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Madre Monologue

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“Son you’re going to be something spectacular when you grow up, I just know it”. Those were the words that mi Madre exclaimed when I was a young lad. She’s always had so much conviction in me that I would be successful in life and prosper. I was born in a little city known as Hollywood, FL at Memorial Regional Hospital weighing 6 ½ lbs. Clearly my mother didn’t take an eating sabbatical while she was pregnant with me but that’s neither here nor there. Life hasn’t always been a bowl of Maraschino cherries, I’ve had to endure many challenges and face many obstacles in my life from my father leaving me at the age of 3 to moving all over the world to find a stable life. I’ve always lived by this motto “You’re only as strong as you give yourself credit for”. …show more content…
When my drama teacher Mr. Jack Jordan exclaimed my audition number I walked up to the stage and sang a British piece from the popular musical known as “Sweeney Todd the Demon on Barber Street”. The song was comprised of a plethora of riffs, runs, glissandos, and melisma’s that were extremely challenging for a singer. I was picked to play Sweeney for the fall musical. I was extremely excited because I thought that I wouldn’t be able to let go and be myself around people in high school. By the end of my senior year I was well known around school and I participated and joined the Untouchables Dance Team. The team only had 4 boys and 15 girls, it was like we were making history and breaking barriers because not many boys were on the team at the time. When we performed at senior sendoff, many people were crying and sad because they knew that we were going to be moving on to another chapter in our lives. It was a bittersweet moment because many people were going to be going off to college to pursue their careers and degrees. I was also picked out of 100 people to sing the Star Spangled Banner for my high schools graduation; that was a huge deal for me because I wasn’t used to serenading thousands of my peers and

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Write About the Ways Browning Tells the Story in My Last Duchess

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