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Mev-1 Research Paper

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A virus is a microorganism which can trigger a virus disease more or less serious like flu ,measles, cold ….They are contagious and they can spread very fast , this is called an epidemic.The virus in the movie MEV-1 ,was influenced by H1N1 influenza virus of 2009 and the 2003 SARS virus. SARS , it was called like that because it generate severe acute respiratory syndrome in other words it is a viral repiratory disease transmitted by animals to humans . The first time ,this virus appeared in China in November 2002 and it lead to an epidemic in 2003. This virus affected around 30 countries .It caused 8,096 cases and 774 deaths .The symptoms of having SARS are , at beginning a fever at least 38°c . The first symptoms go on about 2-7 days .Among these symptoms there are chills, rigor ,sore throat,muscle aches and more .Then, it develop dry cough, shortness of breath and an tract infection . After many researches, the scientist …show more content…
The crisis lasted 1 year from 2009 to 2010.The contamination was done by airways like cough and sneeze. But they can be infected by touching a surface or an object , something with flu viruses on it and after touching their face .(eyes, mouth or nose) .The virus is originated from animal influenza viruses .The virus was create by combining 3 reassortment of bird, swine and human flu which was further combined with an Eurasian pig flu . It can survive from 8 to 48 hours in the air.There are many symptoms of these virus , it provide fever, cough,muscle pain,sore throat etc.. but we have also detect diarrhea,vomiting and neurogical problems. The first time, the virus appeared in Mexico City infecting some people. The entire world was contamined , around 14 000 deaths .The main prevention was the developping of an vaccine which act such as an antivirals ( molecule acting against the development of an virus). This movie was based on real facts such as the viruses , saw

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