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Mandatory Community Service In The United States

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I believe that mandatory cumminity service for the country would do more harm than good. I believe the whole point of community service is based of self will and volunteeraly wanting to do so. My opinion is also that mandatory service goes against our constitutional rights as americans. Mandatory service also creates the possabillity of affecting the quality of service givin. My opinion is that mandatory service goes againts constituional rights. United states is the land of the free where people fight for our countrys freedom. This entitles people to be able to do whatever they want to do within the laws. So therefore we would have to change all of our rights based off the decision to make community mandatory. That would change our whole country and how it is operated.

I also believe that mandatory service will affect the quality of work done by volunteers. My opinion is that people will have less drive to make the best work they can because of the fact they are being forced. Even tho there would be stipends would be givin, theres possobility that it would not be as much as someone mite have previosly bin earning. That would not be fare to schoalars who have worked hard to earn the luxuaries they have gotten. …show more content…
There are also many church programs that in most cases bring free food to the poor orhelp build new churches through out the United States. If services were mandatory then I dont think as much would be done as a service and that it would eventually lead up to people getting punished for not wanting to go through with a whole year of

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