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Malala Research Paper

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Malala is a Muslim girl who lived in Swat Valley of Pakistan and was born on July 12, 1997; the first child to her parents. With her father and her fathers friend starting a private school in their town, Malala visited school before she could even talk. Her father was very passionate about education. Later in her life the Taliban had started killing people for many different reasons, but then they started targeting education. In 2009 she started a diary for the BBC. Perhaps one of the most life changing moments in her life has one she was shot in 2012 while returning home from school. Malala's life before the Taliban was much different from after. Malala loved going to school and made good marks as well. She also loved watching television and going on school trips. But even before the Taliban came people tried to stop her dad's school. A man named Ghulamullah, an …show more content…
People did what ever he said to become better Muslims. People gave up smoking, television, and non-Muslim music and donated money to him. Soon the Taliban were killing people and leaving the bodies in the street as a reminder of what would happen if you disobeyed. Then they started bombing schools the children who had not stopped going to school hid any signs that they might be going to school. Malala started to have interviews on BBC about what was happening. The military came to stop the Taliban and after a long time and many other events they did. While the Taliban was being stopped Malala and her family became internally displaced people and left town. When they came back after three months of being out of town they started school up. But some people still though girls should not go to school. One day when Malala was going home on the bus two men stopped the bus and asked “Who is Malala?” then there was the sound of three bullets. Malala was flown to a military hospital conscious but later went into a

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