...Managing Change BUSM 1208 Overview The SingTel Group (SingTel), the incumbent former monopoly, is Asia’s leading communications group, providing a diverse range of communication services and solutions including fixed, mobile, data, internet, info-communications technology, satellite and pay TV. With 130 years of operating experience, SingTel has played an integral part in the development as a major communications hub in the region (SingTel 2011). It has operations and investments in more than 20 countries and territories globally, primary in communications companies beyond Singapore’s border. Exhibit 1 shows SingTel’s investments in various regions. Today, SingTel is listed on the Singapore Exchange, and also the Australian Stock Exchange with the acquisition of Optus in 2001 (Sainsbury 2005). Being the largest company listed on the Singapore Exchange, SingTel had a market capitalization of S$50 billion, and had a turnover of S$16.87 million and net profit after tax of S$3.91 million for the year ended March 2010 (Singapore Telecommunications Limited 2010) as shown in Exhibit 2. Despite enduring a global financial crisis, SingTel is still ranked the top mobile service provider and national telephone provider in its home base, with a market share of 44% and 86% respectively (SingTel 2010). History of Singapore’s Telecommunications Industry SingTel’s heritage could be traced back to 1879, when Singapore became one of the first cities in the East to have telephone service (SingTel...
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...Overview The newly implemented FRS 108 requires identification of operating segments on the basis of internal reports that are regularly reviewed by the entity’s chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to the segment and assess its performance. On the other hand, the old FRS 14 requires companies to identify two sets of segments which are primary and secondary segments. One is based on related products and services (Business Segmentation), and the other on geographical areas (Geographical Segmentation). In addition, according to FRS 108, companies have to disclose further information such as major customers whom contributed more than 10% of the Group’s revenue. Company Overview As such, the two companies that we have chosen to analyze the addition costs and benefits by the implementation of FRS 108 are Aztech Group Limited (Aztech) as well as Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SingTel). Aztech is incorporated in 1986 and is subsequently listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Stock Exchange. Aztech being a dynamic international group with key activities in Electronics Design & Manufacturing, Materials Supply and Marine Logistics is operating in six countries over three continents. On the other hand, SingTel which is the largest listed company on the Singapore Exchange by market capitalisation is listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) in November 1993. SingTel is a leading telecommunication company which offers a wide range of services such as mobile...
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...Strategy analysis on SingTel Telecom Introduction Singapore Telecom (Singapore Telecommunications Limited, referred to as SingTel, AFP) was established in 1879, is a wholly-owned by Singapore government-owned company, it is Singapore's largest telecommunications companies. Singapore Telecom to increase strongly in markets outside of Singapore, and a partial stake in the operator, including the Australian carriers Optus's 100% stake in 2000, the British Cable and Wireless Optus, and other shareholders of the shares. Singapore Telecom a majority stake is controlled by Temasek Holdings, the Chairman is Lee Hsien Yang (the second son of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, his younger brother). Products and Services SingTel is Asia's leading telecommunications company, with across wireless and Internet platforms for voice, data services, service-oriented business, as well as home two areas. Singapore Telecom has long been committed to providing customers with the Asia-Pacific region's most high-quality service. Now the focus is on the Internet service providers, mobile phones and fixed telephone communications services above. Company History Over the past decade, Singapore Telecom has successfully completed their high efficiency to the world's leading operator changes. The company offers a wide range, the price is quite competitive telecommunications services, and global 5000 companies from different countries to provide telecommunications...
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...INTRODUCCIÓN El Cantar del Cid o Poema de Mio Cid es el primer monumento literario español llegado hasta nosotros. Es nuestro poema nacional. Este poema fue descubierto por Eugenio Llaguno en el siglo XVIII, en un convento de Vivar. Está escrito en letra del siglo XIV, de tipo carolingia. Es un poema épico escrito, según Menéndez Pidal, hacia el año 1140, y, según otros autores más modernos, hacia 1200, es decir, bastante tiempo después de la muerte del Cid y cuando su imagen estaba ya muy mitificada. Aunque se desconoce su autor, Menéndez Pidal sostuvo la existencia de dos juglares autores: uno más próximo a los hechos, con una visión realista de los mismos, y otro que reformó el poema posteriormente añadiéndole los pocos episodios fantásticos que aparecen en él (un juglar de San Esteban de Gormaz y otro de Medinaceli). Hay varios escritos sobre el Cid, pero destaca el llamado Cantar de Mio Cid (se nota que no es un Poema sino un Cantar, ya que se toma como letra de una canción y no como texto de un poema). Así pues, El Cantar del Cid, es una canción recitada por los juglares de aquellos tiempos medievales. El manuscrito del Mio Cid, al igual que su "primo" de La Chanson de Roland, no es de gran belleza y contiene varias faltas, algunas corregidas, esto es debido a una finalidad de uso por parte de los juglares y no para más altos menesteres. Este cantar de gesta, narra los hechos finales de la vida de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, el Cid Campeador (1043-1099), caballero...
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...A copy-paste only El Cid (Epic of Spain) Introduction of the epic El Cid: The Cantar de mio Cid (El Cid) recounts the heroic deeds of the Cid, an exiled member of the lower nobility who wins back his king’s favor by battling the Islamic inhabitants of Spain. Based on the exploits of a historical personage, Rodrigo (Ruy) Diaz de Vivar, who lived from 1040-1099, this epic offers an important example of the interaction of history and literature in the Middle Ages. The Cid is best known for its interweaving of irony, heroic drama, and a rare strain of realism that incorporates multifaceted portraits of Moors, Jews, and Christians. One of the oldest Spanish documents in existence; it is also the only Spanish epic to have survived almost intact. It is contained in a fourteenth-century manuscript, which bears the date 1207, most likely referring to an earlier version of the poem that was copied in the later book. Several accounts of the Cid’s life, however, exist before this epic poem was written in manuscript form. Two Latin poems, one written before the Cid’s death, and the other just after, chronicle his life. He is mentioned in Arabic sources, and his fame endured throughout the Middle Ages, in works of varying quality. Authorship This epic, El Cid is the life story of a Castilian soldier, Rodrigo Dias de Bivar. His life is told in different media and this style of being an epic is one of the means that made the dissemination of...
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...Origen y evolución de la lengua castellana Antes del siglo III a.C. Periodo Pre Románico En el territorio español se ubicaron distintas tribus primitivas con sus respectivas lenguas. Algunas eran los íberos (de dónde proviene el nombre de península ibérica), celtas, ligures, griegos, cartaginenses, griegos, vascos, y fenicios, que llamaron a España Hispania. Solo perduró la lengua vascuence. Siglo III a.C. (Hasta siglo V) Invasión romana o período de romanización A partir de la invasión del Imperio Romano en España, se impone la cultura grecolatina, religión, organización política (todos dependían del emperador), moneda, leyes y lengua del mismo: el latín. La necesidad de comunicarse entre conquistadores y conquistados determinó que se adoptara el latín vulgar (excepto la región vasca), era la lengua del pueblo. Había un latín culto, literario, que era escrito y usado solamente por escritores. Siglo V Invasión de los bárbaros o germanos (caída del imperio) Los germanos (vikingos, grandes guerreros), empujados por el jefe de los hunos, invaden el Imperio, destruyen y abandonan caminos provocando así que cada región se aislara y perdiera contacto con Roma. No provenían del mismo lugar y no hablaban la misma lengua, por lo que no la impusieron, pero dejaron en la nuestra algunas palabras como yelmo, casco, espuela, guerra, escudo y bandera. Siglo IX a XII Nacimiento de las lenguas romances o neolatinas La cultura de los conquistadores era inferior a la de los conquistados...
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