...The United Mexican States, commonly known as Mexico is a federation of 31 free and sovereign states forming a union which have jurisdiction over its territories, federal district and Capital City. The Capital is Mexico City and the country operates under a President with governmental structure that is democratic, republican and representative. Each Mexican state has its own constitution, congress, and judiciaries with 6 year term elections for governors and 3 year terms for state congress. Each state is divided into the smallest political entity in the country, a municipality, which is governed by a municipal president or mayor who is elected by their residents. The country itself has no official religion as the constitution of 1917 guarantees separation of church and state. The dominant religion, however, is Catholicism covering 82.7% of the population as of 2010, with the next largest being Protestant and Mormon accounting for 9.7% of the populous. Covering the southern end of the United States, Mexico is bordered by the Caribbean Sea, North Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, Belize and Guatemala. The population as of 2012 was 120.8 million, a little less than two and half times that of the population of United States in 2012 of 313.9 million. Covering an area of over 761,600 sq. miles (1.973 million km²) about a 5th of the size of the USA at 3.794 million sq. miles and about 3 times the size of State of Texas. This makes Mexico the 5th largest country in America and 14th...
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...Mexico, land rich in history and culture, is located on the northern border of the United States. Throughout the last decade and a half Mexico has struggled to maintain a stable economy, all the while trying to control the trafficking of drugs and humans across the American border. The U.S. Department of State website (2010) states Mexico is classified by the World Bank as an upper-middle-income country. Poverty is widespread (around 44% of the population lives below the poverty line) and high rates of economic growth are needed to create legitimate economic opportunities for new entrants to the work force. The Mexican economy in 2009 experienced its deepest recession since the 1930s. The stated reason above is what has caused many Mexican citizens to cross the border into the United States looking taking any job they can find in order to help their families back home survive the trying times. Many have died in the trek to seek a better life, yet just as many have survived and are living and working in a large number of U.S. States. According to a PBS video called “Beyond the Border” (2001) one out of ten families in Mexico depend on the money sent to them by those family members that have managed to cross the U.S. border and get jobs. Although during his political campaign President Obama promised address the immigrations issues of the United States, this issue has been put on hold for a number of years. The New York Times (2011) report that the member of illegal immigrants...
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...Mexico is located next to America, and is a very unique country to do business in. When I say business in Mexico many of you can think of reasons why not to do business there. I’m sure most of you have heard at least one story about drug trafficking or violence happening in Mexico. And its true! Corruption is prevalent! Mexico is in fact majorly lagging in promoting the rule of law and strengthening the legal framework so this can be a risk for firms. Also, there is problem of monopoly power in key sectors of the economy. This means it is difficult for businesses to enter the market. But what many of us didn’t know are the reasons why you should do business is mexico is that it is the 50th freest economy with improvements in investment freedom, trade freedom, and monetary freedom since last year. Moreover the regulatory framework has been reformed to facilitate entrepreneurial activity. Mexico is also well known for its cheap labour and its proximity to the US which can prove handy to firms. When doing business in Mexico it is important to be aware of their strict traditions and customs. We broke down Mexico’s culture into sections using Hofstede’s dimensions and basically we want to share a few tips with you if any of you do end up doing business in Mexico. So the main language in Mexico is Spanish, but English levels vary so a Spanish translator can be helpful. Also Mexico is also considered a collectivistic society so business relationship in Mexico is very much...
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...Mexico It’s Friday, I've got no job, I've got no class and I’m headed down to Mexico! I am a freshman attending the University of Arizona in Tucson and the second semester is coming to a close in a couple short weeks. I must have done something good because I had recently been granted permission from my parents to bring my pickup truck to campus to use for the remainder of the year. My parents had previously been against me driving anything that wasn't powered by my own “Chevro-legs". I am driving South on the SR-85 in my blue 1995 regular cab Chevrolet with my roommate Chris and good friend Sean sitting beside me on the cloth bench-style seat. We’re loaded with a cooler full of snacks, beer and water, a sleeping bag per person, and around $300 between us. We reach Why Arizona and I pull into a Mobile gas station to fill up on American gas for the weekend; I think we bought Mexican insurance here too, but not worth describing. I remember the gas prices fairly reasonable still in the summer of the 2003; so gas ran me probably thirty five bucks for my eighteen gallon fuel tank. Mexican insurance was twenty dollars a day and we paid for coverage for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Fully loaded and ready to get rolling with this entirely spontaneous vacation that was only happening because the previous night I learned that my seventeen year old brother was going to be in Rocky Point for his first time that weekend. Upon hearing this news, I gathered up Sean and Chris...
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...En el gobierno de Portillo se empezó con las dificultades para México y con ello un bajo crecimiento económico a comparación de lo que se vio en la época dorada de México. Un excesivo gasto de gobierno, seguido de un tipo de cambio fijo que dificultó el panorama económico de México, además que se tenía una deuda externa no manejable. Al entrar el gobierno de Miguel de la Marid la prioridad era disminuir o negociar el pago de la deuda extranjera, además de combatir las altas tasas de inflación que se presentaban dentro del país. El primer paso fue la reestructuración de la deuda y esto se logró dejando a empresas extranjeras comprar la deuda y establecerse en el territorio mexicano, y con la compra de bonos de Estados Unidos, es decir, cambiando capital por capital y México únicamente pagaba los intereses de los bonos americanos; a esto posteriormente se le conoció como el Plan Brady. El segundo paso era disminuir la inflación y se logró apreciando la moneda, se cambio a un tipo de cambio “semifijo” y con el Pacto Solidaridad. Este último fue el de mayor impacto, pues se acordó con los sindicatos, empresas y junto con el gobierno a no subir los precios y también al entrar al TLCAN se hizo el objetivo de disminuir aun más la inflación. Anteriormente México contaba con un proteccionismo que ayudaba de cierta manera a la productividad interna del país, además se contaban con varias empresas públicas, sin embargo, debido al alto porcentaje destinado al gasto de gobierno y a su...
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...Aunque México se coloca en el 12 de las principales económicas mundiales, todas regiones no se desarrollan de la misma manera. México es un país organizado administrativamente en forma de federación y se compone de 32 entidades federativas (31 estados y un Distrito Federal). Generalmente admitimos que México es un país desigual no sólo en lo social, sino también en lo político, y en lo económico. Mexico es uno de los países mas desigualdades de America Latina. La mayoría de los estudios sobre el desarrollo de México muestran que ha sido regionalmente desequilibrado y la tendencia apunta a un agravamiento de esos desequilibrios en el futuro. Presentación General . Las desigualdades económicas entre los diferentes estados mexicanos existe desde hace más de 60 años. Desde los años 1960 las desigualdades económicas regionales han cambiado muy poco. Hoy, En México, 10 % de las regiones aportan 41 % del PIB Nacional. Las condiciones de vida varían fuertemente entre las regiones del Norte, relativamente más ricas e industrializadas, y las del Sur, más pobres. Existen diferencias importantes entre las regiones que se pueden ilustrar a través de la participación de las regiones en el Producto Interno Bruto nacional: la región Capital (DF)+central 57% en 2006. Le sigue en importancia la región norte con 27% de aporte, y luego la región Sur con apenas 14% de participación en el total nacional y con una tendencia decreciente. En los principios de los años 2000, la región del sur/sur-este...
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...The roadway network in Mexico has an extent of 366,095 km (227,481 mi), The speed limit in multi-lane freeways or expressways is on average 110 km/h (70 mph) for automobiles and 95 km/h (60 mph) for buses and trucks The tolls are, on average, among the most expensive in the world, according to a comparative study realized in 2004 by the Chamber of Deputies Mexico privatized its rail service with the dissolution of the former Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México in 1998. There is a Mexico City Metro and a Monterrey Metro as well as light rail systems operating in Mexico City (Xochimilco Light Rail), and Guadalajara (Guadalajara light rail system). Airport infrastructure in Mexico is the most advanced in Latin America:[14] all the cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants have an airport There are 1834 airports in Mexico, the third-largest number of airports by country in the world.[15] The seven largest airports—which absorb 90% of air travel—are (in order of air traffic): Mexico City International Airport, Cancún International Airport, Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla International Airport (Guadalajara), General Mariano Escobedo International Airport (Monterrey), General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport (Tijuana), General Juan N. Álvarez International Airport (Acapulco), and Lic. Gustavo Díaz Ordaz International Airport (Puerto Vallarta).[14] All airports are privately owned, with the exception of Mexico City International Airport. This airport remains the largest in...
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... In Morelos • Sugar production dropped drastically from 52,230,155 kilo (1908-1909) to 48,531,600 kilos • Mexican producers were facing an American tariff and new growers in Cuba • Tried to compensate the loss by selling to Mexico city and “domestic consumptions” • Event in Morelos reflected the Mexican agriculture at the time period • There was famine going on in the center and northern parts of the country. Corn shipments were being delivered from other countries cause of the shortage. Some 200,000 tons was imported between 1907-1910 • 1908-1909 there was a drought and that is why there was a shortage of corn. It was mostly due to lack of proper irrigation • The governments wasn’t willing to fund enough money for proper irrigation and also because of not having the sufficient farming tools. This lead to the inevitable down fall of Mexican agriculture • Diaz government had a plan for irrigation but because of the peasant displacement in favor of cash crop, which they farmed on their land, lead to a shortage of crops. Irrigation and the favor cash crop with the drought and crops that were infested in the south and center lead to the famine. • Because of this drought of crops domestic companies started coming into Mexico. This didn’t make Mexican society happy • In Veracruz, foreigners held 95 percent of the city’s private property. Cost of living doubles between 1901-1911 • There was a major crisis with unemployment as well. Miners, railroad...
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...2003 Country Analysis: Mexico The Mexican Information Technology (IT) outsource software services sector is a USD $30 million1 industry. Although the industry is quite small compared to behemoths such as India and Russia, Mexico has unique advantages which it can exploit to vault it into serious consideration for offshore software outsourcing. The chief among them is the proximity to the US market, the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA), low-cost qualified personnel, and access to the Latin American market. The advantages of Mexico's proximity to the US is that not only is it easy to access Mexico from almost anywhere in the continental US, but many Mexican and American firms already have extensive experience working together. This familiarity breeds similar business cultures and allows for US firms to be comfortable in outsourcing key software processes to Mexican firms. Another big advantage for Mexico is NAFTA. NAFTA allows the free flow of goods and services between Mexico, Canada and the US. NAFTA also protects intellectual property rights in all three nations. This legal framework gives some assurance to US firms that the software developed by Mexican firms will not be misappropriated for other uses. A final advantage is that Mexico is an ideal point for accessing the vast Latin American market due to similar language, culture and knowledge of that market by Mexican firms. Even with all these advantages, there are reasons why Mexico only exports approximately...
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...Victoria Orihuela English 1301 Professor Remollino 30 September 2013 New Mexico I’ve always dreamt of seeing myself living somewhere where the temperatures are thirty degrees or lower. Where there are snowmen surrounding my house and the cars in my driveway are unable to move due to how much snow is covering them. Angel Fire, New Mexico is where I picture myself in the near future. I would love to visit there during Christmas time and I picture the scenery with everyone around you walking with snow boots, about eight layers of clothes on, mittens, ear muffs, and a beanie. I visualize the pure white snow which the children are having snowball fights with for about an hour at a time. Their joy of laughter when hitting each other straight in the face of one another. With also their Great Dane running and barking around in circles trying to eat the snow that was being thrown. The smoke coming from the chimney next door with the aroma from the pumpkin pie, pot roast, and cheesy mashed potatoes being made in the kitchen. Then, the family across the street decorating their 10 feet Christmas tree through the window with ornaments as colorful as the rainbow and lights as bright as the sun. With that being said, you would see Christmas lights on each house and everyone in the neighborhood singing Christmas carols. You wouldn’t even be able to drive your lifted 2013 Chevrolet due to how much snow would be on the roads. The only way you could see people getting around are the teenagers...
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...Running head: OUTSOURCING TO MEXICO OR CHINA Outsourcing to Mexico or China Kimberly Griswold Southern New Hampshire University Many companies decide to outsource to save on costs. China is one of the most popular countries to use for outsourcing. The outsourcing in China has helped China and the businesses. The lower cost of outsourcing to China has helped many companies obtain a competitive advantage. More companies are now looking to outsource in other countries. Another county that is getting a lot of attention is Mexico. There are advantages and disadvantages to both China and Mexico. There are many advantages to outsourcing in China. The first advantage is experience, China has been used my many companies for an extended amount of time so they already have standards in place. Another advantage is China has extreme inexpensive labor. The employees in China are also educated and learn fast and work very hard. “Through-put is clearly better in China than in Mexico. Attendance, punctuality, and productivity bonuses are not needed” (Amter, 2011). Many retailers are also now growing “less dependent on brand names in part because they, and their suppliers, demand and receive good value from Chinese suppliers” (Advantages of Outsourcing in China, n.d.). There are also disadvantages to outsourcing in China. China is a communist government and is very prone to piracy and counterfeiting. There...
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...1 Tour Routes of Mexico: Trip Planning Tool OVERVIEW TRIP HIGHLIGHTS STATES INCLUDED INT’L AIRPORTS USED IDEAL CLIENTS (beyond the obvious) TRANSPORTATION CONSIDERATIONS 1. WINE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD’S AQUARIUM This Route travels along our Baja California Peninsula and its two coasts, which attract different visitors in search of contrasting experiences. On the Pacific side, expect whales, the Guadalupe Valley vineyards, golf courses, marinas and pristine beaches. On the Sea of Cortés side you’ll find more than 230 individual islands, protected areas, a marine sanctuary, Jesuit missions and the Old Baja ambiance. In between: desert, mountains, cacti and oases. A trio of popular destinations (Loreto, La Paz, and Los Cabos) provides comfort, diverse dining opportunities, world-class golf, easy air access and varied resort amenities. Wine Country, Sea of Cortés, Protected Islands, Desert Oasis, Beaches, Golf, Water Sports, Hiking, Luxury Accommodations, Gastronomy, Whale and Wildlife Viewing Baja California, Baja California Sur Tijuana (TIJ), Loreto (LTO), La Paz (LAP), Los Cabos (SJD) Wine lovers, golfers, eco-enthusiasts, conservationists, divers, explorers, wanderers, free-spirits This route is easily accessed at either its northern or southern end (Tijuana or Los Cabos). The entire route requires long surface travel between cities along the 1,000 km. long Baja Peninsula. Consider doing a circle day-trip from Los Cabos to La Paz and then back along the Pacific Coast (Todos...
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...Mexico: Cultural Analysis This paper is a cultural analysis of the Mexican culture through the lens of the 5-D Model developed by Professor Geert Hofstede. The five dimensions of the model include: Power Distance (PDI), Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI), and Long term versus short term orientation. In recent years a sixth dimension named Indulgence versus Restraint has been added. There are no rankings for this dimension as it has only been recently added and researched (Hofstede, 2012). This Model gives one an important tool for gaining insights into given cultures which can improve business opportunities and interactions (International business etiquette, manners and culture, 2012). Power Distance Index (PDI) is the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The issue is how a society handles inequalities. Mexico, ranking 81on the PDI, is a hierarchical society. Regionally, Mexico ranks higher on PDI than the United States (rank 39) and Canada (rank 40), whose ranks indicate that their cultures strive to equalize the distribution of power and demand justification for inequalities of power. Globally, however, countries vary greatly in PDI, (average PDI rank of 60; Clearly Cultural, 2012). One must consider the PDI rank when doing business with a given country in a certain region. For example, Mexican businesses hoping to successfully...
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... Nombre del trabajo: Falta de Inversión en México Fecha de entrega: 12/06/13 Campus: Coyoacán Carrera /Prepa: Ing. En Negocios y Tecnologías de la Manufactura Semestre/Cuatrimestre: 3ro Nombre del maestro: Blanca Elena Gómez García Índice * Presentación * Introducción * Planeación * Desarrollo: * Conclusiones * Bibliografía Introducción En el siguiente ensayo se pone a análisis uno de los temas que competen a las ciencias políticas, sociales y económicas de México, la inversión pública o privada, y el crédito ya sea de capitales de asociaciones anónimas o del mismo estado, es importante resaltar este tema ya que lleva consigo grandes temas a debatir y a analizar cómo son ¿en que se invierte?, ¿Quiénes invierten?, ¿Cuánto se invierte? Entre otras cuestiones de relevancia, pero no solo las macroempresas nacionales o extranjeras deben tener privilegios a bonos o prestamos también los microempresas, entonces, ¿Cómo llegar a un estado de igualdad y sustentabilidad económica en México? Siendo un país en vías de desarrollo y gran capacidad de captar inversiones. Estas dudas se pretende aclararlas en el siguiente trabajo. México es un país en vías de desarrollo con una ubicación...
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...socio-economic differences in Mexico are playing an important role in pushing the uptake of generics, and these issues are starting to affect multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs are being forced to open up and diversify, quite simply to have their fingers in as many pies where they can compete successfully. Alternatively they are applying a more focused sales strategy to concentrate on niche markets. Alvarez Tostado of AstraZeneca believes that MNCs need to adjust their activities to become competitive in both the private and public sector. “Mexico provides a uniquely generous market structure where you have the institutional sector, the private out-of- pocket segment of the market, and then you have the new up-and-coming popular insurance systems that will cater to those who have very little access to medical care, if they have access at all. So in that regard, I think the industry has to realign itself to make sure that it is able to provide adequate services to the institutional sector; provide broadened access to the out-of-pocket consumer, and obviously realign to be competitive in the Seguro Popular concept.” Mexico is no exception to the global trend of companies moving towards branded generics, a successfully growing sector in a very much brand-driven Mexican society. Bertrand Baron, general director of Sanofi Mexico, is confident that Sanofi’s global strategy of diversification fits well with the current climate in Mexico. “I believe that Sanofi in Mexico is a perfect example...
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