...how you would go about managing your work priorities and professional development. 1. What makes a good role model and how would I ensure that I acted as a role model for employees I supervise? A good role model to me is someone that inspires me and I aspire to be like. A good role model needs to have a positive, approachable demeanour. I believe a role model provides inspiration and motivation to seek out accomplishments. Role models send messages about their beliefs by what they do and say. To ensure that I acted as a role model to my employees, I would always act with integrity. I would listen to what my staff have to say and always make them feel like their opinions and contributions are worthwhile and important. I would make sure that my actions always demonstrated my beliefs and I would always demonstrate a passion for what I do. I would not make my employees do a task that I wasn’t willing or capable of doing. Acting as a good role model for my staff would incorporate in my professional development. 2. What are the traits of an effective leader? Do I have these traits? How would I develop these traits? I feel the most important traits of an effective leader is someone that works honestly, ethically, with integrity, has the ability to communicate, has a strong commitment, and the ability to inspire. Do I have these traits? It is sometimes hard to look inwards at yourself and answer this honestly as we would all like to say yes. I definitely think I am an...
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...have the freedom to do more of the things we enjoy doing. In conducting my research, I chose to use the University of Phoenix online library to obtain articles that would provide reliable solutions to help maintain effective time management skills. While using the online library for my research I would obtain information that is reliable and accurate. These articles I will be reviewing will help me learn how to managing time more effectively. After collecting my articles, I will evaluate the information researched and obtained to help assist in developing time management skills. Time Management involves analyzing how your time is spent. Most individuals have a hard time trying to balance a job, school, parenting, or other personal obligations. According to Adair 2003, he discussed ten principles of time management that include: developing a personal sense of time, iidentify long-term goals, make medium-term plans, plan the day, make the best use of your best time, organize office work, manage meetings, delegate effectively, m make use of committed time, and manage your health. If individuals develop a schedule that focused on their responsibilities, tasks, goals, therefore this will help in...
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...Time 4. Managing Interruptions 5. Dealing with procrastination A1. Goal Setting When it comes to goal setting in a work place, it helps to ask yourself some questions. What was I hired to do? If I am satisfied with my work performance, what will have been achieved? If my boss is satisfied with my work performance, what will have been accomplished? Once you have answered these questions you can set some goals to guide you in your day-to-day work activities. If you don’t know the answers to these questions then please schedule time to discuss goals with your manager. A2. Prioritization of Goals and Tasks Once you have goals for work place achievement, you need to rank the goals in order of importance, then focus on the top three goals. Each goal needs to then turn into a list of supporting tasks that help you achieve that goal. You might refer to this list of items as your “To Do” list. It is also important to have your goals and tasks in an easy to manage and visible location. Task lists can be on a pad of paper or in an electronic last list, but you need to have easy access to the list each day. It’s also helpful to rank each task in an order of priority A, B, and C. • Priority A tasks need to be done today • Priority B tasks need to be done in the next five days • Priority C tasks need to be done in the next two- four weeks Priority A, B, and C tasks all support your goals, but priority A tasks need to done by the time you stop working today. Priority B tasks are...
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...Picture Knowing how to manage your time is an essential tool to success in life. Time Management has helped me set priorities to meet goals, improve my skills, and helped me reduce stress. Setting priorities to meet goals will give me a clear idea of what I have to do and when it needs to be done. Using time management during an ordinary day helps to reduce the stress and simplifies life. Without having a plan on how to manage time, it can create stress in life and also forgetting important dates and deadlines. By not having some type of organization in life it will create problems and will seem as if there is not enough time in one day to complete daily task. Time management is an essential tool for me to be more organized and accomplish my goals in a timely manner. I have to do all my assignments and be at school on time. I create a list of things that needs to be done every day. Meeting daily goals is much easier when I have a clear idea of what needs to be done. I need to keep my focus on what to do every day. Being more organized has helped me a lot. On Thursday, I meet with my team to do homework. At work, being organized and setting a plan is very important, especially when you have more than one responsibility to do. Managing your time is one of the keys to success in life. Setting goals is essential to know what we want to do. Having a written schedule will keep...
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...Development & Management Consultancy, Dubai. “More than just a guide to better managing your time - it’s a collection of simple, yet effective, tips and reminders to help keep you on track.” Linda Harlow, Director, Brook Street plc “Contains a wealth of practical tips to help busy managers manage their time better.” Viv Clements, Training Officer, Aylesbury Vale District Council. Published by: Management Pocketbooks Ltd 14 East Street, Alresford, Hants SO24 9EE, U.K. Tel: +44 (0)1962 735573 Fax: +44 (0)1962 733637 E-mail: pocketbks@aol.com Web: www.pocketbook.co.uk MANAGEMENT POCKETBOOKS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. 1st edition 2nd edition 3rd edition 4th edition 1990 1991 1995 1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2000. © Ian Fleming 1990, 1997 ISBN 1 870471 53 9 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data – A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Printed in U.K. by Ashford Colour Press Ltd, Gosport, Hants. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS Working with your boss, secretary, team, dealing with interruptions, assertiveness 55 MANAGING WORK ACTIVITIES Taking action (for the right reason, at the right time, in the right way) 5 75 MANAGING COMMUNICATIONS Listening, asking questions, speaking, reading, writing...
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...Time Management When it comes to managing time, it can get a little messy, especially when it seems like everything just seems to take place all at once or when you run out of time and the 24 hours we do have in a day just isn’t enough. In order for us to handle all the aspects of things going on in life we must learn to stop procrastinating, set priorities, and use planners for everything that we do. “Over commitment is then frequently followed by procrastination” (Managing Time: Experts Advise How Best to Keep from Wasting It, 1989). People tend to commit their selves to too many things and not worry about the time. They just keep saying they are going to do it and just keep pushing it back and procrastinating. How many times have we said we are just going to do it later, and them find ourselves rushing to do it because we are at the deadline…? too many. Prioritizing your daily task is a good way to help manage your time and not procrastinate. Put your priorities in order of importance, and do not let anything distract you from your task. Yes, things happen that you can’t control that might hinder your accomplishments but it is your responsibility to get back on track once the incident is over. Karen Flaherty of Compass Group, Limited of Birmingham said “Don’t schedule every moment of the day; leave time for catch up.” Using a planner to help you with your task is another way to help you manage your time. “the significance of planning gives people a way to...
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...particular individual. If one was to ask someone what they mean by time management, they probably will respond in a positive way because they are unaware of how they are managing their time. But the skills of managing time are not easy as its definition is. Planning can be done by anyone who has some knowledge of it but when it comes to executing it people fail miserably. This paper will discuss time management, alternatives, solutions and recommendations on how to manage time successfully or executing it effectively. Time Management In the military, there is time keeping system nor do they use standard forms in the organization is constant and irreversible. Nothing can be substituted for time. Worse, once wasted, it can never be regained. Leaders have numerous demands on their limited time. Time keeps getting away and they have trouble controlling it. No matter what their position, they cannot stop time, they cannot slow it down, nor can they speed it up. According to Bevins, Frankki, and Aaron De Smet., time needs to be effectively managed to be effective (27). On the other hand, management can become consumed with building time management spreadsheets, creating priority folders and lists, color coding tasks, and separating paperwork into priority piles, which also that you start to waste more time by managing it to deeply. Time management is the organization of tasks or events by first estimating how much time a task will take to be completed, when it...
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...strategies to the way you work you should be able to spend more than 20% of your time on the important tasks that need to be completed. Managing the valuable commodity of time can improve both your professional and personal life. In order for a leader to really manage their time they need to answer these two questions: 1. How much time do I have? a. Determining how much time you have in a typical work day is based on whether you work 8 hours plus a lunch hour and the type of work being done. 2. How do I spend my time? a. How you use your time during the day can be difficult to know with so many variable tasks that we do each day. Tracking your time using a work log can help you determine how your time is spent each day. This section of the Leadership Handbook will outline several valuable ideas in two very important areas of time management: • How to record and analyze your time using time logs • Effective strategies to avoid wasting time Analyze Your Time with Time Logs Creating a time log can help you identify problem areas in the way you manage your time. The benefits of keeping a time log include the following: • Identifies problem areas where time is being wasted • Indicates area that can be changed or modified to be more productive • Places you in control by helping you manage your time better in the future When you are in control, you will feel less stress and feel more in control of your time each...
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...DEVELOPMENT FOR STRATEGIC MANAGERS Time Management MANAGING YOUR TIME MEANS MANAGING YOUR FUTURE, IT MEANS DETERMINING YOUR FUFURE TODAY.WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR TIME TODAY WILL TO A VERY LARGE EXTENT DETERMINE WHAT YOUR FUFURE WILL BE.TIME WASTERS ARE FUFURE DESTROYERS,YOU MUST AVOID THEM. It has often been said that time and tides wait for no man, so if you control your time, you control your life. Time is a precious non replenishable asset; everyone gets an equal share but we use it very differently. We also look at time very differently. About 57% of us are present and future oriented, 33% are mainly future oriented, 9% are present oriented and only 1% focus on the past. Societies have different attitudes toward time, some are rushed and punctual, others are relaxed and disregard the clock. Successful managers, professionals, and students are future or goal oriented. Productive people have set their priorities and scheduled their time accordingly. Unsuccessful, unskilled workers and procrastinating students are present oriented and unorganized. When current needs demand your attention, whether that is because the family must be fed or you "must" have a good time with friends, it becomes harder to carefully plan for the future. Our situation and needs influence our time orientation however, our time orientation (and needs) can be changed. The first step is to admit that time utilization problem exist, scheduling your time may not be as difficult as you might think since...
Words: 1538 - Pages: 7
... • Strategic Management of Resources (SMR) A CPIM Exam Content Manual is published annually by APICS. It is a key resource for anyone preparing for the APICS certification examinations. The manual addresses all five of the examinations by documenting the scope of the module, the content outline, the key terms, and primary and secondary references. The CPIM Exam Content Manual can be ordered directly from APICS. Click here for APICS contact information. The APICS Web site is www.apics.org. APICS is located in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, and the telephone numbers are: 1.800.444.2743 and 1.703.354.8851. The fax number is 703.354.8106. Course Components This course gives you a chance to review key content points and assess your...
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...behaviors surrounding time management have a demonstrated relation to a student or professional’s perception of their ability to control their environment. This includes available time, response to stress in their environment, and level of performance. 1. Introduction One thing that can be heard ringing through any office building, college library or study hall, and many other professional settings is complaint. Complaint that there are not enough hours in the day, days in the week, weeks in the month, etc. How can we be expected to get all this done? All of these complaints lead to the discussion of managing one’s time. In order to manage your time, one must know what time management is. With a quick Google search, or a trip to the self-help section of the book store, you can find an abundance of resources ready at your fingertips, offering you various “must-have” guides to your time management success. One thing you will not find, however, is a consistent definition of time management. So what is time management? Time management is a concept that has been a topic of concern at the workplace for many years, dating back into the 1950s and 1960s. In order to address this topic, many experts have come up with ideas that would help people to learn to manage their time. These have been as simple as creating a to-do list and working from that, all the way to complex models including lists, prioritizing, working in time increments, etc. However,...
Words: 6592 - Pages: 27
...Unit six: Principles of budgets in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. • The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB drive • Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly • When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference • Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 7 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: Section 1: The purpose of budgets This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Understand the purpose of budgets in a business environment. |Learning objective |Place in Assessment | |1.1 Explain the purpose of budgets for managing financial resources to meet business |Question 1 Page 1 | |requirements | | 1. Why are budgets used to manage financial resources? [1.1] A budget is a plan translated into money and a tool for spread resources and perform strategic plans. Financial...
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...Internal recruitment is promoting existing employees in conjunction with internal training and external recruitment involves recruiting suitable candidates with relevant experience and qualifications who have not previously worked within the organisation. From The Conference Board of Canada's report, Valuing Your Talent: Human Resources Trends and Metrics we learn that employers need to develop workforce strategies to attract and retain employees in the current climate. As the economy starts to recover organizations will face a risk of higher turnover with employees considering new opportunities. A growing economy and an aging workforce mean that it is just a matter of time before pressure in labour markets begins to build again; the demand for skilled and talented employees is growing although the Conference Board of Canada’s report states that, - shortages of key skills never entirely dissipated during the recession and will be of greater concern than general labour shortages (The Conference Board of Canada, Valuing Your Talent: Human Resources Trends and Metrics, Allison Cowan and Ruth Wright, p.ii). The Conference Board identifies the top four strategic HR priorities:...
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...IT MANAGEMENT – Managing People 1 IT Management: Managing People 1 David McKean BookBoon By: MGNT 6040: Current Readings in Management of Technology IT MANAGEMENT – Managing People 2 Contents About the author and IT Leaders Ltd 3 1 The secret to good IT management 4 2 What makes a successfully IT manager? 5 3 Team Leadership 7 4 Business relationship management 10 5 Working with senior execs – Networking & politics 6 Conclusion IT MANAGEMENT – Managing People 3 About the author and IT Leaders Ltd David McKean, former CIO, has worked with many national companies worldwide, including AT&T, UPC in Holland, and C&W in the U.K. David is now the managing director of IT Leaders Ltd, a leading provider of IT management training. IT Leaders Ltd provides training courses to the public, as well as distance learning courses and in house courses. All IT Leaders courses are accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management and presented by former CIO’s and senior directors. IT Leaders Ltd’s clients include Accenture, Alstom, Barclays, Capita, DHL, HSBC, Phillips, and many more large organizations. IT Leaders Ltd programs focus on 8 key IT Leadership elements, including “organizational politics for IT managers, leading IT teams, business and IT strategy, technology innovation, crisis leadership, business change leadership, senior level influencing, and corporate leadership”. The IT management and commercial...
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...The authors, Gabbaro and Kotter, in the article talk about the ways in which managers and bosses are mutually dependent on each other and how to manage this interdependent relationship with your boss in order to function effectively. Recent studies in the article suggest that effective managers take time and effort to manage not only relationships with their subordinates but also those with their bosses. Bosses require cooperation, reliability, and honesty from their direct reports and when managers take the time to cultivate a productive working relationship by understanding their boss's strengths and weaknesses, priorities, and work style everyone wins. According to the article, managing your boss effectively is important and can simplify your job hugely by eliminating potentially severe...
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