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Mansoor Ali Cv


Submitted By ZeeshanAzhar
Words 536
Pages 3

Mansoor Ali
19-W, Abbas Street, GulghastColony, Multan 60000, Punjab, Pakistan.
Mobile:+971 52 7919 604 /

Pursue a challenging career in a leading and progressive organization. Providing ample growth and learning opportunities to contribute positively towards its goal to the best of my expertise and to further enhance my professional skills.

ORGANISATIONAL EXPERIENCE Tenure | Company Name | Designation | Since Dec 2009 | Suzuki Fort Motors, Multan. | Customer Care Manager
I.T. Manager |

Job Profile: * Attended all trainings from Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd. (I.T. & Customer Care Management). * Maintain customer inquiry record. * Maintain walk in customer record. * Manage calls to customer regarding dealing of sales staff. * Solve customer problems regarding after sales service. * Maintain DMIS (Dealer Management Information System). * Establish DMIS networking to sales executive desk. * Maintain networking system at dealership. * To assist regional office for required information. * To coordinate accounts, sales & parts regarding DMIS. * Troubleshooting of I.T. network. * To provide all necessary information received from PSMCL (Pak Suzuki Motor Corporation Limited).

Tenure | Company Name | Designation | Aug 2006-Dec 2009 | Suzuki Multan Motors, Multan. | I.T. Coordinator |

Job Profile: * Feed the data of sales & service in DMIS. * Coordinate the I.T. system incharge & system operations. * Installed the desk I.T. systems.

CORE COMPETENCIES | * Client Relationship Management * Managing customer complaints & operations, forwarding customer instructions to the concerned department & ensuring customer satisfaction by achieving delivery & service quality norms. * Understanding customer requirements & suggesting the most viable solution and cultivating relations with them for customer retention & securing repeat business. * Quality Compliance * Setting out quality standards for various operational areas, ensuring a high-quality customer experience, and work processes. * Creating awareness for driving the process improvement strategy & methodology; ensuring maximum operational efficiency.

* Team Management * Training, leading & monitoring the performance of team members to ensure efficiency in process operations and meeting of individual & group targets. * Creating and sustaining a dynamic environment to foster development opportunities and motivates high performance amongst Team Members.


2012 B.A. -in process.
2009 F.A. from Govt. College Bosan Road, Multan.
2007 Diploma in Computer Science from MIMS, Multan.
2007 IELTS from British Council.
2005 S.S.C. Science from Multan Public School, Multan.

Proficient in windows 2000, XP, windows 7, Ms Office, Internet , email.
Knowledge of office systems & procedures.
Installation of MS Windows XP, Vista, 7 & software skills.
Knowledge of web design.
Knowledge of video editing e.g. Windows Movie Maker.
Knowledge of computer networking and maintenance.
Knowledge of computer hardware & software..
Troubleshot any kind or network LAN, WAN, WLAN
Deal with any system or application software
Aware of DMIS & CRM Software database and client workstations
Computer Hardware repair and maintenance
Able to work with data entry applications
Working capability in any condition


* Got certified & awarded for best Customer Care Manager. * Achieved Customer Care Manager Certificate in 2010. * Achieved Customer Satisfaction Certificate/Award in 2010 & 2011. * Participated in Thailand Conference in 2012

Father’s Name : Shahab-ud-din
Date of Birth : 17 August 1988
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Pakistan
Languages Known : English & Urdu.
Visa Status : Visit Visa (valid till 07-03-2013)

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