...RLCT Task 1 A) Author's Subjectivity John Cloud published an article in the Time Healthland titled "How a Far-Right Icon came to Embrace Marijuana Legalization." The other day, we got solid proof that the media is biased toward the left. On a cable-news show seen by millions, a white-hair host declared that although the U.S. has 5%of the world's population, it detains a quarter of the world's prisoners. "I just think it's shocking to see how mony of these young people wind up in prison", he said. "And then they get turned into hard-core criminals because they have possession of a small amount of a controlled substance. The whole thing is crazy." It's a sensible position. Strikingly, it came from the host of the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club" - right-wing icon Pat Robertson. He went on to say that mere possession of pot should be decriminalized. The 40 year old "700 Club" isn't known for advancing liberal cause. In fact, four days after Robertson, 81, called for the legalization of marijuana, he said on his show that "if enough people were praying" Jesus Christ might have "stilled" there recent tornadoes that destroyed lives and homes in the Midwest and South. Robertson has crep slowly into his pro-legalization position on marijuana. In 2010, he said on the "700Club" that people shouldn't get long prison terms for taking " a couple puffs of marijuana." shortly afterward, his New York City- based spokesman, Chris Roslan, issueda statement saying...
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