Mesecta Makkos
1. Makkos starts off how are witness found to be (zomimim) At the time he was claiming to be there he was really with us? If you have witness testify That someone is a (ploni) is son of a gerusha or chalutza. We give them 40 lashes. Even if the witness say hes should be exiled they still at end get 40 lashes. Usually Zomimi get the punishment they were trying to give? But the answer is usually that’s the case the same punishment is given but here we go back to Sanhedrin where we say except in the case of a Bas Kohen or her adulterer. 2. Anyone can get galus for killing a jew same applies other way except a Ger toshav? Ger toshav goes if he kills a ger toshav. Why not others if it says (livnei yisrael velager) implies that miklat is for ger toshav also? Should be that if he killed a Derech Yerida and yisrael is sent to galus so should he? But no if he killed a derech alyiah hes Chayiv also see rav Chisda disputes this though. A ger toshav ends up being Omer Muter. 3. Reb Yehuda in Mishnah talks a blind man kills bshogeg doesn’t go to galus? He learns that from (belo Reos). And from next part (biveili Daas) that he goes to galus because (ein miut achar miut ela lerabos) Re Yehuda includes blind man from Vasar yavo es Reahu but because of belo reaus it must me not a blind person. 4. Braisa learns from pasuk (vehay eileh lachem lechukas mishpat) that Sanhedrin applies even in chut laaretz but that setting up a sanhendrin in every state is only talking about eret yisrael. 5. Why was there three miklat in ever hayarden and three in eretz yisroel. Because would we say that there no need for so many outside eretz yisroel but no because there are so many murders in ever haryden there needed. Later the gemarah brings a case where two different people killed one by mistake on purpose but with out witness. So hashem still gives them there punishment by making it happen again and it takes place by those arei miklat. 6. Does Vlo ein mishpat maves refer to murderer or goel hadam? No ki lo sonei lo. Teaches us that we do not kill the murderer. And vlo ein mishpat maves teaches us about the goel hadam. 7. Why does it say don’t treat him like a murderer to the goel hadam. He isn’t a murderer if hes going to galus cause he did it bshogeg. That’s because no matter what wether he killed bmeizid or bsogeg he still needs to go to galus until the court decided what his punishment should be. 8. When it talks about parsha in sefer yehoshua they say that a harsh language was used because usau;ly they use the word vayomer Hash-m and here they use the word Vyadaber. Does that mean that from now on wherever the word vayadber is used its in a harsh way? No only because Daber is harsh and yadber is soft the harsh expression was used because yehoshua delayed in fulfilling it until hash-m told him 9. Rava was involved in case case where witnesses from out of town came and he used an interpreter to translate. But this goes against the mishna which considers this Eid mipi eid. Also what about rava papa in regards to ilaa and tuvya relations of the guarantor which testify in case involving a load? In the cas with the interpreter we establish the rava really understood the witnesses and only used them to reply to them in their language. And in the case of rav papa since the creditor or the borrower weren’t related this didn’t make a difference.