Introduction: Many people eat each of their meals every day without really considering where it has come from or how it has been prepared. Mark Bittman, an American food journalist, wrote an editorial called “Who Protects the Animals” to address this issue after video footage of cows being abused and slaughtered on a farm was released. He believes we need to regulate this industry and allow videos that are taken to be released without consequence, to make people and consumers aware of the horrors and abuse that occur on these farms nearly every day. I agree with Bittman’s position and feel that he argued his position effectively. I also do not agree with the Ag-gag laws, which prevent video footage from farms from being released and used unless the owner gives consent. If these laws are maintained the public will not be able to see what is really happening on these farms.…show more content… They are also protecting the evidence that is found on animal cruelty. These Ag-gag laws are in place for more than eight states in America. (1) These laws “prevent whistleblowers from exposing animal cruelty on farms.” (1) This means that these laws prevent the people who are purchasing and eating the meat, from seeing where it came from and how it was prepared. If people are buying and eating something, they should have access to full information on the product. 64% of the public does not agree with laws being put in place that prevent animal cruelty investigations. (2) This means that the majority of America is not in agreement with the Ag-gag laws, so they should not be