...Samson H Chowdhury An Assignment of Entrepreneurship Development Course Code: FIN - 3208 * Submitted To: Suborna Barua Lecturer Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. * Submitted By: Md. Mazharul Islam Group Representative of Finance Interface Id No: 091541 B.B.A, 3rd Batch (3rd Year, 2nd Semester) Session: 2008-2009 Department of Finance Jagannath University, Dhaka. Date of Submission: 15th January, 2012. Samson H Chowdhury Only business legend of our time in Bangladesh Years active 1952–2012 Square is not just a brand name in Bangladesh. It is an icon in business. But could anyone imagine it would be a leading business conglomerate when four like-minded people in Pabna with Tk 80,000 capital each started a pharmaceutical company 54 years ago, in 1958? And we might have not seen Square Group in today's position unless the idea of manufacturing life-saving drugs had come out from Samson H Chowdhury, the founder chairman who had conceived the idea from a tiny dispensary at Ataikula in Pabna. Family background: Samson H Chowdhury was born on 25 February in 1926 in Faridpur district. He was the eldest child of EH Chowdhury and Latika Chowdhury. His siblings included five brothers and a sister. Eakub's second son Sotten Chowdhury. Youngest son Samar Chowdhury. After the death of their parents, Samson led the family as a guardian. His Residence was Baridhara, Dhaka. Samson left behind wife Anita Chowdhury, three sons...
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...Banking in Bangladesh After Independence of Bangladesh the banking sector was restructured as a fall out of war of liberation. Banking grew primarily in the public sector with main emphasis development needs of the war-torn economy. With gradual liberalization in subsequent years, it was increasingly felt that banks should be allowed in the private sector for giving a fillip to development process on the basis of private initiative. In the 80's for the first time a number of banks in the private sector was allowed. Subsequently in the mid 90's some more banks in private sector commenced operations. In 1999. 3rd Generation of private sector banks was given permission to operate. Finally in 2001 4th Generation of private sector banks commenced operation. As a result while up to 80's financial sector was dominated by public sector banks, banks in the private sector were given increased responsibility with the passage of time. The share of deposits of Nationalised Commercial Banks (NCBs) in total deposits which stood at 89% in 1980 gradually declined over years to reach the level of 55% in 2000. Simultaneously, Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) which were responsible for only 18% of deposits in 1985 this share increased gradually over the years to constitute abort one third - 1 - of the total deposits of the country by the end of the millennium. But market share of deposits of FCBs did not change much during the last twenty years. In the early 80's the share was 6% and it stood at 7%...
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...Addressing the Reproductive Health Needs a n d R i g h t s o f Yo u n g P e o p l e s i n c e I C P D – T h e C o n t r i b u t i o n o f U N F PA a n d I P P F Bangladesh Country Evaluation Report DFID Department for International Development Addressing the Reproductive Health Needs and Rights of Young People since ICPD: The contribution of UNFPA and IPPF Bangladesh Country Evaluation Report September 2003 Written by: Alanagh Raikes Malabika Sarker Hashima-e-Nasreen For: UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG UNFPA and IPPF Evaluation: Bangladesh Country Report CONTENTS Acronyms................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... ii Acknowledgements ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... iv Analytical Summary ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 1 Key Findings and Recommendations................................ ................................ ..................... 8 Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 12 Section 1: The Country Specific Context ................................ ................................ .............. 14 Section 2: The Country Programmes’ Strategic Priorities ................................ .................
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...World Dialogue on Regulation for Network Economies Regulation and Investment: Case study of Bangladesh Harsha de Silva[1] and Abu Saeed Khan[2] August 2004 Abstract The paper considers the available evidence in determining a relationship, if any, in the Telecom Regulatory Environment [TRE] of Bangladesh and investments in to its telecommunications industry over the last decade. TRE is segmented in to market entry, access to scarce resources, interconnection, tariff regulation and regulation of anti-competitive practices while investments are all non-divestiture foreign and domestic private and public investment. The TRE in Bangladesh is found to be wanting in all defined aspects. Interconnection is the worst of the five components, where a mobile only parallel network is being created due to regulatory ineffectiveness where almost ninety percent of mobile users do not have access to a fixed phone. Investments in to the fixed sector in Bangladesh dominated by the state owned virtual monopoly have been sorely inadequate and continue to be dictated by the funds availability [or lack thereof] of the Government. The mobile sector on the other hand has seen some amount of investments flowing in led by the widely acclaimed GrameenPhone. However, once standardized to compare across the region, it is found, even though using imperfect data to compare, that the reason for this flow could...
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...nternship Report on Real Estate Business / Companies / Industries / Marketing / Development / Housing Association of Bangladesh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Research for internship program is a very complicated job, especially for a student of MBA who is quite inexperienced in this field. A research project of this nature cannot be completed without active support from different sources. But it becomes easy to me after getting cordial help from the respectable teachers of the Marketing Department. I have been lucky in this respect to have received advice and assurance from many directions. I acknowledge the valuable feedback provided by various Real Estate Companies owner as well as consumer. The theoretical knowledge also helps me perform the project, which was taught by the experienced teachers of the department. So, I am very grateful to the teachers of the Marketing Department. A special mention of appreciation must go to my supervisor and teacher Dr. Dipongkor Roy, Professor for his sincere guidance and cordial assistance. His heartfelt help, experienced guidance and cordial inspiration will remain in my mind forever. I am also grateful to Dr. Narayon Bhowmick, Chairman, Department of Marketing, for their help. Finally, I would like to thank the students of Marketing Department for their cooperation. Sincerely, (Krantic Chandra) 1.1 INTRODUCTION Now a days, flat means own home, personal abode, as well as safe shelter. Because the residential facilities...
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...Degree Brand Stewardship. To empower the brand to its multinational clients, O&M implies local know-how with a worldwide network. This helps them to get more powerful local campaigns by fulfilling local market needs. A holistic look at communication helps O&M still reinforcing the same universal brand identity. O&M focuses on the role of 360 Degree Brand Stewards to grab customer attention, obtain promises through consistent messages that truly represent the brand's image and identity, and guiding actions, both big and small, that deliver on that brand promise. Ogilvy & Mather officially started its operations in Dhaka on the March of 2008 providing pioneer services to its clients. In these short span of time Ogilvy & Mather Bangladesh have successfully won several awards including ‘Best Original TVC’, ‘Best...
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...A SWOT analysis of the Bangladesh economy [pic][pic] Mustafa K. Mujeri OVER the last few decades, Bangladesh has been following a development path that was blazed by the fast growing Asian economies with export led growth fuelling higher living standards and falling poverty. Despite this, it is not too difficult to posit that Bangladesh today has more in common with the laggards in Asia. Slow growth, rising inequality, and a deprived countryside deny the vast majority of the Bangladeshi people the opportunity to enjoy happier, healthier, and more prosperous lives. For moving forward, Bangladesh needs to identify the opportunities and the key weaknesses that the country faces and adopt appropriate measures. There are many ways of doing this analysis. One popular method is to list the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) facing the economy and society at large. Although the SWOT analysis is more often applied to evaluate the competitive position of a company this can also be applied to a country. In particular, SWOT analysis is forward looking; it is less for the past than for the future. The exercise identifies areas that need attention or might emerge as problem areas in future. There may be success in some areas. But does that mean we should continue to do the same or shift gears and put more emphasis on other issues? The main purpose of conducting a SWOT is to get a sense of the relevant issues of taking strategic decisions-- of priorities, of...
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...“Evaluation of Entry into Ice cream Business for Unilever Bangladesh Limited” Submitted to Sharmin Shabnam Rahman Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University Submitted by Md. Robin Miah Id# 06204032 BRAC University Date: 02-09-2010 September 2, 2010 SHARMIN SHABNAM RAHMAN Lecture BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Madam, This is to inform you that I am submitting the internship project report titled “Evaluation of Entry into Ice cream Business for Unilever Bangladesh Limited” upon completion of my formal internship attachment period from May 06, 2010 to July 06, 2010 with Unilever Bangladesh Limited. I would like to thank you and show my gratitude for your support and guidance that you provided me during the preparation of this report. Without your help it would have been impossible for me to prepare this report. I would like also show my gratitude to my Company supervisor MD. Risalat Siddique, Brand Manager, UBL for his support during my internship period. I have tried to discuss all the relevant points of a feasibility study while keeping consistency with Unilever Bangladesh Limited’s information confidentiality policy. I would be glad to clarify any discrepancy that may arise or any clarification that you may require regarding my project and report. Sincerely, ________________________ MD. ROBIN MIAH ID#06204032 BRAC University ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to show my sincere gratitude...
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...Foreign direct investment And Economic Growth in Bangladesh Internship program at Brac Bank Ltd. Internship Report On “Foreign direct investment And Economic Growth in Bangladesh and Internship program at Brac Bank Ltd.” The Internship report is submitted to the Department of Finance, University of Dhaka for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of BBA program. Submitted to: Department of Finance University of Dhaka Supervised by: Mohammad Jahangir Alam Chowdhury Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Submitted by: Zarin Tasnim ID: 17-009 Section: A Department of Finance University of Dhaka Signature of the Supervisor Date of Submission: 7th May, 2015 Letter of Transmittal 7th May, 2015 Mohammad Jahangir Alam Chowdhury Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Subject: Submission of Internship Report on Foreign direct investment and Economic Growth in Bangladesh. Dear Sir, It is an absolute pleasure for me to submit the Internship Report titled “Foreign direct investment and Economic Growth in Bangladesh” as a significant part of the BBA program. While making this report, I have experienced a fair knowledge about Foreign direct investment and economy of Bangladesh and its impact on the growth of Bangladesh. I have tried my best to follow your guidelines in every aspect of preparing this report. I have collected what I believed...
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...Success of Microfinance in Bangladesh: Its Determinants, Impacts & Challenges Chapter- One Introduction 1.1 Introduction: In recent years, microcredit, in its wider dimension known as microfinance, has become a much favored intervention for poverty alleviation in the developing countries and least development countries. There is scarcely a poor country and development oriented donor agency (multilateral, bilateral and private) not involved in the promotion (in one form or other) of a microfinance program. Microfinance programs claim many achievements as its impact and an outside observer cannot but wonder at the range of diversity of the benefits claimed. Although Bangladesh has huge potential for development, it is, for various socio-economic reasons, among the poorest countries in the world. About half of the country's population lives below the poverty line with 80% in the rural areas. The burden of poverty falls disproportionately on women, who constitute half of the total population. Logically, therefore, poverty alleviation and creation of rural employment are top priorities in the development agenda of the government of Bangladesh (GOB) which has adopted a broad based approach to poverty alleviation, emphasizing macroeconomic stability, economic liberalization, and support for a number of government agencies and non-government organizations (NGOs). Substantial progress has been made in implementing the microcredit program (MCP), and the scope for its efficient...
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...countries. These organizations are not directly affiliated with any national government, but often have a significant Impact on the social, economy and political activity of the country or region involved. So, we can say that NGOs have become major players in the field of international and national development. Bangladesh has largely failed to assist the poor or reduce poverty because of limited resources and planning, while NGOs have grown dramatically, but it ostensibly fails to fill this gap. There are more and bigger NGOs here than in any other country of equivalent size. Here, NGOs have mainly functioned to service the needs of the landless, usually assisted by foreign donor funding as a counterpoint to the state's efforts. Besides all these, in the field of NGO, Financial Reporting process and application of accounting is disgraceful. NGOs in Bangladesh have increasingly become subject to question and criticism from the government, political parties, intellectuals and the public in genus for misuse of funds, gender discrimination, and nepotism. Absence of proper guidelines in preparing financial statements and reports makes it more complex. The government of Bangladesh doesn’t have any unique rules for preparing the financial reports. In this report we will discuss about the financial reporting and Accounting system of NGOs and hopefully, the analysis and discussion of reporting systems will give guidance and support to the NGOs about the generation of accounting systems and...
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...Term Paper On GLOBALIZATION AND ITS IMPACTS ON BANGLADESH [pic] Prepared for: Dr. Nurul Islam Supervisor Department of Management Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka Prepared by: Mafia Bhuiyan Class Roll No : 547 Exam Roll No : 9613176 Registration No : 1632581 Session : 2009-2010 Department of Management Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka Date of Submission: March 7, 2013 Letter of Transmittal Dr. Nurul Islam Supervisor Department of Management Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka Subject: Submission of Term Paper. Dear Sir, We have the pleasure to present the report on “Globalization and its Impacts in Bangladesh.” This report is done to find out the concept of globalization and its effects on different sectors of Bangladesh and on its peoples’ life. It is conducted by our group under your supervisory advises. We offer you thank to allow us to do such job. To prepare this report, we have tried to devote our best effort and conducted extensive literature review to find out the study relevant materials. We sincerely hope and believe that our report will secure your approval and serve its purpose. During the process of preparation due to various constrains there may be some mistakes. However, we apologize for all those and beg your kind consideration in this regard. Finally, we hope that you would be kind enough to receive this report and bless us hearty. Thank you Sincerely Yours, …………………… Mafia Bhuiyan Class Roll...
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...different forms in different parts of the world. Some may have charitable status, while others may be registered for tax exemption based on recognition of social purposes. Others may be fronts for political, religious or other interest. The number of NGOs in the Bangladesh is 2333(http://ngonewsbd.com/ngo-list-ofbangladesh/). Bangladesh is a developing country. The NGO sectors today play a very critical role in public health development. Overall contribution and development is the traditional strength of NGOF, which is one of the largest NGO networking organizations in the country. NGOF is determined to build long-term improvement of Public Health situation by reducing mortality and morbidity, and conserving sound environment. In order to implement its programmes as a process of holistic transformation of the society towards development, the Forum has emphasizing stepped forward maintaining a perfect balance among WatSan, health and environment. Combining hardware & software supports and networking efforts, NGO Forum materializes its integrated programmes directly and in association with its partners countrywide. A student takes the Project program when he or she is at the last leg of any higher degree; Project program brings a student closer to the real life situation and thereby helps to launch a career with some experience. 1.2 Origin of the report Present world is changing...
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...Identifying and Analysing Underlying Problems of Shipbuilding Industries in Bangladesh 147 IDENTIFYING AND ANALYSING UNDERLYING PROBLEMS OF SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRIES IN BANGLADESH K. Shahriar Iqbal*, N. M. Golam Zakaria and Kh. Akhter Hossain Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-100, Bangladesh *Corresponding email: iqbal.shahriar@gmail.com Abstract: Shipbuilding is considered to be a thrust sector in the economy of Bangladesh. But various problems are there to obstruct the development of this sector. This paper is aimed to identify the underlying problems and then analyze the nature of the problems to make it helpful overcoming the obstacles. A brief history and prospect of the shipbuilding industries in Bangladesh in the perspective of global scenario is also discussed. Key Words: Problem identification, shipbuilding industry, Shipyards. INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is a maritime nation with 1,66,000 sq. km area of sea, abundance with living and nonliving resources1. There are more than 200 rivers all around the country, with a total length of about 22,155 km, which occupy about 11% of total area of the country. Here rivers and water transports play a vital role for economical and commercial activities in Bangladesh. Major export and import of Bangladesh (about 85%) is also traveled by sea2. At present more than 5,000 inland/coastal ships have been plying all over the country, which carry more than...
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...of Shipbuilding Industries in Bangladesh Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME 41, No. 2, December 2010 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh 147 IDENTIFYING AND ANALYSING UNDERLYING PROBLEMS OF SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRIES IN BANGLADESH K. Shahriar Iqbal*, N. M. Golam Zakaria and Kh. Akhter Hossain Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-100, Bangladesh *Corresponding email: iqbal.shahriar@gmail.com Abstract: Shipbuilding is considered to be a thrust sector in the economy of Bangladesh. But various problems are there to obstruct the development of this sector. This paper is aimed to identify the underlying problems and then analyze the nature of the problems to make it helpful overcoming the obstacles. A brief history and prospect of the shipbuilding industries in Bangladesh in the perspective of global scenario is also discussed. Key Words: Problem identification, shipbuilding industry, Shipyards. INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is a maritime nation with 1,66,000 sq. km area of sea, abundance with living and nonliving resources1. There are more than 200 rivers all around the country, with a total length of about 22,155 km, which occupy about 11% of total area of the country. Here rivers and water transports play a vital role for economical and commercial activities in Bangladesh. Major export and import of Bangladesh (about 85%) is also traveled...
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