...Abstract: Information Technology (IT) Vs. Management Information System (MIS)-in the context of Corporate Management: Information Technology The central aim of IT management is to generate value through the use of technology. To achieve this, business strategies and technology must be aligned. IT Management is different from management information systems. The latter refers to management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making. IT Management refers to IT related management activities in organizations. MIS is focused mainly on the business aspect, with strong input into the technology phase of the business/organization. A primary focus of IT management is the value creation made possible by technology. This requires the alignment of technology and business strategies. While the value creation for an organization involves a network of relationships between internal and external environments, technology plays an important role in improving the overall value chain of an organization. However, this increase requires business and technology management to work as a creative, synergistic, and collaborative team instead of a purely mechanistic span of control. Historically, one set of resources was dedicated to one particular computing technology, business application or line of business, and managed in a storage-like fashion. These resources supported a single set of requirements and processes, and couldn’t easily be optimized or reconfigured to support...
Words: 2628 - Pages: 11
...The Strategic Use Of Information Technology in Business – Best Guidebook Posted by Admin April 13, 2009 [pic] X Welcome Googler! If you find this page useful, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic. You were searching forPosts relating to "strategic uses of information technology". See posts relating to your search »« Hide related posts • Information Security Technology We live in a world full of dangers. On one hand the world economy is going bonkers while on the... • fruITion Delivers a Novel Approach to IT Strategy Image via Wikipedia Around the world, an extraordinary new book about IT's ... • ShowClix Secures Series A Funding From Pittsburgh Equity Partners ShowClix, a Pittsburgh-based event ticketing company, today announced that it has secured an undisclosed sum of Series A funding from... • There is money in Internet Crime The BBC is reporting that Internet Crime is becoming quite the commercial activity. Apparently there is quite some money in... • So, there’s a nude font? This is a fun little thing I had to bring to your attention. It's a nudist font! Note... [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]TEACHER: Hello, Student. What do you know about Information Technology (IT)? STUDENT: Well, I know that most software is full of “bugs”! By the way, why are these errors in programs called “bugs”? TEACHER: Computer “bugs” have been around since malfunctions...
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...Chapter 01 Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS True / False Questions 1. Companies today are successful when they combine the power of the information age with traditional business methods. True False 2. Competitive intelligence is information collected from multiple sources such as suppliers, customers, competitors, partners, and industries that analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making. True False 3. The information age is the present time, during which infinite quantities of facts are widely available to anyone who can use a computer. True False 4. Technology provides countless business opportunities, but can also lead to pitfalls and traps for a business. True False 5. Top managers use social intelligence to define the future of the business, analyzing markets, industries and economies to determine the strategic direction the company must follow to remain unprofitable. True False 6. A variable is a business intelligence characteristic that stands for a value that cannot change over time. True False 7. Companies update business strategies continuously as internal and external environments change. True False 8. For an organization to succeed, every department or functional area must work independently to be most effective. True False 9. Porter's Five Forces Model outlines the process for a sales strategy. True False ...
Words: 28627 - Pages: 115
...Risk Management: Project proposal Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Table of Contents Project objective 3 Project Overview 3 The significance of the project 4 Project outline 7 Implementation plan Time frame 7 Manpower 11 Role of service providers 11 Role of Internal employees 13 Role of the directors 13 Budget proposal 14 Contributing factors 15 Increase in the level of cyber attacks 15 Use of third party service providers 15 Numerous breakdowns in new software and hardware 16 Description of deliverables 16 Redefining the Architecture model 16 Increased information security 17 Risk management section 18 Conclusion 19 References 21 Project objective This project aims at creating an effective risk management strategy and policy in Aarbin. This is meant to ensure that the organization is safeguarded from the existing risks within the information technology sector. Project Overview Information technology is one of the areas that have received tremendous growth. This situation makes information technology management companies to be vital in the current global market. Due to increased pressure towards information technology, it is therefore common that there could be certain resultant risks that could arise among information technology management companies. Aarbin Technology indulges in the information technology sector and therefore as an organization it is significant if it considers embracing...
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...Strategies and Methods of Technology Management James Teacher MGMT 447 Sunday, August 28, 2011 Abstract In this essay, information on the identification of issues and concerns of what causes poor technology management will be addressed. The strategies and methods will show how the issues and concerns for technology will be corrected and turn the company around. The timeframe will show how the information will get done within the 6 month period along with what type of strategy will be used. The identification issues that need to be address which is causing poor technology management are privacy issues. Privacy issues can cause the identities of employers and employees to be at risk and stolen because personal information is the fundamental component for the technology systems with a company (“Technology Management”, 2011). By addressing the issue of privacy, the employees and other employers should be aware of the issue. Most jobs require a log-in to be able to access computer information within the workplace. To prevent poor technology, the company has to use legislation and technical decisions or combine them using all 4 methods which are legal, technical, security, and police. When it comes to using legal, the company should enforce a data protection regulation or human rights regulation with the company’s handbook. These regulations will make sure no one (including employers) within the company will have access to personal information without permission (“Technology...
Words: 1023 - Pages: 5
...Blekinge Institute of Technology Ronneby-Sweden School of Management June 2005 Do organizations have IT Strategies? A Study on how organizations describe their IT Strategies. Masters Thesis in Business Administration (FED 006) Author Stephen Rupia Lyabandi Executive Summary Title: Do organizations have IT Strategies? A Study on how organizations describe their IT Strategies. Author: Stephen Rupia Lyabandi Tutor: Anders Hederstierna Problem: The research problem of this study is lack of insight on how organizations describe their IT strategies in relation to other strategies. IT strategy continues to be a major challenge for Information Technology intensive organizations and managers. Over the last two decades, the way researchers on information systems have viewed and analyzed IT strategy in organizational systems has not significantly been modified. Recent studies show that one of the main problems is that the concept of IT strategy has been around for nearly two decades and although many organizations have been using it, the meaning and reference of the idea remains elusive. Those who have attempted to define it have not reached an agreement. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to define the problem and explore whether organizations have IT strategies, and how these are...
Words: 20248 - Pages: 81
...BANGALORE MANAGEMENT ACADEMY MBA (International) COURSE CURRICULLUM - TERM II 1. Module Title: Production and Operations Management 2. Module Description: The module employs a systems approach to examine the production and information systems of organisations, with a focus on the integration of transformation activities of firms to produce goods and services and the information systems that link these processes. Throughout the module the use of information technology to carry out these functions and improve operations will be emphasised. This module is also intended to be a survey of the operating practices and procedures found in both manufacturing and service delivery firms. It will focus on those business processes and procedures used to transform various inputs into finished goods and services. The value added aspects of Operations Management such as purchasing, material requirements planning, inventory control and project management are also covered. 3. Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module the students will be able to: describe how organisations can reduce waste and improve quality. explain the impact and importance of the customer-supplier-competitor relationship within business operations. apply quantitative tools and techniques for planning, predicting, measuring and monitoring operations. base strategic decisions on information derived from these tools and techniques. understand the relationship between operations...
Words: 3197 - Pages: 13
...Strategic Management and Leadership Unit Title: STRATEGIC SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS | | Unit aim This unit provides the learner with the understanding and skills to plan strategies to improve an organisation’s supply chain Unit introduction This unit focuses on how the concept of supply chain management and logistics is based on the idea that every product that reaches an end user represents the combined effort of multiple organisations which make up the supply chain and that until recently, most organisations paid attention to only what was happening within their own business. Few organisations understood, much less managed, the entire chain of activities that ultimately delivered products to the final customer. This resulted in ineffective supply chains. In this unit, learners will develop the knowledge that, today, many organisations realise that effective management of supply chain activities can lead to increased customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Supply chain activities cover everything from product development, sourcing, production and logistics, to the information systems needed to coordinate these activities. Learners will discover that the organisations that make up the supply chain are ‘linked’ through physical and information flows. Physical flows involve the transformation, movement and storage of goods and materials and are the most visible piece of the supply chain. Of equal importance are information flows...
Words: 1798 - Pages: 8
...Strategic Planning for Information Systems Third Edition JOHN WARD and JOE PEPPARD Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK Copyright # 2002 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1UD, England National 01243 779777 International (þ44) 1243 779777 e-mail (for orders and customer service enquiries): cs-books@wiley.co.uk Visit our Home Page on http://www.wiley.co.uk or http://www.wiley.co.uk All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, UK W1P 9HE without the permission in writing of the publisher. Other Wiley Editorial Offices John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Pappelallee 3, D-69469 Weinheim, Germany John Wiley Australia Ltd, 33 Park Road, Milton, Queensland 4064, Australia John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd, 2 Clementi Loop #02-01. Jin Xing Distripark, Singapore 129809 John Wiley & Sons (Canada) Ltd, 22 Worcester Road, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1L1, Canada British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-470-84147-8 Project management by Originator, Gt Yarmouth...
Words: 228455 - Pages: 914
...Dustin Cooper 9/30/13 Regent University Introduction Information systems have permeated every aspect of today’s society. Information systems allow organizations and people to carry out everyday activities in a much more efficient way. However, due to the increased dependence on information systems, it has become imperative that methodologies and practices are developed to safeguard the data that is stored and used by information systems, as well as the protection of the hardware that runs the information system. Therefore, a proper understanding of risk management and all that it entails is of the utmost importance for every IT professional, regardless of specialization. The purpose of this paper is to identify what risk management is and give an overview of the three phases or undertakings that make up the risk management process and then conclude with a discussion and explanation of the six-step Risk Management Framework (RMF) developed by the Department of Defense and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2010). “Risk management is the process of Identifying risks, as represented by vulnerabilities, to an organization’s information assets and infrastructure, and taking steps to reduce this risk to an acceptable level” (Michael E. Whitman, Herbert J. Mattord, 2012, p. 119.). Thus, risk management is merely the ability of a person or organization to implement due diligence and identify any potential...
Words: 2778 - Pages: 12
...Executive Management and newly appointed CEO Michael Jordan, provide a new corporate vision and strategy to improve profits, and increase productivity. In this essay I will discuss the relationship, similarities and differences between IT strategy and Business strategy. Information Technology (IT) is a vital component to any successful business. IT Strategy focuses on how to make IT work for businesses and advance the business performance alongside examining ways of exploiting the full potential of information systems from existing and new IT products. Successful businesses now view IT as a tool to serves as a foundation of both operational excellence and competitive advantage. Frito-Lay used IT to improve sales management processes and to make the information readily available to its sales staff. 1-Identify and describe the overlap between the IT strategy and Frito-Lay business strategy. Frito-Lay management realized that the paper-based method of keeping inventory was inaccurate, wasted time, money and product. The overall strategy was to increase the efficiency of the sales operations process by implementing of The IT strategy is similar to Frito Lay business strategy business although the focus is specifically on technology. It is important to plan ahead for the development of your IT systems, which will need to be able to grow and adapt to any changes in business. The business and IT strategies overlap in the following instances: ✓ Using technology to improve...
Words: 1955 - Pages: 8
...Wal-Mart- A Case Study of MIS Strategy Walden University Wal-Mart – A Case Study of MIS Strategy Management information system is all about people using technology to work with information as they support the organization in its quest for a competitive advantage (Haag & Cummings, 2008, p. 29). Researchers and authors have discussed management information systems and technology over the decades. The concepts of competitive advantage, technology, outsourcing etc. have been theorized, yet discussion on the subject matter continues. While MIS strategy formulation has seen advancement, organizations are evolving and constantly changing their operating models. An example of such organization is Wal-Mart, the global retail giant. This research seeks to pin-point Wal-Mart’s key management information system strategy, while providing a deeper understanding of the organization’s management information systems strategy and its impacts. Further it aims to investigate knowledge management, e-commerce strategy, and the impact of database management which are aspects that can be incorporated into the MIS strategy formulation. To achieve this objective the literature survey was conducted to explore available published papers in the sphere of IS/IT strategy formulation. Considering that the applicability of information systems and technology is mission critical, the research design focused on the qualitative approach. The primary method of data collection was through semi-structured...
Words: 1763 - Pages: 8
...Strategic management of Information systems 1. Introduction Reasons why business managers should participate in information systems decisions 1.A business view (IS must be managed as a critical resource) It both support and consumes a significant amount of an organizations resources this needs to be managed wisely, as a critical resources. 2.People and technology work together (IS enable changes in the way people work together) Correctly incorporating IS into the design of a business enables people to focus their time and resources on issues that bear directly on customers satisfaction and other revenue and profit generating activities. 3. Integrating business with technology (IS are part of almost every aspect of business) Is helps simplify organizational activities and processes such as moving goods, stocking shelves, or communicating with suppliers. 4.Rapid change in technology (IS enable business opportunities and new strategies) The proliferation of new technologies creates a business environment filled with opportunities. The manager’s role is to frame these opportunities so that others can understand them, to evaluate them against existing business needs, and finally to pursue any that fit an articulated business strategy, managers must lead the change driven by IS. 5. Competitive challenges (IS enables business opportunities and new strategies) General managers are in the best position to see the merging threats and utilize IS effectively...
Words: 6560 - Pages: 27
...OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (IPAM) UNIVERSITY OF SIERRA LEONE RESEARCH PROPOSAL PROPOSED MASTERS-MPA PROPOSED TOPIC THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEM PLANNING AND IT’S ALIGNMENT WITH THE STRATEGIC PLAN OF THE ORGANIZATION A CASE STUDY: PARLIAMENT OF SIERRA LEONE (STRATEGIC PLAN 2009-2013) SUBMITTED TO: THE DEAN OF POSTGRADUATES STUDIES SUBMITTED BY: JOSEPH CONTEH INTRODUCTION Strategic information system planning (SISP) is consistently identified as the most critical issue facing the Organization. Leaderer and Sethi define strategic information systems planning as the process of identifying a portfolio of computer-based applications to assist an organization in executing its business plans and realizing its business goals. Strategic information systems planning also include the search for applications with a high impact and the ability to create- an advantage over competitors. The use of Information Technology associated with proper planning would increase business success within the organization. SISP is considered to be the best mechanism that would support the organization to assure that IT activities are attuned with those of the rest of the organizational needs. The paper will focus on such factors that will assist the organizations to success in the strategic information systems planning. Background Information to the Research area Over the years, some organizations have made technology decisions and acquisitions in...
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...Portada Management information systems managing the digital firm Part One. Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise ....1 Chapter 1. Managing the Digital Firm ....2 Opening Case: DaimlerChrysler's Agile Supply Chain ....3 1.1 Why Information Systems? ....4 Why Information Systems Matter 4 • How Much Does IT Matter? 6 • Why IT Now? Digital Convergence and the Changing Business Environment ....7 1.2 Perspectives on Information Systems ....13 What Is an Information System? ....13 Windows on Organizations: Cemex: A Digital Firm in the Making ....14 Window on Technology: UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology ....17 It Isn't Just Technology: A Business Perspective on Information Systems 18 • Dimensions of Information Systems ....20 1.3 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems ....25 Technical Approach 26 • Behavioral Approach 26 • Approach of This Text: Sociotechnical Systems ....27 1.4 Learning to Use Information Systems: New Opportunities with Technology ....27 The Challenge of Information Systems: Key Management Issues 28 • Integrating Text with Technology: New Opportunities for Learning ....30 Make IT Your Business ....31 Summary, 31 • Key Terms, 32 • Review Questions, 32 • Discussion Questions, 33 • Application Software Exercise: Database Exercise: Adding Value to Information for Management Decision Making, 33 • Dirt Bikes USA: Preparing a Management Overview of the Company, 33 • Electronic Commerce Project: Analyzing...
Words: 3823 - Pages: 16