’m radioactive, radioactive” these are the lyrics to one of the most inspiriational songs of all-time. Imagine Dragons were diagnosed with cancer from radiation poisoning after they had a serious encounter with the element polonium. But, polonium isn’t the only deadly radioactive element found on the periodic table. Mercury, arsenic, caesium, polonium, and plutonium are among the deadliest elements found on the periodic table. Mercury is the fifth most deadly element found on the periodic table based on one sole reason. Mercury is incredibly dangerous because it can be absorbed through the skin. The evaporation of mercury is very fast causing inhalation to be another danger to mankind. The element will damage nerves, the liver and the kidney. Mercury is commonly neurological though, as it affects…show more content… Death can come as well if a lethal dose is taken. Mercury is a very shiny liquid that is found mostly in thermometers, lightbulbs, seafood, and other forms of electricity. Mercury has been around for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egyptian tombs. One of the most famous deaths from mercury was the suicide of Emperor Qin as he ingested multiple pills thought to give him eternal life.
Another deadly element found on the periodic table is Arsenic. Arsenic is the fourth most deadly element and a very common poison in Victorian society. Although many of the deaths were accidental coming from arsenic being a very common wallpaper at the time. Some of the most famous deaths were King George III and Napoleon Bonaparte. Arsenic is very difficult to find as many of the symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding with death usually following within a few hours. One of the most radioactive metals on the periodic table and the third most deadly is caesium. Caesium can