... Lesa Lawrence was working as a dental hygienist and enjoyed her practice. She also liked to be a part of the team in her dental office. Lesa has been noticing the smell of alcohol from a dentist named Dr. Frank Harris. The dentist was coming back from lunch frequently smelling like alcohol. Lesa wanted to believe that it was the smell of mouth-rinse but was suspicious that it was alcohol. She talked about the issue with his dental assistant Corey, and she confirmed Lesa's suspicious that the dentist was acting unsteady or tentative. After weighting everything out Lesa suggested to the office manager that she wanted to report Dr. Harris to state dental society to help him with his addiction. However, the manager Debbie became protective of the issue and stated that they all should deal with the problem as a team because Dr. Harris has been a very generous boss providing the staff with a good salary. Debbie also said that Dr.Harris' drinking problem have been ongoing and all the office members should work together to help him. Step 1: This case is in example of an impaired professionalism. Any heath care professional cannot or should not perform appropriate dental care because of dependency on alcohol, drugs or other substances. Dr. Harris have been coming back to work after lunch intoxicated and treating patients in a unsteady state of mind. Step 2: The dental hygienist, Lesa have been coming to work after lunch and started to notice that the dentist, Dr. Harris have been smelling...
Words: 574 - Pages: 3
...What Makes Me A HBCU ALL-STAR? I consider myself to be an HBCU ALL-STAR because I possess the personal characteristic needed to push forward in spite of circumstances that may try to push me backwards. What is an ALL-STAR? I would define an ALL-STAR as an individual who succeeds when it appears that failure is the only option; refuses to take no as the only answer when there is always the possibilities for yes; and who understands that being successful alone is never acceptable because it is with others that one truly obtains success. There are six characteristics that I possess that make me an HBCU ALL-STAR and if others possess these characteristics as well, they can also be ALL-STARS. In this statement I will share with you my strengths because of the characteristics of passion, ability to persuade, concern/care, empowering, fearlessness and confidence. Although passion is often defined as the feeling one has for another, it is also a driving force in making dreams come true. When you have passion for something you live it. When you have passion for something you breathe it. When you have passion for something you get up with it on your mind and go to sleep with it on your mind. Passion is a strong desire, embedded in your inner-being that drives you to keep on task as your mission unfolds. Passion is what makes me an HBCU ALL-STAR. The power of persuasion, the ability to convince people that what you are saying is true with credibility and integrity is essential...
Words: 761 - Pages: 4
...I see a lot of kids on a daily basis. They all vary from ages 1-18. What I have realized is there is always that one person (or many depending on where I am) that thinks they are the best. It sometimes makes me mad because it reminds me of who I use to be and my punishment. When I accomplished first grade and moved on to second, I attended Mirror Lake Elementary School. The amount of fun exceeded the charts. I made a lot of good friends. My best friend’s name was Rhiann, but had passed second grade already and moved on to third grade. This means we played at different recess times. One day, our teachers decided to let us play with the third graders. I exerted excitement to be able to play with Rhiann. We were all outside playing on the playground....
Words: 505 - Pages: 3
...From my perspective of life, I can say there are several things that makes me unique. Every step I take in my life, and each moment that goes by makes me unique. It’s fair to say, everything that happens either it is good or bad, is a learning lesson to make me stronger. In fact, there are other things in my life that give me the strength to go on such as my family, my church life, music, electronics, and most of all my grandmother in her absence. In fact, each day that passes by and I examine my symbols, they allow me to love myself even more and building in me the confidence that I need to conquer the day. To begin with, the most important thing to me is my family. The symbol of a family starts off with the connection that a family brings....
Words: 840 - Pages: 4
...and over and just kept thinking “I’m neither unique nor colorful” and closing the tab. Eventually, I resorted to asking my mom, which in retrospect was a bad idea because she said that I'm unique because I’m amazing and kind. Thanks mom, that’s super helpful. I then turned to my best friend, who arguably knows me the most. She began by listing all of my extracurricular activities, but I reminded her that the point of this essay is something outside of extracurriculars. That's when she revealed that those are what make me unique. In her words, “You're just a good person. You do way more than you need to and you don't get anything out of it,” and that's when I realized that what makes me unique is my heart....
Words: 517 - Pages: 3
...work to make up for the work I did not complete in class. It was a Friday afternoon, I was in my English class when the classrooms phone began to ring. As I was completing my work, the teacher called my name saying,”Chenelle pack your things you're going home.” When i was walking out the room I started to remember that it was my dad’s birthday. As I approached the front office, my father did not look so happy, then he said, “Look at your report card and tell me what you see. “Before I could get a word out i was grounded just like that. A few days had gone by and my weekend was dead. The night before school I called my friends to set up a meeting at lunch. It was 12:45pm that is the time for lunch. My friends and I were walking to the table that we sit at every day .They knew that something was wrong with me because I did not talk or eat my food. As lunch was about to be over I had spoken like a ghost coming out of nowhere I said,” I have something very important to tell you and if you don’t like it than we can no longer be friends.” All of them gathered around me like a pack of dogs eating food. I said, “The grades that I have now is not acceptable, so in that case I will not be going out to the movies or the mall any time soon, so I’m saying this in a nice way if you cannot support in my decisions than are friendship is over.” From that day on I realized that I had amazing friends that have my back and they will support me in...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
...For years history books has made Christopher Columbus a hero. A superhuman. Unless you read Columbus’s actual journal, you’ll always know the hero that Columbus was not. The source, Christopher Columbus’s journal, supports James Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Book Got Wrong because Columbus’s journal and Loewen states that other people had already been to the land before he discovered it, the journal accurately describes how greedy Columbus was, and the journal states that the Europeans can hold the natives captive and force them to do whatever one might wish. James Loewen states that Columbus was no greedier than the Spanish, French, or the English, but the textbooks downplay the pursuit of wealth as a...
Words: 306 - Pages: 2
...It’s like he picked me out from the crowd. Made me some type of target. For what? Does he not realize what he does? Does he not realize the effects his gazes or stares do to me? How paralyzing his words can be. I hate people who pity others. I hate pretentious people who look at others and think that they are better! Who are you to judge me, my life, and my behavior? I don’t go out to every party, so what? Does that make me sad and pathetic? Did you ever wonder that maybe I’m just not a party person? A party pooper is what you could call me. Just because I’m not out every night with friends, drinking and partying, does that make me a loner? It’s not everyone who is built like that. Some people are loud, talkative, very outgoing and yet some are quiet, composed, soft-spoken, something I could simply put as too chilled. They are not all over the place, they take their time as if they have all the time in the world. So what are they? Are they a mistake in creation? Were they never supposed to have been there in the first place? Is it better if they weren’t? Is that it? It doesn’t mean they don’t want to have fun, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to go out, because they do! Is it wrong sometimes that they like their own company, is it wrong that sometimes they prefer to curl up with a book by their side and watch TV at the same time? And maybe, have a cat as company? I know what you must think. Aren’t those the people that end up being 50, grey and old, never been married and living...
Words: 677 - Pages: 3
...for me when I need her. Every time I have a problem or have a bad day, she is the person that makes everything better. I know I can trust her with anything, and to me that’s one characteristic that is very important. My mother has always given me wise advice. She has taught me so many things that will help me through life. She has always told me to stand up for what I believe in and not let others persuade me. She is always faithful and always there to listen. I know I can always count on her with anything. `One characteristic that stand out the most is her caring attitude toward us. She puts us children first in front of herself. Always making sure we are having a good day, and having food on the table when we come home. She has always helped me with school and I can remember when I was younger she would stay up all night helping me study for all my tests for school the next day. I remember a time when I was in middle school; I was having a lot of difficulty with my friends. They would constantly start drama and I would be in tears coming home from school. My mom was the one person who would give me the best advice on how to deal with the situation she would always be there to tell me everything is going to be okay. She has even helped me out with my hard breakups with boyfriends. She is the one person that knows when something is wrong. Recently, I just broke up with my boyfriend who I was dating for about eighteen months. It was very hard for me, but my mom helped me through...
Words: 1976 - Pages: 8
...“What gives you pleasure?” and “What makes you feel good?” Those are questions I don’t really often ask myself. It’s not like they are hard questions but to me in actuality they are. I always wonder with these types of questions if I am giving the right answer or if there is even a right answer. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer in general. The best answer is the one you give. We all have our own definition of pleasure and what makes us feel good. What brings me the most pleasure and makes me feel good first and foremost are my kids. I was told I would never be able to have kids, but God has blessed me with two beautiful girls. I enjoy all my time with them both. I guess you could also say that being a mom also brings me pleasure and makes me feel good. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else in the world. I never pictured myself the mother type but it suits me. Being a mom to my girls is something that brings me joy; makes my heart swell up with pride just knowing that I made those girls and they love me no matter what. Of course other things in this world bring me pleasure and make me feel good. Things such as friends and family, music, sweets like chocolate, and big bear hugs. I love having an intimate relationship with my best friend; it gives me no greater pleasure to know that I am sharing my life forever with him. I also enjoy jumping in my car and going for a ride with the windows down and music blasting, not a care in the world and nowhere to be. I have...
Words: 392 - Pages: 2
...Behavior-Based Interview Questions B What are behavior-based interview questions? Behavior-based interview questions are developed around the skills or abilities the employer desires for the position. By asking these questions, employers can get a sense of how the applicant will perform, fit into the work environment, and respond to common job pressures. Flexibility/Adaptability Sample interview questions for this competency are as follows: ► ► ► ► Tell me about a situation where you had to quickly adjust to a change in your department or team priorities. How did this change affect you? Describe a time you had to meet a scheduled deadline while your work was being interrupted continuously. What was most difficult about this and how did you handle it? Tell me about a time a significant change was made within your company or organization. How did the change affect you? Give me an example of a time when you had to balance multiple responsibilities at once. What did you do to keep organized? How did you prioritize your tasks? Appreciating and Valuing Diversity Sample interview questions for this competency are as follows: ► ► ► Interacting with coworkers or customers from different backgrounds or cultures can be challenging at times. Tell me about a challenging time you were faced with a person from a different background or culture. In your own words, describe what diversity means to you. Give me an example of different types of individuals you have worked with...
Words: 2022 - Pages: 9
...kisiyi ne memleketiyle, ne gorunusuyle, nede irkiyla yargilama; sen sen ol insana insan oldugu icin deyer ver..my name is mustafa i lobe doing alot of things in life be ause in makes me really happy i am very intelligent person amd love doing busienss bevause its a a subjectbthat makes me really happy thanks to god i go to a college where i love a lot of People and they love me too it makes me happy because it really motivates me alot and makes me even more better at what im doing love yiu and my name is mustafa thanks everybody for the support and that u was always there for me eHe be gulum sen sen ol kisiyi ne memleketiyle, ne gorunusuyle, nede irkiyla yargilama; sen sen ol insana insan oldugu icin deyer verHe be gulum sen sen ol kisiyi ne memleketiyle, ne gorunusuyle, nede irkiyla yargilama; sen sen ol insana insan oldugu icin deyer ver..He be gulum sen sen ol kisiyi ne memleketiyle, ne gorunusuyle, nede irkiyla yargilama; sen sen ol insana insan oldugu icin deyer ver..He be gulum sen sen ol kisiyi ne memleketiyle, ne gorunusuyle, nede irkiyla yargilama; sen sen ol insana insan oldugu icin deyer ver..He be gulum sen sen ol kisiyi ne memleketiyle, ne gorunusuyle, nede irkiyla yargilama; sen sen ol insana insan oldugu icin deyer ver..my name is mustafa i lobe doing alot of things in life be ause in makes me really...
Words: 845 - Pages: 4
...say of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. In the book Bradshaw: On the family he says that “Once internalized, shame was no longer available to us to monitor the limits within which our will could healthily function” (Bradshaw 206). I spoke up to how I should have say on what I do and it wasn’t fair how they just belittled me and just made me their human life puppet for them not living out their dream. That’s how it really was; I was living out their dream because they decided to make other plans on in life. I honestly loved playing softball, really I did until I started getting teased and harassed by softball teammates I had on the team. They would make fun of how I looked. The things they would make fun of me was that I had a gap in the middle of my two front teeth, that I had small feet but I was a tall girl, they would make fun of me for having thick eyebrows and sometimes say I was fat. Just really mean things it would break my heart and made me so angry and wanted to give them a piece of my mind but I knew I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed to I would cry until I had no more tears coming out that’s how much I would cry to my mom and all she would tell me is that to not let words hurt me and that they do not want to burn any bridges with the girls because we had a good team and we were unstoppable and our parents were really good friends. I could not even talk to my parents for advice they were no help honestly. It was jealousy that the girls all had towards me because...
Words: 1937 - Pages: 8
...may say that living free is a form of happiness. Others may say that family brings happiness to one’s soul. We can say that most people would like to feel some form of happiness. Happiness can determine how your life will succeed or not. Happiness can be maladaptive and adaptive in an evolutionary perspective. My happiness will help me and my future, survive in this modern world. My happiness is determined by my career. I have obtain a position as a police cadet that has brought me my happiness. My happiness is to defend those who can’t and to offer any help possible. My daily routine is different and exciting. The adrenalin rush I get from deterring crime or giving advice to people in need makes me happy. The...
Words: 1320 - Pages: 6
...influence. Everyone has an influence and people make everyday decisions based on these influences whether they know it or not. The adult who strongly influences my present life and will influence my future career decision is a very good friend of mine named Billy, who is nineteen. This influence of mine gives me motivation to do and be better, critical feedback, and tips and advice. Homer Hickam is motivated by his teacher, Miss Riley, to follow through with his dream and accomplish the most he can. Similar to my life, my influence motivates me to do better and accomplish as much as I can. Billy never gives up on me no matter how many mistakes I make, he believes I’ll be better, for example in school. Billy wasn’t a straight A student and prioritized school while he was in school but, he makes sure I do all my homework no matter how small it was. He expects big things from me in the future just like Miss Riley’s high expectation from Homer in the future. Today, Homer is a former NASA engineer so hopefully I’ll be just as successful with the guidance from my influence. Billy is a very smart person and is particularly good at visualizing and noticing small key things. Billy does not directly tell me whether I did a good job but the thought of me doing something perfectly right satisfies me because I know he is proud of me. This influences me greatly and affects how I would make a decision today. Before I make a decision for example on a test, I put myself in Billy...
Words: 1085 - Pages: 5