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What are the pros and cons of Sparklines vs. charts
Pros of sparklines 1. Easy to draw 2. Easy to understand 3. Best way for visualizing the data 4. Easy to interpret 5. Presents the general shape of variation in measurement such as temperature recording in a simple and highly condensed form. 6. Due to their small size, they can be embedded in texts

Cons of spark lines
1. Not ideal way of representing data when quantitative precision is required.
2. Cannot be used for huge amount of data
3. They do not provide any reference hence may be hard to know what one is looking at.
4. I t does not allow the possibility of adding visual scale

Pros of charts 1. Best method for data representation when quantitative precision is needed. 2. Ideal for large amount of data 3. Good communication tool 4. Easy to prepare (minimal cost) 5. Easy to update 6. Good for small projects

Cons of charts
1. Cannot be used within text hence it is set off from the flow of text.
2. Do not show relationships between activities without a lot of extra lines
3. Limited help for project control

Yokum, T. (2009). Sparklines: The Tom Thumb of Statistical Graphs. Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, (14), 48-50.
Mandel, B. J. (1969). The regression control chart. Journal of Quality Technology, 1(1), 1-9.
Smith, A. E. (1994). X-bar and R control chart interpretation using neural computing. The International Journal of Production Research, 32(2), 309-320.

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