tmost important caucus is in Iowacaucus process
Most will also know that the first and as it is the first voting for the candidates in the presidential race and can give momentum to candidates who win here. Some students may expand this by explaining the caucus process itself – going from small meetings in voters’ front rooms in precincts, through different levels – up to the state conventions. Such knowledge is likely to gain high AO1 marks.
caucuses show the views of the party activists in both parties and tend to be dominated therefore by more extreme ideological views – to the liberal left in the Democratic Party and to the conservative right in the Republican Party. In 2012 the results from the caucuses may be given in evidence or students may refer to previous results in caucus states
students may argue that caucuses may lack significance because primary selection now provides by far the majority of pledged delegates (less states do it, only less populated states north dakota) and most candidates concentrate on the primaries rather than the caucuses, which may at times be ignored (other than Iowa) unless exceptional circumstances such as a very close race
students may argue that the caucuses are less significant because they are less democratic than the primaries due to the narrowness of the electorate involved lower turnout may reduce their significance.
The mark will relate to the evidence and examples presented of the above with reference to specific caucuses and candidates from recent elections.