovation 5. Environmental planning 6. Sustainability |

Chap 5 Terms | Definitions | Expenditure | Demand side of an economy, expenses associated with goods and services | Sectors of expenditure | 1. Consumer 2. Business 3. Government | Consumer goods | When an item is bought, it’s called consumer good. If it’s still on the shelves, it’s a “floating capital”. | Consumption pattern | Consumption = household expenditure.Consumers buy sets of goods and services to satisfy their needs. That is consumption pattern. | Factors of short-term changes in consumption | 1. Distribution of income 2. Capital development 3. Consumer confidence 4. Interest rate | Interest rate’s effect on consumption | Real interest = the difference between nominal interest and inflationIf interest rate rises, consumer confidence decreases, loans become more expensive, consumption decreases | Capital development’s effect on consumption | Capital value increases, consumption increases.Households can utilize the increase by raising mortgage. | Investing | Buying capital goods for the benefits of production | Net investment | Expansion investment + stock changes | Gross investment | Net investment + replacement investment | Investment in depth | Increases labor productivity => less labor required per machine | Investment in width | No labor-saving technical development. Just more machines. | Factors determining investment growth | 1. Sales expectations 2. Degree of capacity utilization 3. Profits 4. Interest rate | Duties of government | 1. Allocative: Gov. can proved services to its population by buying goods and services from businesses and taking on employees to add value to them. 2. Redistributing: Taxes are meant to level the differences in income levels, take a bit from the households that can produce a lot and give it to those who can’t. 3. Regulatory: Social security. | Factors influencing export | 1. Global economy 2. Competitive position of the industry |

Type of investment | Reason | Financing | Replacement investment | Wear and tear of capital goods | Depreciation | Expansion investment | Expansion of capital good stock | Reserves or loans | Planned stock investment | Expected “increase” in sales | | Forced stock investment | Unexpected “decrease” in sales | |

Chap 6

Terms | Definitions | Business cycles | Regular fluctuations of expenditure and production in relation to production capacity | Positive output gap / over expenditure | If expenditure and production exceed the production capacity, there will be a positive output gap but risk of inflation rises. | Negative output gap / under expenditure | Of expenditure and production fall under the production capacity too low. | Types of business cycles | 1. Kondratief (Long wave): Caused by major production and process innovation 2. Juglar: Caused by investments in fixed assets (7-11 years) 3. Kitchin: Caused by investments in stock (3-5 years) | Phases of a business cycle | 1. Upturn: increasing growth in expenditure => production increases 2. Economic boom: demand is too high, production can’t keep up => companies rise prices. 3. Downturn: expenditure decreases => inflation rises, production, employment and profitability decreases 4. Economic recession / depression: happens when GDP decreases 2 quarters in a row | Inflation | 1. Increase in average consumer priceOr 2. Monetary depreciation | Types of inflation | 1. Hyperinflation: very high percentages of inflation. 2. Demand-induced inflation: caused by over expenditure. 3. Cost-induced inflation: prices increase because costs increase. | Monetary depreciation | When prices rise => goods and services need more money to be bought => money loses values. | Causes of inflation | 1. Increase in expenditure that exceeds production capacity 2. Increase in wage costs 3. Increase in price of raw materials 4. Increase in profit and capital costs 5. Government measure relating to VAT and prices of Gov. services. | Roles of Gov. | 1. Keynesian view: Gov. is responsible for realizing the objectives of the economy and being actively involved in the cycle. 2. Classical view: Gov. should only provide safety / security to its citizens and make sure properties are protected and contracts are fulfilled |

Inflation indicators | Results | Output gap | Demand-pull inflation | Low-employment | Rising wages (cost-push inflation) | Wages and labor productivity | Labor costs per unit | Prices of raw materials / Producers prices | Prices of finished products | Decrease in exchange rate | Rise in import prices (cost-push inflation) | Actual inflation | Expected inflation |

Susceptibility to cyclical trends | Issues | Solutions | Type of final market: 1. Durable / non-durable 2. Income elasticity 3. Product life cycle phase | Diversify | Stage in the production chain | Produce closer to the ultimate customer | Capital intensity | Outsource | Investment policy | Invest counter cyclically | Product diversification | Focus on less cyclically sensitive products | Geographical diversification | Exploit business cycle differences | Market position | Try to gain larger market shares |

Chap 7 Terms | Definitions | Functions of money | 1. Means of exchange 2. Means of evaluation 3. Means of wealth storage | Types of money | 1. Coins brought into the circulation by the Gov. 2. Banknotes brought into the circulation by the central bank 3. Demand deposits brought into the circulation by the banks | Monetary aggregate | 1. Narrow money supply (M1): primary liquid assets the public holds 2. Broad money supply (M3) :primary and secondary liquid assets in a country | Roles of banks | 1. Create money 2. Pass the money on 3. Smoothen payment transactions 4. Provide other financial services | Types of financial institutions | 1. Monetary financial institutions 2. Non-monetary financial institutions | Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) | The interest that European banks charge each other |

Chap 8 Terms | Definitions | Money market | The market in which promissory notes with a maturity term of less than 2 years are traded | Parts of money market | 1. Wholesale money market: for big companies, interest rate is set by euribor 2. Retail money market: for small companies, interest rate set by debit and credit of financial institutions. | Factors determining interest rate in wholesale money market | 1. Monetary policy: creditability, inflation control 2. Economic fundamentals: the prosperity to save and invest within an economy, expected inflation 3. International capital flows: foreign capital market interest rate, long-term exchange rate expectations, political and economic news | Factors determining interest rate in retail money market | 1. Euribor 2. Interest margin 3. Credit risk surcharge | Capital market | The market in which promissory notes with a maturity term of more than 2 years are traded | Parts of capital market | 1. Official / stock market: trade shares and bonds 2. Private market: transactions made by negotiations | Differences between stock and private market | 1. The trade of stocks and bonds is public 2. The negotiability of promissory notes 3. Various market segments arrive at their prices | Interest rate risk | The risk of potential profitability of a company being influenced by the fluctuations of the interest rate | Steps to manage interest rate risk | 1. Formulate objectives 2. Determine the level of interest rate exposure 3. Develop an interest rate prognosis 4. Manage interest rate risk 5. Evaluate | Forward rate agreement (FRA) | A future contract between 2 parties to offset the differences between the interest rate agreed on and the market interest rate when the loan is given. | Interest rate option | An agreement between 2 parties in which the seller grants the buyer the right to a specified interest rate | Interest rate cap | The bank guarantees the company the maximum interest rate | Interest rate floor | The bank guarantees the company the minimum interest rate | Interest rate swap | An agreement between a bank and a company in which the company gets the right to change the interest rate type of a loan. | Currency swap | An agreement between two parties involving the exchange of interest and foreign currency obligations. |

Chap 9 Terms | Definitions | Main international economic trends | 1. Emerging market (Asia, Latin America, …) 2. Globalization: the international integration of economies | Types of economies | 1. Advanced economies: high per capita income 2. Emerging markets: going through a fast economic growth 3. Developing countries: low capita income | Causes of globalization | 1. Technology advancement 2. Deregulation | Types of international trade | 1. Intra-regional trade: trade with countries in a region 2. Extra-regional trade: trade with countries outside a region | Types of international investments | 1. Worldwide exporting 2. Worldwide production accompanied by direct investment | Reasons for criticism on globalization | 1. Loss of national sovereignty 2. Detrimental to cultural identity 3. One-sided on its emphasis on trade 4. Leads to imbalances in the world income distribution | Reasons for comparative costs | 1. Production price 2. Productivity | Protectionism | Protection by the government against international competition | Types of protectionism | 1. Import tariff: exporter’s tax 2. Prohibitive tariff: exporter’s tax is really high 3. Import quota: limit on the quantity of products imported 4. Voluntary export restraints: agreement on the volume of trade 5. Product regulation: quality, safety, packaging,… 6. Subsidies and government purchasing policy: special treatments or support from Gov. to companies | Types of regional economic cooperation | 1. Free trade zone 2. Custom union 3. Common market 4. Economic Union | WTO | Promote trade and solve conflicts | IMF | Provide credits to countries with a deficit on the balance of payment | G8 | Coordinate international policy among (US, Can, Jap, GB, France, Ger, Italy and Rus) | World bank | Provide credit to developing countries | Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) | Exchange information (among 30 industrialized countries) and advice participants on socio-economic matters |

Chap 10 Terms | Definitions | Exchange rate | The price of a currency expressed in another currency. Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market | Foreign exchange market (FEM) | Market for currency trade | Types of FEM | 1. Spot market: deliver currencies within 2 days 2. Forward market: deliver currencies sometime in the future | Appreciation | Rise in exchange rate of a currency | Depreciation | Fall in exchange rate of a currency | Revaluation | Decision to increase the value of a currency | Devaluation | Decision to decrease the value of a currency | Premium | The forward rate is higher than the spot rate | Discount | The forward rate is lower than the spot rate | Exchange rate indicators | 1. Current account: National expenditure, inflation differences 2. Financial account: investment climate, interest differences, market sentiment 3. Monetary policy: exchange rate system, reliability of exchange rate policy |

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Macro Economic Assignment

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