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Market Economy In Canada

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Market Economy

What would it be like if both US and Canada benefited from a market economy? I think it would be great. People could have a better working environment which means better work. Market economies doesnt have alot of government involvement and individuals can benefit very well. They could make their own decisions and help form their own economy. You get freedom of choice and you can own private property without the government breathing down your neck. The only bad things about a market economy are costs for individuals. Canada and US could have the same economy but they would benefit differently. Canada and US both have different governments, but if we had the same economy we could easily flow better. Government is good for showing …show more content…
Everyone could benefit in their own way and support themselves without the government all over them. I know for a fact that if our economy is not good then people will get laid off or pay will go down. Especially in the oil field. If we have an economy that benefits everyone and lets everyone have a say in the economy, then the working environment would go smoothly. OIl field use to have so many workers, now since the economy is going down the drain, they are all getting laid off. Which means families aren't doing well if the one supporter isn't working. To have a good working environment there has to be open and good communication. Individuals who get noticed for their hard work gives them the confidence to continue their job and work in a great environment. If the government controls everything then some workers will just be working because the taxes are too high or prices are going up for essentials like food. Taxes would affect all the jobs. If you don't make as much and then taxes go up, your going to become broke. If the taxes aren't so high and they fit to your pay then you won't have an …show more content…
If citizens had more of a input on what happens to our economy, maybe individuals would have to worry about paying high taxes or trying to keep their jobs. Having a business where government and private ownership come together can be really tricky. It's not always going to be just the government's choices or the individuals decisions. Governments have a greater power over us. They are the center of all businesses. If you are a private business, you get to make your own decisions. You can make your business whatever you want. You have the freedom to choose. Making the big decisions can be stressful but I rather make them myself then let the government make them. Little decisions that don't affect the business as much as the big decisions. Having a private businesses in cities is important for unique style and not all government owned places. They can be whatever they

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