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Mental Health Interview Paper

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Mental Health Interview Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center This week my clinical rotation was at Eben Ezer Lutheran Care center with my medications and psychosocial interview. In this clinical rotation, I had the opportunity to gain more knowledge on different medications and interview a patient with a psychosocial mental illness. The neighbor that I had the privilege of interviewing was M.M. She is a 79-year-old female with dipolar disorder and mild depression. M.M is an extraordinary neighbor with so much enjoyment in life. She was diagnosed with this illness on September 19,2016. According to the charts at Eben Ezer, the do not do any behavior assessment due to no outbreaks of behavioral problems. This patient current medical history was unknown …show more content…
Since her admission date, the facility has had no problem with behaviors from this neighbor. Some common behaviors you might see in a patient with dipolar disorder is hallucination and delusions. Bipolar disorder is described as four different stages in a cycle. Hypomania is the first stage in this cycle. Behaviors that you might see in this stage are increased motor activity, enjoy talking and laughing, and are loud talking. Acute mania is the second stage of the cycle. In this stage, you might see behavior such poor impulse control, low frustration tolerance, and unsocial. Delirious mania is the third stage in the cycle. Purposeless movement and agitation are common behaviors you might see in this stage. Lastly, depression is the fourth stage in this cycle. M.M is also diagnosed with depression. Some common behaviors you might see are agitation, hibernation, lethargy, and decrease or increase in diet. During my time at the care center, M.M expressed one of these behaviors, which was hibernation. She enjoys staying in her room and working on her cross-word puzzles. A variety of different behaviors can happen when a patient is suffering from mental …show more content…
Assessment, diagnosis, plan, implement, and evaluate is the steps in this process. When applying the nursing process to a client with cognitive and mental health disorders I am looking at a variety of different aspect. My assessment might include restlessness noted, dark circles under eyes, irritability noted, frequent mood changes, and complete set of vital signs. The diagnosis for the patient could possibly be disturbed sleep patterns related to hyperactivity. The plan for this patient would be, after eight hours the patient will be able to report feeling rested and show improvement in sleep/rest patterns. Implements that will we provide for this patient are to assess past patterns of sleep in normal environment daily, teach patient relaxation technique such as counting sheep or listening to music, and lastly increase daytime activity. After the intervention, it is our job as nurse to evaluate the process. The evaluation might be, after eight hours of nursing intervention, the patient was able to show improvement in her sleeping patterns. ADPIE is an essential part of the nursing process and provide great feedback for our patients, along with the

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