...MEAN GIRLS MOVIE TRANSCRIPT JANIS IAN Regina George is an evil dictator. Now, how do you overthrow a dictator? You cut off her resources. Regina would be nothing without her high-status man candy...technically good physique...and ignorant band of loyal followers. Now, Cady, if we want this to work, you are gonna have to keep hanging out with them like nothing is wrong. Can you do it? CADY HERON I can do it. JANIS IAN OK, let's rock this b****. CADY HERON Pretending like nothing was wrong turned out to be surprisingly easy. GRETCHEN WIENERS Regina wanted me to tell you that she was trying to hook you up with Aaron, but he was just interested in getting her back. And that's not Regina's fault. CADY HERON No, I know. GRETCHEN WIENERS OK, so you're not mad at Regina? CADY HERON God, no. GRETCHEN WIENERS Oh, OK, good. Because Regina wanted me to give you this. (hugs) REGINA GEORGE It's called the South Beach Fat Flush, and all you drink is cranberry juice for 72 hours. AARON SAMUELS This isn't even cranberry juice. It's cranberry juice cocktail. It's all sugar. REGINA GEORGE I wanna lose 3 pounds. AARON SAMUELS You're crazy. REGINA GEORGE Why do you wear your hair like that? You hair looks so sexy pushed back. Cady, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back. CADY HERON Regina was dangling Aaron in front of me on purpose. I knew how this would be settled in the animal world. But this was Girl World. Your hair looks sexy pushed back. And in Girl...
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...“it” girls are all groups that we automatically and exclusively associate with a high school environment; how many times have we stopped to consider where these segregated cliques originated or the purpose of their existence in our society? In the 2007 film, Mean Girls, the directors portrayed a comedic overrepresentation of these specialized groups in a way that actually raises a myriad of sociological questions regarding the inner workings of high school social behavior. Taking a closer look at this satirical, lighthearted movie can provide a sufficient amount of insight about how social fact and the social construction of reality dictate our behavior and our perspectives on society and the roles we play in it. I should start by explaining...
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...Mean Girls is a film about an adolescent foreign student, Cady, who moves from Africa to a suburban area in Illinois (Lorne, Shimkin, & Waters, 2004). Consequently, she had to give up homeschooling. Cady is introduced to a typical, public high school full of cliques, which makes her question her individuality in terms of popularity. After befriending two outcasts, she ironically is drawn to the “plastics” – a group of domineering, popular girls. Cady is persuaded by her two unpopular friends to falsify a friendship with the plastics in order to reveal their deepest secrets and ultimately destroy their clique. Unfortunately, Cady ends up becoming one of the plastics herself, which causes her to lose connections with both cliques. Cady...
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...Mean Girls (2004) Mean girls 2004, was directed by Mark Waters. Based of a book by Rosalind Wiseman “Queen Bees and Wannabes” and screenplay by Tina Fey. The movie was first developed by Tina Fey, calling Saturday Night Live’s producer Lorne Michaels to suggest Queen Bees and Wannabes if it could be turned into a film. Borrowing elements from the book, she then rewrote the plot from her own high school experience. Lindsay Lohan first read Regina George’s line but the casting team felt like she was more fitting into their Cady’s character and that it would harm her reputation at that time. Rachel McAdams was casted because Tina Fey felt her being “kind and polite made her perfect for an evil-spirited character. Amanda Seyfried also read lines for Regina’s role but the producers suggested her for Karen due to her “spacey and silly sense of humor”. Lacey Chabert and...
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...As a society, there are some things that we hold to a higher standard than other. These include appearance, employment and socioeconomic status to name a few. Although disheartening, some believe they cannot achieve everything they deserve without some if not all of these attributes. This tends to be true for adolescence who have been brought up by these ideals. The film Mean Girls directed by Mark Waters, makes it clear that popularity and appearance is all that teenage girls need to get ahead. That females who have these characteristics will ultimately succeed in life. Not only does that give a false hope to those watching the film, but it emphasizes the effect of bullying that is shown throughout the film. Cady Heron, played by Lindsay Lohan, moves to Illinois after being in Africa for twelve years with her parents who are in the zoology field of work. Cady is taken by surprise by public school life after being home schooled and meets up with Janis Ian and Damian who are more of the social outcasts and into theater and art. Cady is...
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...Mean Girls is a film that shows the relationships between Cady Heron, a new student, and the Plastics, a stereotypical group composed of Regina George and her side-kicks, Karen Smith and Gretchen Wieners. During the movie, Janis and Damien (who are friends of Cady) convince Cady to become Regina’s friend in order to destroy her reputation. Once Regina realizes Cady is faking everything, she frames her by giving the principal the Burn Book, a gossip scrapbook that the Plastics wrote about their classmates. The classic pop culture film revolving around four high school girl’s popularity is the perfect set up interpersonal conflicts. While Mean Girls portrays many aspects of interpersonal communication such as gossip and stereotypes, the main theme in the film is power. Regina George is the most beautiful and most popular girl at North Shore High School. She has control over everyone, including the boys, teachers, and her closest friends. However, the Plastics’ friendship suffers from an imbalance of power. Regina dominates their relationship, making ridiculous rules like wearing pink on Wednesdays and not being able to have their hair in a pony...
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...Reflective Analysis Caddy soon discovers that surviving in the African jungle is very similar to surviving the jungle that is her high school. On Caddy’s first day of school at a regular high school after being homeschooled her entire life she realizes how closely people’s behaviours resemble that of animals in the jungle. Many people can relate to the way she felt entering this new world as everyone has been in such a situation. Perhaps not to this extreme but I was once the new girl desperately trying to find my place in a new atmosphere. Caddy’s journey can also be related to recent recruits adapting to a new work environment, unknown to how things regularly go about. One of my jobs provided me with an outline of normal office habits; casual Fridays, on birthdays there are potlucks, the outline even provided me with some of the regular office language, short forms for certain documents, etc. This was a map to help me familiarize myself and integrate with greater ease. Unfortunately Caddy did not have this luxury, as many people don’t. She is forced to figure it out for herself. This hardship of adapting can easily lead us to not portraying our true selves to potentially avoid being shunned as an outsider. There are many stereotypes integrated into the movie. When Caddy is introduced as a new student from Africa the teacher welcomes an American black student instead of her. People easily believe her when she tells them that in Africa everyone can read Swedish, which portrays...
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...In my project I decided to do a Mean Girls version of Macbeth, equating each character from Mean Girls a character in Macbeth. I chose Mean Girls, because Macbeth and Mean Girls both have similar themes of ambition. I chose scenes from each act because I wanted to focus on the theme of ambition only. I included summaries that still explained what happened in the parts of the play that I skipped so the audience isn’t confused. I did the summaries by just writing a quick recap in a slide before I went to the next scene. I also focused on the main characters such as Macbeth and Macduff, because in Mean Girls there are obvious similarities in the characters. In Mean Girls there is a group of girls called the plastics that are the “queens” of the school. Cady comes into the school and wants to become one of them because she wants to get with Aaron who is Regina’s ex-boyfriend. When Cady gets Aaron she doesn’t give up on trying to be the number one plastic, but she continues to become the...
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...In Mark Waters’ movie, “Mean Girls” he discusses the insecurities that go with being an adolescent. Cady Heron is a sixteen-year-old; she is moving to Illinois with her parents after they have been living in Africa for the last twelve years. This is a result of her mom being offered a job as a teacher in a university. On her first day of school she does not make any friends; therefore, she eats lunch in a bathroom stall. On the second day, she meets and befriends Janis Ian and Damian Leigh. During lunch, she meets the plastics which consist of Regina George, Gretchen Wieners, and Karen Smith. After lunch, they invite Cady to eat lunch with them for the rest of the week. Janis makes Cady do it because she wants to know what the plastics do....
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...Mean Girls is a classic “chick flick” enjoyed by people of all ages centered on the horrors of finding yourself in a new school, in a new country. Cady, the new girl from Africa, is thrown into this new world of high school in America where she is forced to find who she really is in order to fit into this new environment. This journey of self-acceptance by Cady and many others can be analyzed through theories of ritual and text found in Religion: The Basics by Malory Nye. In this essay I will argue that Cady Heron and others, like the Plastics all go through a journey in order to full fil the message of the film, that happiness and peace come from being yourself and accepting yourself not from being someone you are not. This will be supported by examining Cady’s full...
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...The movie Mean Girls explores a huge number of concepts and ideas that we discussed in class. Of course it is meant to be a funny movie, but it does delve into the psychological and relationship influences and models that we discussed in class. More specifically, I chose to explore the subject of Fatuous Love, as well as the idea of Coercive and Reward Power. In the movie, there is a rather quick and overly passionate relationship that develops between the “mean girl”, Regina George, and the love interest of the movie, Aaron Samuels. Firstly, the relationship happens for all of the wrong reasons. Regina only is with Aaron to spite her “friend” Cady Herron. In the text it defines fatuous love as, “passion and commitment in the absence of intimacy”...
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...Mean Girls ukessays.com /essays/film-studies/mean-girls.php Mean Girls In the movie “Mean Girls,” Cady, played by Lindsay Lohan is faced with a new chapter in her life when she enrolled in a high school for the first time. Since she was home schooled and never had an experience of being in a regular school, she finds everything different as compared to her life back then in Africa. This means she has to go to school and deal with everyday life like normal kids do. Despite her new environment, Cady found true friends in the person of Janice and Damien. They taught her everything that she needs to know about the school and the various kinds of students in their campus. They also introduced her to the different classes tagged in every group of friends, one of which are known as “The Plastics.” The Plastics gave her peer pressure by transforming her into something she is not. They changed her looks and attitude towards other people. Cady, on the other hand, confirmed with the peer pressure for fun, at first, since she wants to share what the Plastics are like for real with her other friends. Cady spied on the Plastics and shares with Janice and Damien every details she learn about them. Every story and every secret the Plastics would tell her, she shares them with her two friends and they would laugh about how low the Plastic could be. Along the way, she yielded to peer pressure when she decided to join the Math club despite everybody telling her that being a member of that team...
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...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, first of all we would like to thank to Allah S.W.T for give us strength and spirit to finish our project that have been given by our Business Ethics and Corporate Governance’s lecturer, Miss Siti Aisyah binti Basri. This project could not be done if it was not for our effort, commitment and our corporation to one another as group members even though we had faced some obstacle. Fortunately, the entire problem been solved and we would able to adapt properly and wisely. Besides that, we would like to thank to our Business Ethics and Corporate Governance’s lecturer, Miss Siti Aisyah binti Basri because without his guidance, our project cannot be done properly like this. She always gives us supports and guide to us on how to do our project in order to produce a good result we can’t say thank you enough for his tremendous support and help. We feel motivated and encouraged every time we attended his meeting. Without her encouragement and guidance this project would not have materialized. Finally, thanks to our beloved friend that always stick together and also work hard to produce a good report with all effort and responsibility. The guidance and support received from my friends who contributed and who are contributing to this project, was vital for the success of this project. We would also like to thank to our family because of the support that they give us from the beginning until the completion of this project. SYNOPSIS Once...
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...*Group Counseling; Higher Education; *School Counseling; *Young Adults *Adult Children of Alcoholics ABSTRACT A session by session cognitive behavioral approach to group treatment for college age children of alcoholics was presented. Four groups ranging in size from four to eight persons participated in these semester -long sessions offered during one academic year through the counseling center at a major midwestern university. The treatment was comprised of four stages: introductory, informative, working, and closing. Cognitive, behavioral, and affectively oriented techniques were used to facilitate growth at each stage. Assessment of efficacy utilized a pretest/posttest design. Participants (N=25), aged 18 to 31 and with a mean age of 21, were given a seven-point Likert-type scale based on Woititz's 13 characteristics. Analysis of data indicated a reduction of scores on the 13 characteristics between the beginning and the ending of treatment for all groups. Participants' ratings indicated a general perception of helpfulness. The majority of participants said that they would either seek out another Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) group or would continue with some type of therapy. College age, young adulthood, is an especially challenging time in terms of developmental changes and their implications for a healthy adult life. The results indicated that all groups were successful in reducing their scores on Woititz's scale. The counselor at the college...
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...SQ 1-1 Define the term ‘element’, and state the number of naturally occurring elements. Identify by name and the chemical symbol the 4 most abundant elements found in the human body. Identify by name and chemical symbol at least 4 trace elements. An element is the simplest form of matter and cannot be broken down into simpler substances in a chemical reaction. Elements have unique properties. There are 91 natural occurring elements, 24 of these elements play a normal physiological role in humans. The 4 most abundant elements found in the body are oxygen (O), carbon(C), Hydrogen (H) and Nitrogen (N). there are 8 major or less elements in the body include calcium(Ca), phosphorus(P), sulfur(S), potassium(K), sodium(Na), chlorine(Cl), Magnesium(Mg) and iron(Fe). Trace elements account 0.7% of body weight and play a vital roles in physiology, they include, cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), fluorine (F), and iodine (I) Define the term ‘atom’. Discuss the structure of an atom including A) the name of the 3 major types of subatomic particles, B) the electrical properties of each of these subatomic properties, and C) the arrangement of these subatomic particles in the atom including a brief description of electron shells or energy levels. An atom is the smallest unit of an element which consists of a proton (P), neutron (n) and an electron (e). Protons are positively charges, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons have no charges i.e. are neutral. Both the proton and neutron are...
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