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Mental Health Care Observation

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Several episodes of after-school detention for aberrant behavior This is the second day in the local mental health facility. I think I feel more comfortable more than yesterday. Going to mental health facility for the first time could be not easy because anyone carries with them what is in the media, news and movies about the mental health illness. But I can say after being in the mental health facility for a second time that the reality is different and these people at some points try to be normal. They try to act like normal people. My observation is that mental illness patient needs their medications, treatment and society support. I think from what I saw during these days that mental illness patients will not make it without …show more content…
The first resident has a schizophrenia. People who have a schizophrenia suffer from disturbances in thought processes, perception and deterioration of social and occupational functioning. My observation after talking to him that he aware of his religious belief. He also aware of some events in his history, his family and where he lives and raised. He has a lot of thoughts and he is able to jump from one idea to another which may disturb the listener. He is not able to stick to one idea and explain it unless I stop him and ask if he could to explain to me what he meant by that. He is on Risperidone 1 mg, ½ tab twice/daily. Risperidone treats schizophrenia and symptoms of bipolar disorder. He also on clonazepam 1mg, ½ tab in the morning and 1 tab at bedtime. This medication is used to treat seizure and unbalance chemical in the …show more content…
How did you see the effectiveness of the techniques?
I think they were using therapeutic techniques and nontherapeutic techniques. Examples of therapeutic techniques that they used in the movies are accepting when she said it is hard for any person to take it. Giving recognition, offering self, making observation and seeking clarification all of these therapeutic techniques were used to save life. They also used nontherapeutic techniques ,eg, agreeing and disagreeing, giving advice and approving and disapproving.
Actually, these techniques were very effective and they saved a lot of cases from being killed themselves. They also seem trained a lot and professional in the way they do it. I think giving advice and support over the phone is very hard, challenge and stressful because these are not body language, eye contact and gestures which may help anybody to explore the situation correctly.
What insights were significant to you as you watched the

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