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Submitted By parthpattni
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a) figure subplot(2,1,1) plot(ecg_emg) ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') xlabel('Time,t/ms') title('ECG which is contaminated with EMG signals from the diaphragm') axis([0 3000 -1 2]) subplot(2,1,2) plot(ecg50hz) xlabel('Time,t/ms') ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') title('ECG containing mains contamination') axis([0 3000 -1 2])



b & c) figure subplot(2,1,1) length=5; for x=1:3000-length+1; zecg_emg(x)=(ecg_emg(x)+ecg_emg(x+1)+ecg_emg(x+2)+ecg_emg(x+3)+ ecg_emg(x+4))/5; end plot(ecg_emg) ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') xlabel('Time,t/ms') title('ECG which is contaminated with EMG signals from the diaphragm') axis([0 3000 -1 2]) subplot(2,1,2) length=5; for x=1:3000-length+1; zecg50hz(x)=(ecg50hz(x)+ecg50hz(x+1)+ecg50hz(x+2)+ecg50hz(x+3)+ecg 50hz(x+4))/5; end plot(ecg50hz) xlabel('Time,t/ms') ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') title('ECG containing mains contamination')



axis([0 3000 -1 2])

d) figure subplot(2,1,1) length=3; for x=1:3000-length+1; zecg_emg(x)=(ecg_emg(x)+ecg_emg(x+1)+ecg_emg(x+2))/3; end plot(zecg_emg) ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') xlabel('Time,t/ms') title('ECG which is contaminated with EMG signals from the diaphragm')



axis([0 3000 -1 2]) subplot(2,1,2) length=3; for x=1:3000-length+1; zecg50hz(x)=(ecg50hz(x)+ecg50hz(x+1)+ecg50hz(x+2))/3; end plot(zecg50hz) xlabel('Time,t/ms') ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') title('ECG containing mains contamination') axis([0 3000 -1 2])



figure subplot(2,1,1) length=10; for x=1:3000-length+1; zecg_emg(x)=(ecg_emg(x)+ecg_emg(x+1)+ecg_emg(x+2)+ecg_emg(x+3)+ ecg_emg(x+4)+ecg_emg(x+5)+ecg_emg(x+6)+ecg_emg(x+7)+ecg_emg(x+
end plot(zecg_emg) ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') xlabel('Time,t/ms') title('ECG which is contaminated with EMG signals from the diaphragm') axis([0 3000 -1 2]) subplot(2,1,2) length=10; for x=1:3000-length+1; zecg50hz(x)=(ecg50hz(x)+ecg50hz(x+1)+ecg50hz(x+2)+ecg50hz(x+3)+ecg 50hz(x+4)+ecg50hz(x+5)+ecg50hz(x+6)+ecg50hz(x+7)+ecg50hz(x+8)+ecg
end plot(zecg50hz) xlabel('Time,t/ms')



ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') title('ECG containing mains contamination') axis([0 3000 -1 2])

e) function [a]=Parth_Pattni_function(B,L)
% Where B:- The array input.
% Where L:- The filter length. n=length(B); % 'n' is the length of the array 'B'. a=zeros(n-L+1,1); for i=1:1:(n-L+1); for j=i:1:(i+L-1)



a(i)=a(i)+B(j); end a(i)=a(i)/L; end end

f) function [output]=threshold_function(input,threshold) for x=1:length(input) if input(x)>threshold output(x)=x; end end end

g) plot(ecg_emg) M = ecg_emg; for i= 1 : 10000; if M (i) > 1.4; i end end B=reshape(ecg_emg(1:9711),1079,9);



for z=1:1079;
plot (G) end figure plot (G) ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') xlabel('Time,t/ms') title('Averaged ECG which is contaminated with EMG signals from the diaphragm') e) plot(ecg50hz) PARTH PATTNI

M = ecg50hz; for i= 1 : 10000; if M (i) > 1.4; i end end B=reshape(ecg50hz(1:9711),1079,9); for z=1:1079;
plot (G) end figure plot (G) ylabel('Voltage,V/mV') xlabel('Time,t/ms')




title('Averaged ECG containing Mains Contamination’)

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...Signals and Systems Midterm 10:20a.m. ~ 12:20p.m., May 1, Fri., 2009 Closed book, but open 1 sheet (both sides, 2 pages) of personal notes of A4 size Total score: 120 Total 4 pages in one B4 sheet 1. [12] Suppose x and y denote input and output, respectively, of each of the three systems: System A: y (t ) = x(t + 2) sin(ω t + 2), ω ≠ 0 System B: y[n] = ( − 1 ) ( x[n] + 1) 2 System C: y[n] = ∑ x 2 [k + 1] − x[k ] k =1 n n Answer the following questions for each system and justify your answer. (a) Is the system linear? (b) Is the system time invariant? (c) Is the system causal? (d) Is the system stable? 2. We want to develop an edge detector that is robust against additive noise. Consider a discrete-time (DT) linear time-invariant (LTI) system H 2 with h2 [ n] = h[ n] ∗ h[ n + 1] as its impulse response shown below, where h[ n] = δ [ n] − δ [ n − 1] . (a) [4] Assume there is no noise, i.e., d [n] = 0 and x[n] = p[n] . Sketch the output y[n] of the system assuming the input p[n] to the system is the following signal: (b) [4] Assume the noise is d [ n] = −δ [ n + 1] and the input p[n] remains the same. Sketch the output y[n] of the system. (c) [4] In order to use system H 2 as a part of an edge detector, we would like to add an LTI system H s whose unit impulse response hs [n] is shown below. System H s smoothes out effect of noise on x[n] . The overall system can be represented as below: Sketch the output ys [n] of the system with d [n] and p[n] specified...

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Matlab & Ss

...Lab 1: Introduction to MATLAB Warm-up MATLAB is a high-level programming language that has been used extensively to solve complex engineering problems. The language itself bears some similarities with ANSI C and FORTRAN. MATLAB works with three types of windows on your computer screen. These are the Command window, the Figure window and the Editor window. The Figure window only pops up whenever you plot something. The Editor window is used for writing and editing MATLAB programs (called M-files) and can be invoked in Windows from the pull-down menu after selecting File | New | M-file. In UNIX, the Editor window pops up when you type in the command window: edit filename (‘filename’ is the name of the file you want to create). The command window is the main window in which you communicate with the MATLAB interpreter. The MATLAB interpreter displays a command >> indicating that it is ready to accept commands from you. • View the MATLAB introduction by typing >> intro at the MATLAB prompt. This short introduction will demonstrate some basic MATLAB commands. • Explore MATLAB’s help capability by trying the following: >> help >> help plot >> help ops >> help arith • Type demo and explore some of the demos of MATLAB commands. • You can use the command window as a calculator, or you can use it to call other MATLAB programs (M-files). Say you want to evaluate the expression [pic], where a=1.2, b=2.3, c=4.5 and d=4....

Words: 2151 - Pages: 9

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Pelajaran Matlab

...SUPLEMEN Pemodelan Sistem / Pengolahan Sinyal / Metode Kuantitatif TUTORIAL SINGKAT MATLAB oleh: Judi Prajetno Sugiono Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya (2005, 2008, 2011) ©2005 p. 1 of 40 MATLAB Short Tutorial Reserve word (don’t used it as variable's name) · · · · · ans pi nan inf eps Special sign · · · · · % [] ; ' : line comment begin - end of matrix row separation, or not echoed command if place in the end of a statement begin - end of string indexing sign Variable is assume as matrix % empty matrix A=[] A = [] % matrix 1x1 or a constant A=[0] A = 0 % same with A=0 A = 0 % complex number: use i or j to express imaginary part z=3+4j z = 3.0000 + 4.0000i Entry a matrix % use as column separation and or as row separation A=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] A = 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 Last saved by jpsugiono 9/23/2011 ©2005 p. 2 of 40 How to point element of matrix % A(row,column) A(1,3) ans = 3 % sign use as get all row or column A(2,:) ans = 4 5 6 % sign use as get from m to n cell in row or colomn A(1:2, 2:3) ans = 2 5 3 6 row and column vector % row vector a=[0 1 2 3 4 5] a = 0 1 2 3 4 5 % column vector b=[0; 1; 3; 4; 5] b = 0 1 3 4 5 % Shortcut to build a vector % init:step:final a=0:0.2:1 a = 0 0.2000 0.4000 0.6000 String % begin and end with < ' >, and act like a matrix of character ...

Words: 819 - Pages: 4

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Ocr Matlab

...EEN 538: DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Optical Character Recognition (OCR) using binary image processing with MATLAB Abstract- Nowadays, Optical Recognition is becoming a very important tool in several fields: medicine, physics, cosmology, traffic (plate numbers), etc. We can also use this to recognize character for example to digitalize a book. We will talk about this last topic in this report: Optical Character Recognition (OCR). I. INTRODUCTION Once we have the b&w image we can start the segmentation process. To do that we can use the function “bwconncomp”. This function returns us a struct from where we can obtain the characters because it gives us all the connected components. Thus, we can use it to get all the character even if they have 2 or 3 objects. This function returns us the pixels of the connected components (characters) but we have to figure out from those, the coordinates of the character in the original matrix (row and columns). To do this, we will obtain the centroid of every connected component and from it and using the first and last pixel detected of the connect component, we can figure out the exact coordinates of the image. The idea is as follows: Firstly, we can to convert the number that the function returns us to a column and a row. We can do this using the total rows of the original image. Once we have the first and last pixel detected of the connect component in (row, column) we can figure out directly the x-coordinates of the character in the image...

Words: 1132 - Pages: 5

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Matlab Sol

...mClassics Company paid $275,000 on May 1 to purchase $300,000, 6%, bonds that will mature in 5 years from the date of purchase. Interest on the bonds is paid May 1 and November 1 of each year. Classics Company plans to hold the bonds until maturity and amortizes the premium or discount on each interest payment date using the straight-line method. At year end, the bonds had a market value of $285,000. Prepare all necessary journal entries related to the investment in bonds. Answer: May 1 Long-Term Investment in Bonds 275,000 Cash 275,000 Nov. 1 Cash 9,000 Interest Revenue ($300,000 × 6% × 6/12) 9,000 Nov. 1 Long-Term Investment in Bonds 2,500 Interest Revenue ($300,000 - $275,000) × (6/60) 2,500 Dec 31 Interest Receivable 3,000 Interest Revenue ($300,000 × 6% × 2/12) 3,000 Dec. 31 Long-Term Investment in Bonds 833 Interest Revenue ($300,000 - $275,000) × (2/60) 833 On April 2, Smith Co. purchased 25% of Wesson Inc.’s stock for $600,000. On August 1, Wesson paid a cash dividend of $340,000 and on August 31 reported net income for the year of $2,000,000. On October 1, Smith sold all the stock in Wesson Inc. for $1,200,000. Record the Wesson-related transactions in the journal of Smith Co. Answer: April 2 Long-Term Investment in Wesson $600,000 Cash $600,000 August 1 Cash ($340,000 X .25) $85,000 Long-Term Investment in Wesson...

Words: 534 - Pages: 3