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Submitted By anbarasi
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Isu dan cabaran dalam pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia dan cadangan penambahbaikan

Malaysia – A success story

2 Rancangan Malaya 9 Rancangan Malaysia

Parliament Building (1963)

National Mosque (1965)

Federal Territory Mosque (2000)

Malaysia Trade Centre (2006)

Terengganu International Airport Terminal (2007)

Kuala Lumpur International Airport (1998)

SILK Kajang Interchange

Sayong Bridge

CIQ Complex, Johor (2007)

Submarine Bay, Sepangar Bay, Kota Kinablu, Sabah

We have progressed

What do we want?
Maximise value of investment
Reference Model

Competitive Tourism

Highly respected SUSTAINABILITY


Environmental friendly

Energy Efficiency


Issues, enablers and recommendations Issues 1. Clarity of outcomes 2. Strategic and integrated planning 3. Innovative Procurement 4. Life Cycle Costing Enablers 1. Human capital development 2. Construction technology 3. ICT

Strategic map for improved project delivery in Malaysia Plans


Reference Model Sustainable

Highly respected Safety



Clarity of outcome

Strategic and integrated planning

Innovative procurement

Life Cycle Costing


Human Capital

Construction Technology


Cost and Impact vs time
Can make fundamental changes Effort not cost effective

Less opportunity

Consumes valuable time

Influence Curve
More work needed Little effort Limited to contract matters

Effort Curve

Not going to change anything


Implementation Phase

1. Clarity of Outcomes
Issues 1 2 3 4
Outcomes versus Output Project alignment to National Physical Plan Competitive edge Alignment to stated policy - labor (e.g IBS), energy efficiency, etc

  

Rolling and Seamless planning Outcome-based approach Introduce project review process - Gerbang Nilai . • Value at entry • Readiness to go to the next phase

1. Clarity of Outcomes…(continue)
1 2 Integrated development Spinoff – timely cascaded essential industries


Integrated planning across agencies. • Integrating investment across organisational boundaries of programs and systems • Prioritisation of investment – political, technical, social and economic benefits • Sharing of resource • Optimisation of resources

2. Planning
Issues 1 2 3 4 5
Client versus vendor driven projects Completeness of scope definition Adequacy of allocation Premature disposal of asset to make way for development Suitability of sites  Inaccessible, too hilly, flood prone, marshland etc  planned in silos –lack integration and synergy

Value at entry Utilize Gerbang Nilai (project review process) Outcome Based Approach

Creation of Land Bank

2. Planning…(continue)
Issues 4
Land and utilities  Land acquisition,  Encumbrances  Squatters  Utilities

 

Revolving fund Standardised compensation

3. Procurement
Issues 1 Innovative procurement
Advancement in procurement methodology, especially for complex projects


Utilise alternative procurement methodology for complex projects e.g Relational Contracting and Design, Construct, & Maintain

4. Life Cycle Costing
Issues 1 Recommendation
 

Appropriate Technology
Needs to be policy driven  High initial cost  Scale of economy

2 3 4

Road Safety Improvement Fatalities of motorcyclists Energy Efficiency


Integrated Building Modules

Employ life cycle costing Tunneling or structure for hilly areas for sustainable environment Service tunnels for road projects in cities Allocate 10% of the budget for road development to be used for safety improvement of existing roads Motorcycle lanes should be given a feature for roads where more than 30% road users are motorcyclists Government must ensure that all new building comply with Green Building Index. Existing buildings to be upgraded in stages. Use of pre-approved plans and building modules utilising open IBS concept.

5. Enabler: Human capital
Issues 1 Capacity and capability of contractors and consulting firms Recommendation

Reclassification of Class A contractors Classification of consulting firms Payment to consulting firms based on man-month


Staff development Training facilities

 

Create Centre of Excellence Leveraging on human capital to enhance product quality

6. Enabler: ICT
Issues 1
Standardisation of practice and processes


Create Total Asset Management System for whole-of-government by leveraging on ICT


Integration of data across agencies to ensure integrity at every phase of development

Utilise standard effective workflow for project development and implementation

Summary and Conclusion
Value at Entry
Economic planning
• Sustainability / viability • Value for money • Integration of development • Acquisition management



• People • Environment • Economic benefits

technical planning

Balanced project output

• Total Asset Management • Stakeholder Focused •Enhanced project outcomes •Standardised processes & practices

Summary and Conclusion…
Creation of Sustainable Future 1. Building Competitive Edge in Global Setting 2. Optimization of Resources 3. Whole life costing approach to Delivering Long-term Value investment

1. Maximizing public investment Embedding value for money across government 2. Focus on Integrated Planning – 3. Timely Cascaded Support Industries 4. Robustness in delivery system 5. Flexibility in implementation

One Malaysia People First Performance Now

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One Malaysia

...One Malaysia is the latest concept that came up by the new Prime Minister that can benefits the country in the terms of living in peace and harmony, learning others culture and stabilizing the politic climate. The Malaysian should be practice this concept in their daily life in order to become as an advance country. One of the benefits of the One Malaysia concept is we will be living in peace and harmony. As we know, there are many races in Malaysia, so it is important to unite all Malaysian to live in a peaceful environment. If the Malaysian is united as one through the concept of One Malaysia, we will definitely be known globally. Through this concept, Malaysian will be learning culture of other races. As a result of multiply race in Malaysia, there are many celebration that being celebrate by each race, so this is an opportunity for Malaysian to celebrate together in order to learn other cultures. For example, Government should organize any celebration that can be participated by all races in Malaysia. Finally, this concept also will be stabilizing the political climate in Malaysia. The factor of too many races in one organization could make a chaos to the politics of the country. Each leader of the race trying to defeat their right and vice versa. So, the concept of One Malaysia will be united nation in politics that is very important to the organization of the country. We can summarize that the concept of One Malaysia is important and should be constantly for...

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