...Chapter 9 – Mintendo Game Girl The results for this case are obtained using the accompanying spreadsheet Mintendo Case Study. Basic Model The decision variables are contained in Cells B4:I10 in worksheet pricing. The constraints are as follows: Workforce balance (Equation 8.2): Cells M5:M10 Capacity (Equation 8.3): Cells N5:N10 Inventory balance (Equation 8.4): Cells O5:O10 Overtime limit (similar to Equation 8.5): Cells P5:P10 The detailed costs are calculated in Cells B15:I20 and the total cost is shown in Cell C22. The net profit is shown in Cell C25. Given that all demand is to be met, minimizing cost is equivalent to maximizing profit. We first consider the case where a $5 discount in any month increases demand within the month by 50% and moves 30 percent of each of the following two months of demand forward. Base Case (No promotion) Set cell C27 = 0. Run Solver (within options you may have to deselect Assume Linear Model). The solution is Sandra’s Plan (Promote in September) Set Cell C27 = 1 (promotion on) and Cell C28 = 3 (September) and Cell E29 = 5 (discount). Run Solver to obtain the following solution: Bill’s Plan (Promote in November) Set Cell C27 = 1 (promotion on) and Cell C28 = 5 (November) and Cell E29 = 5 (discount). Run Solver to obtain the following solution: With a $5 discount, Bill’s plan of promoting in November is the most profitable. $10 discount With a $10 discount, the base case of offering no discount stays the same as shown...
Words: 418 - Pages: 2
...Mintendo Game Girl SCM520 case study Meshal Alhazmi | No-promotion | Sandra | Bill | July | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100000 | August | 110,000 | 110,000 | 110000 | September | 130,000 | 324,000 | 130000 | October | 180,000 | 126,000 | 180000 | November | 250,000 | 175,000 | 465000 | December | 300,000 | 300,000 | 210000 | Demand table Case Data Summery: * Sale price = $50 * Initial workforce = 300 employee * Initial inventory = 50 000 * End inventory (planned) = N/A * Work days per month = 20 days * Regular time work hours = 8 per day * Overtime work hours ≤ 40 per month Item | Cost | Materials | $12/unit | Inventory holding cost | $2/unit/month | Marginal cost of a stockout | $10/unit/month | Hiring and training costs | $3000/worker | Layoff cost | $5000/worker | Labor hours required | .25/unit | Regular time cost | $15/hour | Over time cost | $22.50/hour | Cost of subcontracting | $18/unit | Cost Table Linear Programming Decision variables : * Wt = Workforce size for month t, * Ht = Number of employees hired at the beginning of month t, * Lt = Number of employees laid off at the beginning of month t, * Pt = Production in month t, * It = Inventory at the end of month t, * St = Number of units stocked out at the end of month t, * Ct = Number of units subcontracted for month t, * Ot = Number of overtime hours...
Words: 319 - Pages: 2
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Words: 4129 - Pages: 17