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Mgt 521 Coca Cola Co. Part 1


Submitted By melao72
Words 1187
Pages 5
Coca Cola Co.
MGT 521
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Coca Cola Co. “On May 8, 1886, a pharmacist named Dr. John Pemberton carried a jug of Coca-Cola® syrup to Jacobs’ Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta, where it was mixed with carbonated water and sold for five cents a glass” (Coca Cola Co, 2012). Coca Cola is one of the all time biggest beverage company in the industry, that went from selling a few drinks a day from a pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia to selling billions a day all over the world. According to the Fortune 500, Coca Cola Co ranks number 59 on the 2012 list with revenues of $46,542. millions and profits of $8,572. Millions (CNN Money, 2012). SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis is “ a planning tool used to analyzed an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats” (Nickels, W.G, McHugh, J. M. & McHugh, S.M., 2010). Coca Cola Company is the major distributor, maker, and seller in the world, but one of the company’s biggest threat is the competidor such as Pepsi Co. that tries to stay at the same leves as Coca Cola. Strengths Some of the strengths that Coca Cola have are the well known brand, popularity, consumer faithfulness, good advertising and promotion, strong financial position and profits, and International Trades. Coca Cola has been in the Market for over 100 years and is well known all over the world. The company’s ads are popular, specially during Christmas season and Super Bowl. Coca Cola’s branding is recognized worldwide, from hats to clothing to collectibles, is it impossible not to know this company. Like any other major business and with the bad economy hitting the world, Coca Cola has their ups and downs financially, but the company always manage to stay afloat. Coca Cola products has been around for decades, cause of the dedicated employees giving their all for the company, but also thanks to the

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