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Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal, the Benefits Outweigh the Risks


Submitted By LdyKat
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Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal, the Benefits Outweigh the Risks
Kathleen Shanks
Professor Shultz
Composition II - 56
March 15, 2015

The cry being heard throughout small-town America, “Medical marijuana should be legal, the benefits outweigh the risks!” Medical marijuana is a very touchy subject. Some people think it should stay illegal because of it being labeled as a non-beneficial street drug. Many states have already decided that the people of their state should have the benefits associated with the use of medical marijuana, Colorado, to name one, has worked it out so that there are laws regulating the growing, sales and consumption of this product. Other states are looking into the possibility of following suite with Colorado. There is a great amount of revenue to be made from growing and legal sales for medicinal use. They are also looking into the medical benefits to people with any number of illnesses. Some people claim that it is a “gateway” drug. Some claim it will ruin the economics of their town or county or even state, by not having the revenue created by those who break the law by selling, buying or using; if it is made legal. There are not enough people looking into the economic factor of being paid to grow so many plants per person being treated. After being a person who lost a loved one to cancer, it is easy to see where the use of medical marijuana could have helped that individual through what must have been the worst period of a life time. My father wished for his passing once he started into the treatments for his cancer, medical marijuana could have helped ease his pain and brought his appetite back to a more normal state. The benefits of medical marijuana are numerous; The Business Insider published an article by Jennifer Welsh and Kevin Loria, 23 Health Benefits of Marijuana. At present only 6 % of studies on marijuana analyze its medical properties. Here is a short list of illnesses that can benefit from marijuana: It can be used to treat Glaucoma, epileptic seizures, Dravet’s Syndrome, cancer, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Leeuwenhoek’s disease, hepatitis C, Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases, arthritis discomfort, the metabolism, Lupus, Parkinson’s disease, PTSD, protects the brain after a stroke. It reduces some of the awful pain and nausea from chemo and stimulates appetite. It can even help people trying to cut back on drinking. (Jennifer Welsh, 2014) Marijuana, also known as Cannabis sativa, has been used since ancient times for therapeutic, spiritual, and recreational purposes. Many people insist that marijuana has helped them with dealing or handling the pains they suffer. Clinicians in the United States prescribed marijuana for many different conditions until it was declared illegal and removed from the U.S. Pharmacopeia in 1942. (Advisor, 2013) Marijuana has more benefits in the medical field than the drawbacks that are found on the streets. It was falsely given the reputation of a gateway drug by pharmaceutical companies trying to keep marijuana from being used in the medical field. This country has grown more tolerant and the majority of society no longer has such negative views toward ethnic groups. Government officials have grown more tolerant but the policies they promote often contradict what they actually believe. Despite marijuana being classified among the most harmful drugs with no usefulness, a federal judge in 1976 ruled that the FDA must provide marijuana for Robert Randall. Randall suffered from glaucoma and no other drug could effectively combat the condition. The contradiction between the ruling and the law at the time forced the government to compromise. A program was created that would provide each recipient with a half-pound of marijuana in the form of 300 pre-rolled joints. However, the war on drugs escalated and the program stopped accepting members in 1992. Those who are members continue to receive their medicine. Supplying citizens with medicinal marijuana while claiming it has no health benefits is a mind-numbing contradiction. Government officials say that there is no contradiction because the program is no longer accepting new patients. This flawed logic has fortunately been minimally influential, for the majority of the States has decriminalized cannabis or permits it for medical use. (Elias Clark, 2014) Even with the Federal law banning marijuana, many states have already developed their own laws pertaining to the use of marijuana in medical uses and personal use. The benefits of the use of marijuana are amazingly clear when research is done on the subject. It will take a much further in-depth research and clinical testing to make a clearer picture of the benefits of this herb in the medical field. Society sees the benefits more so now than it has since the banning of this drug. People feel that this drug could be beneficial to near everyone who has illnesses or debilitating diseases. Hopefully the Federal government will see the benefits for themselves and pass a bill to make marijuana use in the medical field a reality for all US Citizens.

Advisor, C. (2013, December 1). What you should know about medical marijuana: federal criminalization of this drug--most commonly used in the treatment of HIV, pain, and glaucoma--has limited research into its effectiveness. Pg 92. Retrieved February 25, 2015, from Clinical Advisor:
Elias Clark, D. S. (2014, September 23). Drinking Smoke. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from The journal Jurisprudence:
Jennifer Welsh, K. L. (2014). 23 Health Benefits of Marijuana. Retrieved Feb 2015, from The Business Insider:

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