Throughout history there have been groups of people that were severely mistreated and there were people who wanted to change that. Two individuals who helped a group of people was Mohandas Gandhi and Bartolome de las casas. Bartolome was defending the native americans against the spanish masters and Gandhi was defending the indians.
Gandhi thought that the indians were not be treating fairly. Gandhi lead a nonviolent movement. He stressed the importance of economic independence for india. One problem that gandhi had was that india was made up of mostly indians and britain still had control. In document 7 it says “ It is imposible that national aspirations can be for ever repressed, and equally impossible for india to remain a dependency in…show more content… Bartolome saw that the native americans were being treated poorly by spanish masters. They were forcing they to do their labor for them. In document 1 it says “ The west indian experience from the time of columbus first voyage was one of indian labor for Spanish masters.” Bartolome did many things to help the Indians, such as writing letters explaining how they are being mistreated. In document 2b it says “ Las casa interrupted work on the book ( A History of the Indies) only to send to the council of the indies in madrid three long letters, in which he accused persons and institutions of the sin of oppressing the Indian, particular through the encomienda system.” The encomienda system was created by the spanish to control the Indians. In 1542 Charles put the laws into effect. In document 3 it says “ In response to both his fear and conscience, charle promulgated the New Laws in 1542. They forbade the enslavement of the indians, their compulsory personal service, the granting of new encomiendas, and the inheritance of encomiendas.” The most important thing of these new laws was they gave the Indians there freedom. Bartolome was definitely successful. Hen he wrote the letters this showed how the Indians were being treated, and then later in 1542 new laws were passed to give the Indians their