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Marketing Strategies of Coke


Submitted By vng1111
Words 1267
Pages 6
Marketing Strategies of Coca-Cola Conducing to Success

University of Victoria

Marketing Strategies of Coca-Cola Conducing to Success In the past few decades, a great number of new corporations have emerged and became the main supporting force in current economic construction. In fact, few centuries ago, enterprises –like Coca-Cola– are still the mainstays of economy, and such enterprises have accumulated lots of experiences and lessons that junior corporations need to learn from. According to American “Wealth” magazine report, the top 500 companies around the world have the average life of 40 to 42 years; only 2% of enterprises survive to 50 years (Wealth Magazine quoted Mao, 2009). Moreover, Leon Stafford pointed out that the Coca-Cola Company had beaten the Apple, IBM, and Google to the top for 12 years (2011 ( need a citation here, missing the source name). Therefore, the Coca-Cola Company propels not economists but green hands to study its strategies. In “Recipe for Coke? One More to Add to the File,” Brown and Severson (2011) said that the recipe for Coca-Cola had always been an interest for many corporations, but none have been capable of replicating the taste of Coca-Cola. I used this information to explain that the Coca-Cola Company took advantage of consumers’ strong curiosity, stimulating them to buy the good. In “An Internalization Approach to Joint Ventures: Coca-Cola in China,” Mok and Dai (2002) introduced internalization theory to explain the entry mode choice of Coca-Cola in China. I adopted this article to outline stages integrating Coca-Cola into Chinese market. In “Communicating with Local Publics: A Case Study of Coca-Cola’s Chinese Web Site,” Tian (2013) examined how Coca-Cola used its web site to communicate with the public, in the world’s largest market, as Coca-Cola adopted its “global” strategy. I used the provided evidences

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