...Study on Standardization of Management Accounting Li-qun Pang Department of accounting, Jilin Business and Technology College 130062, Changchun, China pangliqun1965@126.com Abstract. In order to solve the apparent lack of standardization problem of management accounting theory, because this problem is not only restricted the management accounting application and promotion in China's enterprises, but also hindered their own theory the depth development and research efficiency. This paper describes the standardization of management accounting principles, this paper discusses the basic theory that the standardization of management accounting, Analysis of building management accounting theoretical framework the various elements and the logical relationship between them, and select the appropriate logical starting point as a starting point to build the foundation of management accounting theoretical framework. Keywords: management accounting, standardization, basic principles, basic theoretical system, theoretical framework. 1 Introduction Management accounting as one of the two branches of modern accounting, after decades of development, both in theory and practice have made some development, its important role of business management has gradually been of concern to the community, and follow-up is considered the accounting industry development. But in general, Management accounting in China there are still many problems, as opposed to the development of more sophisticated financial...
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...CYMRU: Y DRINDOD DEWI SANT School of Business, Finance and Management Ysgol Busnes, Cyllid a Rheolaeth Business Ethics and Social Responsibility SBUS6003 October 2015 – Term 5 February 2016 – Term 6 SBUS6003 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility MODULE CODE: TITLE: DATED: SBUS6003 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 02/06/2011 LEVEL: CREDITS: 6 20 TEACHING METHODS: Lectures Workshops Independent Study JACS CODE: N200 8% 16% 76% AIM(S) • To introduce students to the particular problems and opportunities experienced in adopting or ignoring corporate social responsibility. • To develop students’ understanding of the relationship between business ethics and management decision making • To develop students understanding of sustainable business issues and how they can be managed, promoted and developed in a business context. LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this module students should be able to: • critically evaluate the tipple bottom line of sustainability as a key goal for business ethics; • critically evaluate the role of ethical theory in decision making in business. • critically appraise stakeholder expectation and its relationship with corporate governance and social responsibility; • research and critically analyse ethical challenges in different organisations; • investigate and critically evaluate an organisation’s management of corporate social responsibility. CONTENT • Environmental...
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...(Industry discontinuities , Product life cycle shifts, and Internal company dynamics) • Change is aimed at competitive advantage (Uniqueness, Value, Difficult to imitate) • Change is sytemic and revolutionary - Reshaping organization's design elements • Change demands a new organizing paradigm (gamma change) • Change is driven by senior executives and line management (envisioning, energizing, and enabling) • Change involves significant learning - Must learn how to enact the new behaviors Intergrated Strategic Change - Extends traditional OD process into content oriented discipline of strategic management • Key Features: - Strategic Orientation - Stratic change capability - Individual and organizations are integrated into the process • Applications Stages (Strategic analysis, strategic choice, and design and implement the strategic change plan) Organization Design - Configures the organizations structure, work design, HR practice, and management to guide members' behavior • Conceptual Framework ( Strategy, Structure, Work Design, HR Practices, and Management / Information Systems) • Application Stages (Clarify design focus, designing the organization, and implementing the design Culture Change • Concept of Organization Culture (artifacts, norms, values, basic assumptions) • Organization culture and organization effectiveness - Culture affects performance through its influence on the organization's ability to implement change • Diagnosing Organization...
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...financial system in Ethiopia 7 2.4. Points we Agree or Disagree with 7 2.5. One part of the article that helped to understand finance 8 III. Hypothesis Comparison. 8 IV. How the information in the article affect the business manager in us 9 4.1. Becoming a better financial manager 9 4.2. Becoming a better professional 9 4.3. Practicing suggestions in the article 9 4.4. Issues listed by the authors 10 References 13 I. Article Summary 1.1. Article Title: The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field 1.2. Authors: John R. Graham and Campbell R. Harvey 1.3. Publication: the article is published in the Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 187-243, dated 31/05/2001. The publisher is North-Holland. 1.4. Reviewer: Group 8 members 1. 1.5. Purpose of the Article The article reports the result of a comprehensive survey on the practice of corporate finance conducted in 1999 G.C by the above mentioned two authors in the USA. Unlike previous similar studies in theory and practice of corporate finance, the article address a broader scope in the field of corporate finance including capital budgeting, cost of capital and capital structure, which according to the authors allows “linking responses of survey participants across areas”. Selecting a large sample of cross-section firms with approximate population size of 4,440, the authors claim to have solicited the response of 392 chief financial officers and to have analysed how these firms...
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...Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Customer Relationship Management Faculty: Prof. G. Shainesh Term VI PGP (2008-09) 3 Credit Course Background – The primary purpose of any business is to win and keep customers. Its competitors also seek to do the same. Most successful firms have developed capabilities for attracting customers through their marketing programs. But they have shown mixed results when it comes to retaining these customers. Customer Relationship Management helps businesses in successfully implementing strategies aimed at winning and retaining customers profitably. It is also helping businesses shift from a short-term transaction based mode of operation in their interactions with customers to a long-term relationship mode. Objectives – The objective of this course is to help students understand the concept and practice of CRM derived from research and applications across businesses. These concepts and applications from real life case studies will help identify opportunities, which can be successfully implemented for long term profitability. Pedagogy – The teaching methodology will include a mix of lectures, discussions of pre-readings, presentations by practitioners, exercises and case analysis. The cases are integrative in nature but will also help develop an appreciation of specific elements of CRM. Group Project – Option 1 - Identify any organisation which is practicing some form of CRM. Start working with them to understand...
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...Co-ordinator= Pauline Lowenberger Summative Assignment: A Report Writing based on a Case Study By Tanzina Shomy Student ID: 1322288 Title Page “A Written Report about comparison of the achievement attained by two travel firms named the AET and SA exploiting diverse strategies in an akin sets of HR practice.” Date- 10-1-2016 By- Tanzina-Shomy-Motahar Student ID –‘1322288’ Executive Summary This written report emphasised the constant achievement of about 2 travel businesses in 2 different countries named “Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX, USA” and “Airport Express Train, Oslo, Norway”. It will also be studied the internal consistency of HR of both firms and how they achieved competitive advantages, success and conclusively touched the highest position through HPWS theory into the practices. Yet, both travel firms were monitored accordingly different methods like age, ownership, range of the company, competitive strategy, labour law and national framework, whereas both travel companies were accomplished success applying theory of HPWS into the practice. Generally, the Airport Express Train (AET) and the Southwest Airlines (SA) travel businesses are suggested to follow ‘the chain of impact framework’ as a recommendation for future success in travel business. This report will explain also how the HR and HPWS models are applied in this case. For example, SA company considered they...
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...its situational perspective. Those interested in research issues regarding organization and management can use the contingency perspective to explain why some factors influence situations in one setting but have virtually no influence in another setting. Indeed, one objective of research within the contingency framework is to specify those dimensions and conditions that do affect a situation and those that do not. For the manager, the requirement from the contingency perspective is to identify which technique will, in a particular situation, best contribute to the attainment of organizational goals. For instance, under some circumstances, an authoritarian leadership style may be more appropriate than a leadership style that tries to get workers internally motivated. While the contingency approach is useful in recognizing that the complexity involved in understanding human and organizational systems makes it difficult to develop universal principles of management, there have been several criticisms of the approach. For one, it has been pointed out that the logical extension of the contingency approach is that all situations are unique. If this is true, then management can be practiced only by intuition and judgment, thereby negating the value of prior knowledge and wisdom. On a research level, contingency theory has been criticized for being atheoretical. One requirement of theory is the ability to test the validity of assumptions by showing that contradictory assumptions...
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...COLLEGE : COLLEGE OF BUSINESS DEPARTMENT: DSI COURSE CODE : MANASCI CLASS DAYS AND CLASS TIME: TH, 1800-1930/1940-2110 ROOM: L330 INSTRUCTOR: MR. ENRICO L. CORDOBA (lance_emeric@yahoo.com) COURSE DESCRIPTION: MANASCI (MANAGEMENT SCIENCE) is a 14-week course on the study of quantitative techniques in business decision-making. The course covers linear programming models and its special algorithms; network (PERT/CPM) models; decision-making theories and processes; and decision tree construction and analysis. LEARNING OUTCOMES (LO): On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following: |ELGA |LEARNING OUTCOME | |Effective communicators |To present in class the application of quantitative techniques to management decision | | |models through case analysis | |Critical and creative thinkers |To develop analytical thinking and proper reasoning in the application of quantitative | | |techniques to management decision models | | |To acquire the essential skills for the proper use of quantitative techniques in | | ...
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...of Human resource function 3 2.1 What is Human Resource Management? 3 2.2 What is Human resource Department? 4 2.3 Human Resource specialist Vs. Human Resource Generalist 4 2.4 Job Design 5 Importance of Job Design 5 2.5 Job Analysis 6 2.6 Human Resource Planning 7 2.7 Recruitment 8 2.8 Selection 9 2.9 Hiring and Induction. 10 2.10 Performance Elevations. 12 2.11 Reward Management 13 2.12 Training and Development 14 2.13 Employee welfare Management 15 2.14 Employee Movements 16 2.15 Employee Discipline Management 18 2.16 Labor Management Relations 19 3 Human resource practice in selected organization. 20 3.1 Job Design 20 3.2 Job Analyze 20 3.3 Human Resource planning 21 3.4 Recruitment 22 3.5 Selection 22 3.6 Hiring and Induction 23 3.7 Performance elevation 24 3.8 Reward Management. 24 3.9 Training and Development 25 3.10 Employee welfare Management. 25 3.11 Employee Movements 26 3.12 Labor Management Relations. 26 4 Comments on Theory and Practice. 27 4.1 Job design, 27 4.2 Job analyze 27 4.3 Human resource planning. 27 4.4 Recruitment 27 4.5 Selection 27 4.6 Hiring and induction 27 4.7 Performance Elevation 28 4.8 Reward Management 28 4.9 Training and development 28 4.10 Employee welfare managements 28 4.11 Employee Movements 28 4.12 Employee Discipline Management 28 4.13 Labor Management relations 28 5 Conclusion 29 6 References 30 Introduction ...
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...between economic theory and business practice Introduction 3 Definition 3 Economic Theory Vs. Managerial Theory 4 Decision-making 6 Scope of Managerial Economics 6 Positive versus Normative Economics 7 Positive Economics 7 Normative Economics 7 Examples Demonstrating How Managerial Economics Translates Economic Theory into Business Practice 9 Demand Analysis and Forecasting 9 Cost and Production Analysis 10 Inventory Management 10 Advertising 11 Pricing Decision, Policies and Practices 11 Profit Management 11 Capital Management 12 Responsibilities of a Managerial Economist 13 Conclusion 15 Gadgets International: A Case Study Nature of the Case Study 16 About Gadgets International (GI) 16 Market/Industry Structure 17 Firm’s Objectives 19 Using Economic Theory to Attain Gadgets International’s Organizational Goals & Objectives 19 Optimal Output Level & Pricing Strategy 19 Inputs and Costs 22 Accommodating Change 24 Promoting Growth 25 Conclusion 26 Managerial Economics Bridging the gap between economic theory and business practice Introduction The science of Managerial Economics has emerged only recently. With the growing variability and unpredictability of the business environment, business managers have become increasingly concerned with finding rational and ways of adjusting to an exploiting environmental change. Managerial economics generally refers to the integration of economic theory with business practice. Economics provides...
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...FT 106C FT 107C FT 108C Management Principles and Practices Mathematics and Statistics for Managers Accounting for Managers IT and E-Business Fundamentals Business Environment Organization Behavior and Processes Business Communication Business Legislation 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 COURSES AND SYLLABUS FOR SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH SEMESTER SHALL BE COMMUNICATED LATER. 2 FT-101C MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Course Objective The objective of this course is to help the students gain understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the manager, provide them tools and techniques to be used in the performance of the managerial job, and enable them to analyze and understand the environment of the organization. Examination The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or more cases. Cases prescribed below are only for classroom discussion and internal evaluation and not for end semester examinations Course contents 1. Concept of Management Functions and Responsibilities of Managers, Fayol's Principles of Management, Management Thought The Classical School, the Human Relations School, Systems Theory, Contingency Management, Developing Excellent Managers...
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...Introduction: The Theory behind Scientific Management The definition of Scientific Management is that it is “the management thought concerned primarily with the physical efficiency of an individual worker.” (Business Dictionary, 2011) Though the famous economist Adam Smith, with his division of labour hypothesis is credited with using scientific management principles, it is widely believed that the father of scientific management is the management theorist, Frederick Taylor. Scientific Management and Taylorism are near synonymous due to the fact that the field of Scientific Management was pioneered by Frederick Taylor in the late 19th century. With the adoption of scientific management in virtually every aspect of management practice, the field of scientific management took off in a big way in the 20th century. This resulted in greater efficiencies and more productivity of the workforce as the application of scientific management theories meant that production processes were standardized and the principle of division of labour was applied leading to mass production of goods (Taylor, 2011, 80). An interesting aspect of the scientific management approach pioneered by Taylor is his emphasis on increasing efficiency from the “bottom up” where he concentrated on the shop floor to maximize productivity. When contrasted with the theories by Henri Fayol and Max Weber who favoured a top down approach, we find that Taylor’s approach is better suited to the rigours of modern day manufacturing...
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...improve efficiency in organization, and job performance. Through this beginning, I/O psychology continues to expand and develop into the psychological discipline it is today. A simple definition or practical applications of I/O psychology are the mere pinnacles in understanding the scope of the discipline. Examining the evolution of I/O psychology, in addition to explaining the role of research and statistics in I/O psychology will reveal the foundation upon which the pinnacles rest (Spector, 2008). Evolution of I/O Psychology The credit for the development of I/O psychology lies with Walter Dill and Hugo Münsterberg. Both individuals were professors and experimental psychologists who began applying principles of psychology to organization’s problems. Münsterberg’s interests in employee selection processes brought about the use of psychological testing. His inability to gain acceptability and respect for his theories at Harvard, or through his colleagues motivated Münsterberg to branch out into a new discipline; industrial psychology. Walter Dill Scott, also placing interest in this new discipline, in addition to using psychology in advertising was developing theories of his own. Scott and Münsterberg wrote two foundational books relevant to this discipline; The Theory of Advertising (1903) and Psychology and Industrial...
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............Page Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 1.1. Different organisational structure and culture..............................................................3 1.2. Relationship between organisational structure and culture..........................................4 1.3. Factors influencing individual behaviour at work........................................................5 2.1. Organisation theory and management practice.............................................................6 2.2. Different approaches to management used by Peacocks and Primark..........................6 3.1. Leadership styles and their effectiveness......................................................................7 3.2. Application of different motivational theories in workplace........................................8 3.3. Relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management..................10 4.1. Nature of groups and group behaviour.........................................................................11 4.2. Factors lead to effective teamwork and threaten the success......................................12 4.3. The impact of technology on team functioning............................................................13 References...........................................................................................................................14 Introduction: ...
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... UGB229 Marketing Management 2013 Assignment This assignment is in two parts. You need to achieve an overall mark of 40% to successfully complete this module. Please read all instructions and information carefully. You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment Regulations. Your assignments must be handed in to the Library Desk with an accurately and clearly completed Assignment Cover Sheet. Learning Outcomes Assessed: Knowledge Based Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the differing roles of marketing in different organisations 2. Analyse the key issues in managing marketing operations within an organisation 3. Explain, use and evaluate tools and techniques employed by marketing managers in developing and managing their strategies, plans and operations 4. Understand, describe and evaluate the importance of, and mechanisms for, control and evaluation within marketing management 5. Recognise the need for integration between marketing management and other organisational management areas such as operations, finance and HR 6. Discuss the key trends in marketing management Skills: Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills: 7. Analysis of information and/or a situation 8. Problem solving and decision making 9. Reading, synthesising and reporting of current marketing management topics ...
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