Mental Model/Mindsets
Phillip Heard, Robert Locher, Auriel LaCour, Keith Taylor, John Lino
OI/ 361
August 6, 2013
Joseph Krupka
Mental Model/Mindsets
Phil Heard is predominately an innovative person. As an innovative person he is adept at finding new, more efficient, ways to conduct business. He is proficient at finding ways to improve Baderman Island Resort’s physical attributes to make them more aesthetically appealing as well as physically accessible. Phil’s innovative nature will also be a great asset when dealing with external organizations. Incorporating Phil Heard’s innovative attribute within the team will definitely have a positive on Baderman’s bottom line. After all, as stated by von Stamm, B. (2008), “Innovative organizations manage their existing business through structured and efficient processes…” Baderman Island Resorts is a beautiful location for business and pleasure. One of the most exciting goals of the company is the future expansion of the resort. As a member of the management team at Baderman, Robert brings great strengths to the management team of five. As an intuitive thinker, Robert brings the properties of resourcefulness, the emphasizing of hard work, achievement, hard work and the ability to find good answers quickly (Rowe, 2004). In a management test to evaluate the management and innovation team’s strengths, Robert scored a 56 which is eight points below the standard of 64. This indicated strong intuitive tendencies.
The management team’s goals are to bring additional innovations to the organization. Roberts’s intuitive management strength is results oriented, and believes in experimentation to find logical, common sense answers to innovation problems. Robert has been with Baderman Island Resorts for years and relies on his past experiences to make sound, quick, common sense decisions.
Baderman Island Resort’s is focused