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Medical Purposes for Canabis


Submitted By jessicasease
Words 799
Pages 4

Medical Purposes for Marijuana

CM 101




Abstract In the medical field there are many uses for marijuana, scientifically known as cannabis sativa. The main psychoactive chemical compound in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant is known to contain about sixty cannabinoids; however, most of these “minor” cannabinoids are only produced in trace amounts. Besides THC, another cannabinoids produced in high concentration by some plants is cannabiniol (CBD), which has been shown to block the effect of THC in the nervous system. ( Many research teams from the United States to Madrid have reported findings of the beneficial use for cannabis. Clinical trial studies have proved that the use of cannabis in patients with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and patients that suffer from chronic pain has significantly improved their quality of life. (Ellis et al. 2008 op. cit.) Although clinical studies have proven medical use of marijuana, the United States federal government has not been convinced yet. On the state level, fourteen of the fifty states have enacted the “Medical Marijuana Law.” Each state has implemented their own policies that reflect fees for identification cards, possession limits and home cultivation. Patients in all states must provide proof of residency to be considered a

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