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Making Paper Using Cogon Grass


Submitted By strawhat
Words 1610
Pages 7
To investigate and compare the quality of papers that are made of durian rinds, pineapple leaves and cogon grass combined with recycled papers based on the absorption of water.

Research Background
During the durian season, durian rinds accumulate in high piles as vendors usually remove the rinds for buyers' convenience. In addition to ripe durian rind, raw durian rinds are also left unattended after the flesh has been removed for processing as deep-fried durian. Rinds are considered as good for organic fertilizer, or firewood, but they are not easily disposed off. While Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) has become a major problem for landowners, land managers, foresters, and governmental agencies. This type of plant grows very fast and considered as one of the world's 10 worst weeds and has invaded every continent except Antarctica.

Research question
Which type of recycle materials absorb water most in 2 minutes.

Durian rinds mixed with recycle paper absorb water most.

Independent variable: Different types of recycle material; cogon grass + recycled paper, durian rind + recycled paper, pineapple leaves + recycled paper, cogon grass + durian rinds + pineapple leaves + recycled paper Dependent variable: The volume of water absorbed Fixed variable: same mass of recycle material, same initial volume of water, fixed time duration.


To make paper from durian rinds, cogon grass and pineapple leaves added with recycled paper 1. Wash durian rinds in clean water and then soak them in 1 g, or one teaspoon, of potassium permanganate in 20 liters of water for about 30 minutes. 2. Slice the soaked durian rinds into small pieces. 3. Tear newspaper into small pieces and soak them for 24 hours. 4. Weigh durian rinds and paper at a ratio of 7:1 or 1.75 kg durian rinds to 0.25 kg paper. 5.

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