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Mass Culture: P. T. Barnum

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Mass culture in American disenchantment yielded enchantment with promoters such as P.T. Barnum. Barnum, creator of the first American beauty pageant, stated in the mid-nineteenth century, “the public appears to be disposed to be amused even when they are conscious of being deceived.” American audiences were challenged to determine whether what they were seeing was real or not and how such realistic illusions were created. Mass culture gave rise to a subjective passion of wonder for illusion. Theatrical producers manipulated the new mass media, such as newspaper, to promote debates about the authenticity of their exhibits, submitting to “a new, media-driven form of curiosity – perpetually excited, yet never fully satisfied.” The ceaseless proliferation of representations consequently undermined truth. The illusions and discussions they engendered served to distract audiences away from the Victorian cult of truth and sincerity and pushed for a new awareness of contingency and illuminated the possibility of multiple perspectives. Deceptions and emerging ideas of modernity generated from the changing nature of the economy, contested accounts of race, class and gender and novel findings by scientists and philosophers about the connections between perception and reality made way for a centrality of illusionism to modern life. The ubiquity of representations generated by the mass market blurred distinctions between artifice and reality. …show more content…
The cult of celebrity and mass media used emotional and intellectual energy on the superficial particularly through the medium of movies and television. American modernity mediated ideas and ideals accompanied by U.S. commodities and consumerism resulting in a cultural retreat into

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