...1. Definition 2.1. Copyright is a legally enforceable right to prevent others from doing certain acts (e.g: copying, performing, adapting, transmitting) in respect of certain types of material (e.g: books, films, music, TV and radio programs etc) 2. What material does copyright protect? 3.2. Original works: s32 3.3.1. Original Literary (includes drawings, plans, photos, works of artistic craftsmanship) 3.3.2. Original Artistic Works (includes drawings, plans, photos, works of artistic craftsmanship) 3.3. Other copyright material: s89 3.4.3. Sound recordings 3.4.4. Films 3.4.5. TV & Radio Broadcasts 3.4.6. Published editions of works 3.4. Therefore, Copyright may protect many things: 3.5.7. Products: Software, Publications, Recordings, Films 3.5.8. Packaging, Advertisements, Product Instructions 3. What rights does the copyright owner get? 4.5. Works s31 - Exclusive right to 4.6.9. reproduce in a material form 4.6.10. publish 4.6.11. perform in public 4.6.12. cause to be heard or seen in public (film, etc) 4.6.13. communicate to the public 4.6.14. adapt the copyright work 4.6. Part IV material – Exclusive right to 4.7.15. make a copy of 4.7.16. cause to be heard or seen in public 4.7.17. communicate to the public the copyright work 4. How long does...
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