...other node? Why? • Yes, D can detect link break between D and E, since the nodes periodically communicate with a “Hello” message in AODV. When E doesn’t respond to node D’s message, D will record it as a link break • Link failure information is sent to active neighbors only and E is not active, because it is not involved in transferring data. So D will not propagate this link break to other nodes. f. The link between A and B is broken, as A moves away from B. B detects it as it can’t receive “Hello” message from A now. Now since the node A has moved from it’s place it will update it’s routing table Destination ID Via Distance Sequence # D B ∞ 23 It will also increment D’s sequence number. Now node A will send the RREQ again to find a new route to destination cause A moved to a new place. Hence A will increment its own sequence number by 1. Now A has sequence number as 14. RREQ of A: Destination ID Destination Sequence# Source ID Source Sequence# Hop Count D 23 A 14...
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...2) Flooding can be used to gather information in an endeavour to setup the route for a virtual circuit. 3) Flooding is always able to find the shortest pathway because it searches every possible path in parallel. 3. Store and Forward Switches have an advantage over Cut Through Switches. What is it? Ethernet switches have the option of deploying one of two forwarding techniques they are Store and Forward and Cut-through. The main advantage Store and Forward switches have over Cut Through switches is their ability to provide a superior “level of error detection” due to the fact that damaged frames are not forward to the destination port. Whereas Cut Through switches offer no error checking. 4. Very briefly explain the Optimality Principle and the use of Spanning Trees in routing...
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...Answer the following in your own words, keeping in mind the assessment guidelines. Before you submit your answer, make sure you have covered all the points asked in the question and the resources used for research are authentic. 1. What are the ways in which we can keep a check on the number of duplicate packets generated due to the Flooding Routing technique? Answer: Flooding obviously generates vast numbers of duplicate packets, in fact, an infinite number unless some measures are taken to damp the process. To prevent packets from looping forever, each router decrements a hop count contained in the packet header, whenever the hop count decrement to zero, and the router discards the packet. To reduce looping even further: 1. Add a sequence number to each packet’s header. 2. Each router then needs a list per source router telling which sequence numbers originating at that source have already been seen and each router maintains a private sequence number. When its sends a new packet, it copies the sequence number into the packet, and increments its private sequence number. 3. For each source router S, a router: • Keep track of the highest sequence number seen from S. • Whenever it receives a packet from S containing a sequence number lower than the one stored in its table, it discards the packet. 2. Though Flooding is not a very efficient routing method, it still finds use in a number of applications. Name at least 2 such applications you can think of. Answer: Flooding is not practical...
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...The city of Detroit, Michigan has suffered a great deal over the past several decades. Starting in 1950s, Detroit faced immense demographic and economic decline, consequently leading towards an increase in crime, poverty, and urban decay. Detroit’s reputation across the country had become known as this dangerous, deteriorating city. The outcome of political corruption in the “Motor City” revealed that even those responsible for making Detroit better had failed. This once booming city now seemed to be neglected and even forgotten. In recent years, the city of Detroit has battled to come back and recapture what it once was: “Motown”. History shows that even the smallest actions can have a great impact on a community and sometimes, especially in Detroit’s case, ordinary citizens can influence more than famous politicians and celebrities. A prime example of this is Detroit resident, Jason Hall and his movement “Slow Role”. Jason Hall is an influential community activist who used his leadership skills to improve Detroit’s economy, environment, and diversity through the formation of a...
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...The Condition of Lake Heron Sherrika R. Newman Professor Carrie Miller English Composition November 24, 2013 Lake Heron is one of five Great Lakes located on the west by the state of Michigan in the United States. It is the second-largest Great Lakes due to the having a surface area of 23,000 square miles. But by volume Lake Huron is only the third largest of the Great Lakes. Looking at illustration (A) below, Lake Heron is surrounded by Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. It is often referred to “the lake in the middle.” (A) In illustration (A) above you can also see that Lake Huron is connected to Lake Michigan through the straights of St. Mary’s River. It is a fact that this lake was the first Great Lakes to be discovered by European explorers. It is also a reality that Lake Heron has become a victim to water pollution over recent years. This has become a major issue for Coastal Conversationalist. Lake Huron has become a major dumping ground for many different types of pollutants. These pollutants enter the lakes fresh water and are commonly classified by point source or non-point source pollution. Point source can usually be traced back to the specific location and source of culprit. Dumping of hazardous chemical depositions or nuclear waste from industrial and treatment facilities is an example of point source pollution. Because point source pollution can be traced back to the owner it is the easiest source of pollution to control and regulate...
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...Jane M. Doe 1234 Any Street, City State Zip (111) 111-1111 email address EDUCATION Name of University City, State Majoring in xxx Studies (ABA) Expected Graduation: April 2011 Current 3.3 GPA: Dean’s List 2 terms Relevant courses: Legal Research, Real Estate Procedure, Wills, Trusts, and Estates Procedure, Litigation, Employment and Labor Laws, Criminal Law, Evidence and Criminal Procedures CLINICS Name of University Wills, Trusts, and Estate Program 2011 Winter Semester-Assistant paralegal intern 2011 Summer Semester-Lead paralegal intern Thomas Cooley Law School Access to Justice Clinic-Interning paralegal to intern law students HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS 6+ years of experience providing exceptional Customer Service. Excellent computer knowledge in Westlaw/LoisLaw, and Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Key more than 45wpm with outstanding accuracy. WORK EXPERIENCE 03/2006-Present United States Postal Service Kalamazoo Assistant Supervisor Identify problems and their causes/secure relevant information/develop solutions Communicate information and instructions in writing and orally to achieve desired results/facilitate information flow within the organizational unit Write letters, simple reports, and employee evaluations 06/2004-Present United States Postal Service Kalamazoo Maintenance Operations Support Knowledge of computer systems/usage and operating characteristics of terminal for data input and...
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...I was happy that we’re able to read about a relevant topic. I personally don’t know much about the medical marijuana history/debate in Michigan so I found this assignment to be very informative and useful. I’m glad this assignment gave me the opportunity to read the most current information on the laws concerning medical marijuana. I have never personally smoked marijuana, so I have a hard time understanding why some people push so hard to have it legalized. This being said, I do believe that the case presented against McQueen and Taylor is valid. Given what I read in the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA), it would appear to me that CA, the defendant’s co-owned marijuana dispensary, was operating illegally. The MMMA states that there is to be no “patient-to-patient” sales (MICHIGAN MEDICAL MARIHUANA ACT (EXCERPT), 2008). Even though CA rented out lockers to registered qualifying patients to store and sell their excess marijuana, CA claims that they did not violate any of the rules outlined in the MMMA because they believed they did not own the rights to the stored marijuana. CA attests that the rights and ownership of the stored pot were still that of the patients whom rented the lockers, not CA. The State of Michigan challenged that notion by defining possession as dominion and control of the drug. The State of Michigan’s position is that CA had control over the access and sale of the drug there by placing possession of the drug with CA, not the patients. This is a violation...
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...In this article the author outlines the new business prospects that are hoping to come to the Michigan and Ohio area. The midwest has provided us with companies such as Tumblr and Trip advisor and we all know that the Silicone Valley provides up with most social media we have all learned to love or hate but where is Michigan is the race? Chris Olsen thinks that someone coming out of OSU or UofM could produce the next big thing and is putting money into small firms, $250 million to be exact. These investments, that we learned in chapter 6, are part of equity financing, where investors put the money in for shares of stock. Entrepreneurship is also a very large part of this, Olsen and his partner Mark Kvamme are general partners at Drive Capital and have helped over 20 different entrepreneur based companies to get on their feet. Since they moved from Silicone Valley to Ohio they have invested in 4 small businesses in the midwest. These small businesses are part of the innovations and new industries that we learned about in Chapter 5.Our BizNews is an example of investment(chapter 6), Entrepreneurship(chapter 6 and 2), small businesses(chapter 5) but also a vision for the future and the business industry. As seen in chapter 2, vision is an important part of success. Olsen and Kvamme’s vision is to bring the industry to states like Michigan and Ohio. Their partnership shows that their joint vision is to change the way the consumer thinks and feels about the industry they see as only...
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...system was viewed as very stressful by employees, however, was intended to facilitate change. This evaluation system along with mass layoffs were an attempt to force workers into a new culture (April, 2013). This was not a positive way to implement change. Johnson created a strategy for change based on his knowledge of how the Apple Stores and Target’s transformation occurred. He assumed the same formula would work for this establishment as well. The decision making for the JC Penney’s transformation was very complicated in context-meaning that the relationships between cause and effect could have been clear, but not necessarily apparent to all when no research was conducted and multiple solutions may have been effective (Central Michigan University, 2012). Johnson failed to do...
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...Bin Pan UP 100 2016/4/7 The City of Detroit and its Marvels Detroit is probably one of the most beautiful cities in the world. With an area of almost 143 square miles, it is home to some of America’s most priceless sceneries. What I love about Detroit is that it is a representation of a city that is not too large but is not too small, providing an avenue where people can be closely acquainted while maintaining an economically dynamic atmosphere for fashion, finance, entertainment, education, science and technology, and transportation. The weather in Detroit is, I would say, evenly distributed throughout the year – extreme weather occurrences are not common making the city very much liveable. The city boasts its towering city scape, displaying architectures that took inspiration from both the ancient and modern architectural designs. This integration somehow preserves the sensation of medieval civilization and the angst of modern life. The metropolitan Detroit is home to some historical landmarks including St. Joseph Catholic Church and the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament – both are situated within the heart of the metro, hinting contrast of antiquity and modernism. Although Detroit is a big city, it is only the 18th most populous city in America. Not so typical of metropolitan cities. However, this poses the opportunity to enjoy the extents of its parks and amusement centres without having to worry about mob or heavy crowd. However, there is not much diversity...
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...SPARTAN PLASTICS 1) Consolidated Shipping LLC (CS): Saint Louis (MO) to Lansing (MI)= 487x6=2922+250per stop= $3172 Lansing (MI) to Detroit (MI) = 88x6 = 528 + 250 = $778 Detroit (MI) to Toledo (OH) = 65x6 = 390 + 250 = $640 Total Shipping Cost = $3172 + $778 + $640 = $4590 Amalgamated Integrated Services (AIS): Saint Louis (MO) to Ypsilanti (MI) = 521x6= $3126 Ypsilanti (MI) to Lansing (MI) = $500 Ypsilanti (MI) to Detroit (MI) = $500 Ypsilanti (MI) to Toledo (OH) = $500 Total Shipping Cost = $1500 + $3126 = $4626 2) Consolidated Shipping LLC offers consolidation of our shipment as well as a milk run approach to deliver our shipment, making a one time delivery and then returning only when another delivery is needed, that way Spartan Plastics would have to deal with storage costs until the shipment date. This approach would also only be able to deliver 1 shipment per time, which wouldn’t be ideal if we were behind schedule or if a problem comes up, and if something happens to the truck then we would lose all 3 of our shipments. Amalgamated Integrated Services offers a cross-docking service, which would allow Spartan Plastics to ship our products earlier lowering our storage costs. AIS would also provide us with a more “safe” transportation approach by diving each of our shipments into a different truck, therefore if something unforeseen happens to one of the trucks or the shipment Spartan Plastics can still be sure that the other 2 shippings are on...
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...DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 Friday Fri 4567 Main St. Arcadia, CA 98052 Friday, June 22 7pm Cost $5 Admit One A Ticket to the Benefit Concert at Fourth Coffee Featuring Mikael Sandberg Admit One Friday Fri 4567 Main St. Arcadia, CA 98052 Friday, June 22 7pm Cost $5 Admit One A Ticket to the Benefit Concert at Fourth Coffee Featuring Mikael Sandberg Admit One Friday Fri 13310 E. 8 MILE DETROIT, MI 48205 JUNE 20, 2015 9 pm to 2 pm Cost $10 DETROIT CREOLE CONNECTION PRESENTS: BEER BASH NORVAN CAFE' INCLUDES: FOOD WHILE IT LAST SLIGHTLY HIGHER AT DOOR ...
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...Deere & Company was founded in 1837 by a blacksmith named John Deere who became a manufacturer of agricultural equipment through his invention of a newly designed plow. Although steam tractors were introduced to farms in the 1880s, Deere did not start building their iconic John Deere tractors until they purchased a small tractor company, Waterloo Boy, in 1918 which was long after John Deere’s death in 1886. Deere is deeply rooted in agriculture as evidenced by their manufacturing of farm equipment and in their development of efficient farming strategies, logistics, and insurance products. The company has grown to be one of the world’s largest and most recognized manufacturers of agricultural, construction, forestry, and turf equipment despite several tumultuous periods and celebrated their 175th anniversary this year, 2012. 0 In the 1984 annual report, the company referred to increasing competitive pressures and the need to provide for more value per dollar to the customer. The ways that the company proposed to achieve this seemed to revolve around the "technological fix" with references to use of robotics and increased efficiency in operations. Quality was beginning to be recognized as important in design, manufacturing, and in meeting customer needs for reliability in the forestry equipment line. 1 In the 1987 report, an emphasis on quality seemed to be developing, even though cost-reduction and value to the customer continued as an underlying theme. The "total value"...
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...Dearborn vs. Lexington When I came to United State America, I lived in Lexington, Kentucky for three years. Then I moved to Carbondale, Illinois. I have been many places around Kentucky area. One of the cities I have been Dearborn, Michigan. For two years, when I have been living in Lexington, Kentucky. My sibling decided to go vacation to Dearborn, Michigan to visit our friends over there and to see Dearborn, Michigan. When we went to Dearborn, MI we saw some differences and some similarities between both cities Dearborn, MI and Lexington, KY. Dearborn from historical aspect was home for a diverse group of local people with the long living tribes included the Abenakis, Algonquins, Hurons, Ottawas, Illinois, Miamis, and Iroquois, where French...
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...Henry Ford, was an American industrialist who was born in the early 1860. As a young boy, Henry worked as a farm boy and he was very unsatisfied. At the age of 16, he decided to leave home to work in as a machinist in Detroit. In later years, he learned how to skillfully operate service steam engines. Henry Ford was also, the sponsor of the development called the Assembly Line. Henry Ford soon got married in 1888 to Clara Ala Bryant and had their first child named Edsel Bryant Ford. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you’re right.” He made this quote valid by saying in the quote ‘Think.’ When he was a tad bit younger his father gave him a pocket watch that he soon took apart. Henry immediately...
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